Monday, September 20, 2010

Now The Dogs Got Murdered

Hantu Laut

I can't believe when I read this piece of news.

Instead of feeding the animals or call a dog trainer to save the dogs, why bother, just kill them.

Inilah 'Malaysia Boleh', usah pakai otak.

Even the most timid dog would become aggressive when they are hungary.All you need to do is get somebody who knows how to handle the animals, to feed them and resettle the animals elsewhere.

We have 5 dogs and we treat our dogs with respect, fed with the best foods and their medical bills is more than what my wife and I incurred in a year.

BANTING: Nine pedigree dogs, belonging to the lawyer brothers from here, were put to sleep by Kuala Langat District Council officers yesterday.

Six Rottweilers, two Dalmations and a bulldog were put down by lethal tranquilisers at the poultry farm in Sungai Gadung, believed to the scene of a quadruple murder.

The officers were seen entering the farm at 8.15am and left about two hours later with the carcasses in a pick-up lorry.

According to sources, since the murders were uncovered, the hungry dogs which were left unattended became aggressive and attacked other animals in the farm, such as goats, ducks and chickens.

The source said police had told the district council to catch the dogs but the team despatched to the area decided to put the dogs down as they were aggressive.

The carcasses were taken to the Sungai Sedu landfill in Telok Datuk, near here, to be buried.

Meanwhile, scores of local and foreign tourists on their way to a nearby longan farm and curious onlookers tried to get into the farm where the murders allegedly took place.

They were, however, turned away by policemen.

Longan farm owner Lim Soon Beng, 40, said he had lost thousands of ringgit since the entrance to his 6ha farm was sealed to give way to police investigations.

"I have been losing between RM2,000 and RM3,000 a day as my produce could not be transported out and tourists were stopped from entering the farm."

The two lawyer brothers, aged 41 and 38, from here, and five others were detained to facilitate investigations into the murders of Datuk Sosilawati Lawiya, 47, her driver Kamaruddin Shansudin, 44, banker Noorhisham Mohammad, 38, and lawyer Ahmad Kamil Abdul Karim, 32.

The four were killed and burnt and their ashes scattered in rivers.

Police have found bone fragments, a cricket bat and a knife after searching the rivers.

The bone fragments have been sent to the Chemistry Department for DNA analysis and the results are expected this week.

Sosilawati, the founder of the Nouvelles Visages beauty line, and her three aides were believed to have met one of the lawyers before they disappeared on Aug 30.

They were allegedly murdered at the farm belonging to the lawyer. The farm has, among others, a clubhouse, chalet and an office.

Two teams are carrying out the investigations, one on the quadruple murder and the other on the disappearance of three people and the murder of a housewife.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Sosilawati Murders:Blame The Police?

Hantu Laut

I am not sure whether this piece deserved a space or even a mention.Obviously, Malaysiakini and Lim Kit Siang think it is a masterpiece.

Should we expect the police force to police every square foot of land and monitor every person in this country? The writer's deep obsession for the impossible is just thoughtless mind of the herd's instinct.If someone says it is black than it must be black.Attacking and slandering the police have become an obsession for some people.

I can quote thousand of cases of serial killings in the West from Jeffrey Dahmer who killed for sexual gratification to husband and wife partner Fred and Rosemary West who killed a dozen of young girls in their "House Of Horrors" right next to their neighbours, without, let alone the police, their next door neighbours knowing their homicidal nature.

The writer's brevity with his accusations against the police is most unfair. The offending preamble to his story below:

"These murders could have been avoided if our police force had been more professional. Clearly the police took a tidak apa attitude or were ‘in it’ in all previous deaths/disappearances. The number of ‘missing persons’ reports all linked to these lawyers emerging all of a sudden out of the blue is testimony to this".

Well, sometimes, some people, get the high not just from taking drugs, you can get high even from writing, the reason, some writers get sued for libel.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Anwar Called For Restoration Of State Rights Under True Federalism

True definition of a federation:

A federation (Latin: foedus, foederis, 'covenant'), also known as afederal state, is a type of sovereign state characterized by a union of partially self-governing states or regions united by a central (federal) government. In a federation, the self-governing status of the component states is typically constitutionally entrenched and may not be altered by a unilateral decision of the central government.Read more.

KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 16 — Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim sounded out a rallying cry today to restore the spirit of federalism, which he says has been abused by the ruling elite to remain in power to the detriment of the nation’s global progress.

“There is no longer any restraint on the centralisation of power to the federal government. The understanding of federalism, the rule of law and the spirit of federalism is being set aside for the sake of keeping the elite in power,” the opposition leader said in his Malaysia Day statement today.

He noted that the spirit of federalism — the system of sharing power between member states and a central administration — was one of the mainstays when Malaysia was formed in 1963 and was once upheld in the Federal Constitution, but stressed it was being eroded daily.

The Permatang Pauh MP pointed out that power had been channelled unchecked towards the federal government over the years, leading to discrimination in the development of the states, with some states remaining backward while others enjoy the fruits of their natural resources.

“It’s no wonder we see states like Kelantan, Sarawak and Sabah denied their rights even despite being endowed with natural resources,” the economist said.

“Sweet promises are being scattered throughout Sabah and Sarawak, for example, where they are regarded as a ‘deposit’ for victory in the elections,” the PKR advisor added in a thinly-veiled reference to the ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) alliance.

Anwar’s concern over the matter was likely triggered by widespread speculation that the Najib administration will call for snap polls in the next six months.

The next general election is due only in 2013, but Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak and his political colleagues have been stepping up their interaction with the grassroots in a nationwide tour to drum up greater support for the BN, which lost its traditional two-thirds control in the Dewan Rakyat for the first time in 53 years during Election 2008.

Anwar noted the citizens of those “oppressed” states had become “indifferent and pessimistic to the desire to strengthen the federation” as a result of suffering unfair treatment over the years.

“Clearly we cannot blame them and should work harder to generate energy, thinking and aspire to eradicate discrimination.

“It would be unfortunate for the nation if its government acts to exclude and deny the rights of its own people because of differences in politics, race and culture,” said the 63-year-old whose ambitions to become the next prime minister are well known.

He vowed that his party and the opposition Pakatan Rakyat (PR) will work hard to ensure justice to all the states in the federation, in bid to swing support, especially in the two East Malaysia states, to his side.

“On this day, September 16, 2010 let us together make a commitment to continue to aspire and fight to restore the spirit of federalism… to achieve the status of a sovereign and independent nation on a level position with other nations in the world,” he said.

The Spirit Of Independence 47 Years Too Late

Declaration of independence 16th Sept 1963
by Donald Stephens (Tun Fuad Stephens)
witnessed by Tun Mustapha Harun and Tun Abdul Razak

Hantu Laut

I was only 14 years old when I had to go to the town padang to witness what I was told the making of a new nation which I haven't got a clue about. Why would we need a new nation?

As student I am still blur about the going ons, the celebration and the festive mood everybody seemed to be in.

That unforgettable day was 16th Sept 1963.

Why in the first place we have to count Malaysia come to being a nation from 31st August 1957 instead of from 16th Sept 1963? There was no Malaysia prior to 1963 so how could we have existed for 53 years?

Remember George Santayana's "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it" and I say those who twiddle history should be condemned and ridiculed.

We can learn from our mistake but it seems we had no wish to.We still celebrate 31st August as independence day when we should have completely scrapped that for 16th Sept which is the true day in history Malaysia was formed.

Would the people or the nation lose anything by rectifying mistake made by over-zealous leaders of the past who manufactured history to satisfy their whims and fancies.

I hope Prime Minister Najib would be taking the first step before the giant leap to correct the history book and not fool our younger and future generations that Malaysia is 6 years older than it actually is.

Today, for the first time in 47 years the people of Sabah and Sarawak can relate to a true independence day. The day the Union Jack came down to mark the end of colonialism and the hoisting of a new flag and the dawn of a new nation...Malaysia.

The last governor Sir William Goode bidding farewell to Harris Salleh

Lest, those federationists forget, we are a state in a federation, not a colony nor a province.Lest, they do not know the meaning of the word "federation" read the definition below:

A federation (Latin: foedus, foederis, 'covenant'), also known as a federal state, is a type of sovereign state characterized by a union of partially self-governing states or regions united by a central (federal) government. In a federation, the self-governing status of the component states is typically constitutionally entrenched and may not be altered by a unilateral decision of the central government.Read more.

Today, for the first time, is a national holiday, and a big celebration to be held at Kota Kinabalu.