Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Placebo Offers No Cure, Will Khir Toyo Walks Free ?

Hantu Laut

For a start, how in hell can he be charged for land fraud and corruption when he bought the land on willing seller, willing buyer basis. After a lengthy and thorough probe, in the words of the AG(Attorney General), is that all they can pin on him?

Is this corruption at its weakest link ?

The charge ? Maximum 2 years ???

MACC had to check every detail to make sure the case was not flimsy,” said the AG

Is he serious?

His mansion on the controversial land

I am pretty sure any good lawyer will be able to demolish the charge and get him out of his predicament.

A larger view

Will this be another pre-election carrot and another Kasitah Gadam?

Former Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi had 18 placebo's high profile cases, only 2 manifested and prosecuted and the verdict, not guilty.

Wonder, how many high-profile cases Najib has?

If the Prime Minister needs to know, placebo, which is what the AG offered him, is no cure

Sunday, December 5, 2010

The Global Thinkers Book Club

What the smart set is reading -- from definitive guides to the global economic crash to the most unexpected new maps of the human psyche. And no surprise: They're all reading each other.

1. Fault Lines, by Global Thinker No. 26 Raghuram Rajan

Rajan's look at the fissures that brought about the global financial crisis -- and which are still at work today.

Fault Lines: "There are deep fault lines in the global economy, fault lines that have developed because in an integrated economy and in an integrated world, what is best for the individual actor or institutions is not always best for the system. Responsibility for some of the more serious fault lines lies not in economics but in politics. Unfortunately, we did not know where all these fault lines ran until the crisis exposed them. We now know better, but the danger is that we will continue to ignore them."

Saturday, December 4, 2010

His Holiness The Dala Lama And Anwar Ibrahim,What Do They Have In Common?

Hantu Laut

Only prophets are 'Gifts From God'. Is Wan Azizah trying to place her husband in the same category as prophets.

He, maybe, a gift to some men and women but certainly not a gift to all Malaysians. If there is anything more he is just a political nuisance.

There are only two leaders of recent times that I can think of who are truly prisoners of conscience and prisoners of tyrannical regimes, Nelson Mandela and Aung Sun Suu Kyi.These are leaders who would rather suffer mental anguish and physical incarceration in their fights for the rights and freedom of their people.They make personal sacrifices to bring freedom and dignity to the downtrodden.

Mandela succeeded to break apartheid and gained political power for his people after serving 27 wrongful years in prison for his wronged political convictions. I believe Suu Kyi will one day also succeed to bring back democracy to free Myanmar from the evil clutches of the military junta.

Do we have tyrannical government running this country? Is Malaysia in such bad shape that we need this "Gift From God" to save us?

What is Anwar fighting for?

Anwar is fighting for himself, he is fighting for vengeance, he is fighting for power and he is fighting for personal glory.How could he be in the same league as Mandela and Suu Kyi.He flys around the world lobbying for support from foreign leaders, stays in the best hotel and eats in fine restaurants.He is in same league as the Dalai Lama, who is the world's biggest con man.

What sacrifices has His Holiness The Dalai Lama made to save him people and country.He lives in exile and lives in the lap of luxury, conned Western governments to support his so-called cause celebre but failed miserably to help his people.

His eats and sleeps with the CIA, who gave him money to finance his lifestyle and his debunked resistance movement.He has successfully gained Western sympathy for his bullshit cause and has been awarded numerous awards including the prestigious Nobel Peace Prize.I am not sold on this man purest intention.

Is Anwar a messenger of peace or a political warlord who can't wait to be prime minister?

Gift from God??? Please lah!

Friday, December 3, 2010

PKR’s Deplorable Attitude Towards Dissent and Criticisms

by Muniandy Vengaiah

I was one of those PKR members who went on the morning of 27th November to the Petaling Jaya Civic Hall to express openly our disagreement and dissatisfaction with the way the party elections has been conducted and its failure to be clean and fair. Our intention was to demonstrate peacefully and in an orderly manner without disturbing the public or anyone in particular. However, I was very disappointed and saddened to observe how nowadays PKR would respond to any display by party members of any stand or opinion which differs or is not in line with what the party wants.

I had participated before in the Reformasi street demonstrations of 1998-2002 protesting against the injustices committed by the Mahathir regime on Anwar Ibrahim and couldn’t help comparing what happened on 27th November to what I witnessed during the Reformasi demonstrations of 1998-2002. PKR, which was born from the spirit of defiance and in protest against injustice, is expected to be understanding and tolerant of peaceful demonstrations which are just open expressions of dissatisfaction and unhappiness. What more when we the demonstrators are its own party members, not from Umno or MIC or MCA or any BN party. However, it did not turn out that way. The response from the party was not far different from the way the police or FRU acted during the 1998-2002 street demonstrations.

Our banners and posters were seized from us by members of the PKR security squad, just like what the police did back in the 1998-2002 street protests. Our demonstration though peaceful and orderly was met with hostility by the party. We were subjected to verbal abuse, harassed and prevented from gathering at the public space we wanted. Members of the media who were just doing their professional duty in covering and recording our demonstration were yelled at and threatened to stop their coverage. Some of us were roughed up as soon as our intention to demonstrate at the congress venue was known.

In short, if PKR that morning of 27th November had water cannons or tear gas or the FRU at their disposal, I am convinced it would not have hesitated to use all those to disperse or suppress our peaceful demonstration. This is what PKR has come to nowadays. A party which was supposed to uphold and practice the ideals of free speech and free press clearly has forgotten those ideals. What is the cause of this loss in direction? If a fish rots from its head, I dare say PKR is now rotting because of its leadership which is drunk and obsessed with gaining the reins of government, so much so that it has forgotten the original aims of the party which was to reform and bring genuine change to the country for the sake of our children and grandchildren.

To me, PKR now is not much different from BN/Umno. The date 27th November 2010 is one which really saddens me. Malaysian Digest