Friday, June 4, 2010

The Palestinian Eternal Damnation

Hantu Laut

The saga of the deadly shooting of peace activists and humanitarian workers aboard the Gaza aid flotilla continues with new revelation from those who survived the attack and deported to their home countries.

It now appears that Israeli side of the story was a blatant lie to cover the humiliating fiasco.The shoot first talk later policy of Israeli military were the cause of their contemptible action.

Many of the activists accused the Israelis of having opened fire, shooting from the air without warning that eventually led to the melee on board the leading blockade-runner Mavi Marmara killing 10 activists and injuring scores more.

Australian photographer Kate Geraghty on board the Challenger One, one of the ships in the flotilla said she was shot with a Taser gun and had bruises,minor burns and nausea.She was told she was in a military combat zone? Many on board claimed there were still in international waters.

In spite of Geraghty telling the military that those rules should not apply to her as she is an accredited journalist on assignment she was arrested and eventually deported.One of her shocking revelation was the presence of Australian-Israeli soldiers in the attacking force.She said she couldn't believe it when she found out that three of the soldiers were Australians.Courtesy of a country that allow dual nationality.

The world is aghast with the horrifying blockade that have inhumanely reduced the whole Palestinian population as inmates, fenced in within their own country, deprived of basic life giving necessities such as building materials,food and medicine.

This is ethnic cleansing of the first order, slow and painful death from malnutrition and lack of life saving medicine.It's genocide in subtleness.

If the Western civilisation was horrified by Nazi's Germany holocaust of the Jews they have, in recent history, done absolutely nothing to stop ethnic cleansing and genocide in Bosnia,Rwanda, Cambodia and and now the Palestinians.

You can't wipe out a race of people completely but you can reduce the numbers quickly or slowly, over time.The Red Indians of America and the Aborigines of Australia learned that if you can't be wiped out completely they can reduce your numbers.

There were 682 people from 42 countries on the flotilla which included political leaders,noble laureate, peace activists and journalists who were disgusted with the apathetic Western powers. Their double standard and reluctance to use political pressure or military intervention to demand Israel to lift the blockade is clearly a grand design to keep the balance of power in the Middle East constantly in their favour. They can impose sanctions on countries like Iran and North Korea and destroyed Iraq and Afghanistan for the flimsiest of reason but protect the 'Butcher of the Middle East' like a gem.

After the 1973 Arab-Israeli War the Western powers have concluded that the Arab countries are unreliable and dangerous if too much are left in their hands.The oil embargo was a lesson learned.The oil fields would become deadly weapons for the Arabs to use against the West if there were no strong ally in the region to checkmate the Arabs.

Israel, creation of the Western powers after the Second World War and Islam's decreed enemy is the sole and most suitable candidate for the job.After the 1973 war no Arab countries have dared to take on Israel.Iraq's Sadam Hussein, the only likely threat had been eliminated.

Britain,China,France and Russia, four of the five veto-wielding UN Security Council members have only meekly condemned Israel's deadly debacle.The US, the big veto power, as usual making its irony statement to think that the rest of the world is stupid not to know the smokescreen.

No amount of activism can help the Palestinian people without involvement of the big powers.It all will come to naught.

As long as the West's double standard and apathy continue to exist the Palestinians are doomed to eternal damnation.

(I feel strongly about the Palestinian issue, have been writing about it and will be writing about it, from time to time)

Posted in Perth,Australia

Thursday, June 3, 2010

A Jew Lover Indeed!

Hantu Laut

While waiting for my flight from Brisbane to Perth at Brisbane Airport I picked up a newspaper left behind by a passenger who presumably have no more use of it for the day.

Browsing through the newspaper a seemingly disengaging article on Israel's attack on the Gaza's aid convoy caught my attention.

The Herald Sun, a publication out of Melbourne has a completely different twist to the story.What happened on the Mavi Marmara on that day I'll leave to your imagination.Andrew Bolt has what Jeffery Archer would have called 'A twist in the tale' or one may say the other side of the story.

Despite world's condemnation of the Israel's homicidal attack, the Herald Sun and Andrew Bolt see a conspiracy by the Islamist to change world's opinion of the Jewish state.

Andrew Bolt may have forgotten that world's opinion of the Jewish state have spurred some of the most anti-Islamist to change their minds after having witnessed the atrocities committed by Israel on the Palestinian people and the attack on Gaza that Israel tried to justify by Hamas puny rocket attacks against Israel.

The blockade imposed by Israel has further choked the Palestinians, depriving them of food and medicine and making the Palestinians prisoners in their own land.

The inhumane blockade has made life sustenance perilous to the Palestinians.Don't they have a right to fight for survival? The US and the rest of the Western powers see it fits that the Jewish state be protected at any cost, even at the cost of other human lives.Israel is the appointed 'Sheriff' of the Western powers in the Middle East particularly by the US.

My taking a different footpath from Andrew Bolt presaging an Islamist's conspiracy has nothing to do with religion.Obviously, Andrew Bolt has creatively turned a humanitarian issue and by his definition an act of terrorism to defend Israel's cruel and inhumane policy toward the Palestinian people and attack on the humanitarian mission which the Israelis gave two hoots about the safety of lives aboard the aid convoy.Guns speak louder than words.Israel does not believe in peaceful engagement.

Even if its is true that Israeli soldiers were set upon with metal bars and sticks when they descended the ship does it justify retaliation by deadly force? A few shots in the air would have brought back the wild and weary to their senses.

They are not hardcore terrorists but overt peace activists who truly believe in the humanitarian cause, bringing food and medicine for the enclaved Palestinians.They should have been allowed to pass through and deliver the aid under the watchful eye of Israel armed forces.

The Palestinian issue is not a religious matter as there are, though in the minority, Christian Palestinians who would have suffered the same fate as their Muslim brethren by the inhumane blockade.

Below is the article published by the Herald Sun.

Don't fall for Islamist hype about flotilla attack, says Andrew Bolt

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Down Under and Israel's Bastards

Hantu Laut

I am presently in 'Down Under' and unable to make any posting due to my busy schedule and erratic access to the Internet. Surfer's Paradise is in its low season at the moment and is pleasantly uncrowded.

Sad to hear attack on the aid convoy by Israel commandos that included Malaysians on board whose fates are still unknown.Let us pray for their safety.

This violent attack on humanitarian mission for the Palestine people is premeditated atrocious act of the Jewish state and should not be condone by the UN and the world community.

Israel's strongest ally, the US should take responsibility for this most atrocious act by a state under its protection that have acted beyond human sensibility to attack unarmed and defenceless humanitarian aid group.

These Israel's bastards should be brought to the Hague and charge for murder.

Posted in Gold Coast,Australia.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Will North/South Korea Be The Next Combat Zone?

The US is again beating the war drum.

US Secretary of State Hilary Clinton failed to impress the Chinese to censure North Korea.

North Korea is dependent on China's patronage but there are enough crazies in Pyongyang who are prepared to forego the relationship should China change her stand.

With China not giving nod to US diplomatic attempt to get her to agree to more severe punishment for North Korea, full scale war is unlikely.

The North Koreans have serious homicidal tendencies.The 1983 Yangon bombing was a clear indication of how crazy these commies are.The assassination attempt on former President Chun Doo Hwan during his official visit to Myanmar spared him but killed 4 of his ministers and scores of South Korean officials.

AFP/Getty Images

South Korean soldiers stand Monday by loudspeakers near the DMZ separating the two Koreas.The South threatened to broadcast propaganda; the North gave its troops clearance to shoot at the speakers.

Without China's blessing any attempt by the US to use military force on North Korea is just too risky.The US can't afford a flare-up with China which can and will consume the whole region if it happened.

Sanctions have proven to be non-effective in bringing belligerent to the negotiating table.The UN Security Council should stop being bullied by the US to impose sanctions at their whim and fancy.Sanctions only make the ordinary people suffer, not the leaders.

Iraq and now Iran are examples of failure of sanctions to bring rogue states to the negotiating table. Both Iran and North Korea are now even more determine to build their weapon of mass destruction.

The US State Department is contemplating re listing North Korea as a state sponsor of terrorism which would justify a prelude to war.

Big brother China is the restrainer.
War is unlikely, the conflict will be settled by small cross-border skirmishes.

Let see how many visitors and commentators I get today.If you think the average American are insular, try Malaysians initiatives to know the rest of the world.