Tuesday, February 18, 2014

When The Carpetbagger Came-A-Begging, The Church Played Politics.

Hantu Laut

House of God. Every religion has this inviolable place where worshippers of the faith visit and pray to their God every now and then, a sacred place where one communicates with the Almighty.

Anwar has done what many others would have shied away from.

Was it desperation on the use of the name Allah that brought the church to its knees to one man whom they see as a saviour, allowing him to desecrate the sacred ground to hold his political campaign?

One should not trust someone proven unworthy of trust. True to his chameleonic character his response to the Allah issue is at best lukewarm.

This man of many faces, sly and manipulative as usual, when asked by a churchgoer about his opinion on the Allah issue told the congregation that even international Muslim scholars thought it was a subject unworthy of debate.

Anyone with enough intelligence can see through that thin sheet and know that was no positive response, giving not his own but third party opinion. What surprises me is the report by Malaysian Insider here that the congregation was impressed and happy with his ambiguity and ambivalence.

He, like most UMNO politicians is still afraid of losing the Muslims support.

Churches, mosques, temples, synagogues and any other holy places are not appropriate places for politics and Anwar had shown great disrespect to the Christian community for abusing his welcome. It goes to show his greed for power has no bound. He should have just visited the church without giving any political talk. 

He has tried many times to hold his ceramas in mosques but was not allowed to do so. Sadly, there are Malaysians who think he should be allowed to soil holy places to deliver his political platitudes. Father George Harrison is one. Christians should take Father George Harrison to task for his "angkat kaki" attitude.

Many Christians have taken to social media to express their disgust and disappointment with Father George and Anwar Ibrahim for tarnishing the sanctity of the church for politics.

His greed for power knows no bound, he is now on a political flight to oust one of his most trusted lieutenants and to take over as menteri besar of Selangor. He is going to play out Khalid as he had done to many of his friends and party officials before because he couldn't handle and control Azmin Ali.I wish Khalid Ibrahim do not give in easily.

It would also be interesting to watch whether DAP and PAS would sacrifice Khalid for Anwar? They rejected Azmin Ali and reappoint ed Khalid as MB. 

A loophole in the state constitution can allow the Sultan of Selangor to nominate his own choice as MB, as what happened in Trengganu during Pak Lah's time. Khalid seems to have the sultan as his ally. It won't be smooth sailing for Anwar, a crisis is in the offing.

Should he become menteri besar of Selangor, would he dare repel the state law that prohibits Christians from using Allah and tell the Sultan of Selangor to fly kite with his fatwa?

Wake up people, if you are so desperate to kick BN/UMNO out, please do so by all means, but don't allow this man to pull a wool over your eyes and lead you down the garden path.

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