Sunday, March 22, 2009

Najib's Dream Team In Jeopardy ?

Hantu Laut

Najib may not get his dream team if highly strung Mahathir doesn't stop his endless barrage of attacks against other candidates he perceived not suitable to contest the party elections due to their shady dealings. People are now saying he is only making it as an excuse to protect his son. Although, I agree with him that the disciplinary board have bungled their chance to show their seriousness to clean up the insalubrious image of the party, his constant harping on the issue could end up being counter-productive.

Rumours on the ground say his son Mukriz is trailing behind the other two candidates, Khir Toyo and Khairy Jamaluddin and that the contest is now between these two. This must be bad news that this master of sarcasm may not like to hear. The banning of Ali has shown fissures in the rank and file.

Most Malaysians and political pundits gave Muhyiddin the edge but those inside the party are not overly optimistic. The frustration and disappointment may translates into protest votes.

Mahathir is a man who is known to detest any challenge or competition when he was in top leadership of the party. After the near fatality when he contested for the party president against Razaleigh in 1987 he eventually introduced a formula that makes it difficult for anyone to challenge his leadership. Candidates can only contest the top posts if they get the minimum prescribed nominations from the party divisions. When he had the fall-out with Abdullah he wanted the restriction removed to allow anyone to challenge Abdullah if he decides to contest again.However, his hard-nosed and endless attacks and manoeuvring had managed to unseat Abdullah.

Is Mahathir being unreasonable and demanding too much and in the process worsen the situation? Indeed, most people see it that way.Demanding the removal of Khairy is superfluously unreasonable at this juncture. Things would be different if his son is not contesting, people would consider it as his genuine and sincere effort to save the party.


Premium Business said...

Mukhriz bukan faktor penting dan begitu juga siapa Ketua Pemuda bukan sesuatu yang boleh menganjak apa apa pun kerana siapa sahaja yang menang akan hanya jadi pak turun kepada Presiden.

Bukan kerana Mukhriz maka Tun mengkritik kelembekan Jawatankuasa Disiplin tetapi kerana rasuah dan politik wang masih diberi muka, masih diberi ruang masih dimaafkan dalam UMNo yang ketika ini tercalar teruk.

Gabungan Najib-Mahyuddin-Mukhriz menang sekalipun, rasuah masih berleluasa dalam UMNO kerana saki bakinya akan berada di kelompok mereka dan menjadi virus berterusan.

Najib masih memerlukan sokongan yang berterusan dari kedua dua pihak, yang tidak dan yang mengamal rasuah. Sokongan najib secara terbuka kepada ali untuk terus kekal sebagai ketua Menteri melaka membuktikan Najib tidaklah segagah mana.

Donplaypuks® said...

DR M is of course again playing the RACE & PENDATANG cards today coz the greenhorn MUkhriz is lagging far behind Toyo & KJ. Oh, the millstone parents choose to wear around their necks for their sons!! He's suggesting the Malays are more backward than ever meaning his 22 years in power was an utter waste of time!

As for Najib, he's got even bigger problems now that the whole Altantuya affair reported in La Liberation France has been repeated verbatim in the London Times!

P to Q4. What's your move Najib? More deafening silence?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...


As you said some time ago this old man should just retire in peace but he does not want to do it! I guess it's ture "Power Corrupts & Absolue Power Absolutey Corrupts" & Mahatir has already tasted absoulte power & he will never keep quiet!
Today he's playing the Race Crad again, saying the Malays are under threat. Next week during the UMNo GA, I bet you there will be more voices of Malay Supermacy (Ketuanan Melayu)...notice the similarity to the Nazi & South African Apartheids Regimes where they "touted" their Races' Supermacy!
As long as UMNO does not change, as long as this current batch of corrupted Leaders are in charge, Malaysia is doomed! Ah, & just look how Semi Value won his 11th term as President of the MIC!
Then there's the Perkasa Pribumi gathering...I guess the Non-Pribumis should also have a gathering?!
God, when will this end? In another 513?
Is it any wonder that thousnads are leaving our beloved country in droves?
Najib keeps on talking about change but we don't see any change coming soon!

Anonymous said...

A non-malay even though he is more capable and more qualified but cannot:

Be - the prime minister of the country
Be - the deputy prime minister of the country
Be - the head of any branch of the armed forces in the country
Be - the head of department in a ministry
Be - the head of state of the states with no rulers
Be - the head prefect of a national school
Be - the IGP of the country
Be - the nominated as the best of the best in the school
Be - the secretary-general or deputy secretary-general of a ministry

What is worse is that the PM goes around telling people, repeating a crazy lie, by saying that - "We do not practice racial discrimination in our country".

Did the MCA and MIC leaders agree to this in 1957?

Did the people in Sabah and Sarawak also agree to this in 1963?

I think malays will keep on to give rubbish answer!

Anonymous said...

I think if Lee Kuan Yew is given a free reign to govern Malaysia for just a single term, Malaysia will double its GDP, poverty will be cut by 50%, corruption will spiral down and our jail will be filled with Tun, Tan Sri and Datuk.

Of course it is just a dream but what a nightmare Malaysians are now suffering!

Anonymous said...

Part 1 - The origin of pendatang:

· Malays - come from Indonesia and Yunnan.
· Chinese - come from China.
· Indians - come from India.

Part 2 - Why they come to Malaysia:

· Malays - easy life, food aplenty around those days, like fish from the river etc.
· Chinese - looking for a living.
· Indians - looking for a living and goes back.

Part 3 - Pendatang's attitude:

· Malays - the words 'relax la', 'bantuan kerajaan' and 'cukup makan' are their daily words.
· Chinese - work, work and work but also spend.
· Indians - work, earn and save but spend little.

Looking at the mindsets of various pendatang. You tell me is it possible to be one Bangsa Malaysia? Never! For oil will never mix with water.

If you tell the Chinese to close down Chinese schools, the children will not taught to be hardworking anymore, so they become lazy and can they ask for bantuan kerajaan?

No! Right? So let the Chinese have more Chinese schools to teach the principle of hardworking, integrity, trustworthy etc, thus others can get more shares.

Those days the government control the Chinese schools is because of communist. Now where got communist again? Bodoh!

Anonymous said...

Semi Value, Najis, Hisppukidin, Bodowi……….all these idiots of the corrupt Umno government - one thing is certain - majority, a very high majority of the public does not believe anything the stupid, lying and corrupt Umno government says anymore.

This Umno government has zero credibility with the people of Malaysia and one of the reasons is the public is more knowledgeable and intelligent than all those idiots in government especially those dumb shit heads in Umno.

Anonymous said...

Semi Value, Najis, Hisppukidin, Bodowi……….all these idiots of the corrupt Umno government - one thing is certain - majority, a very high majority of the public does not believe anything the stupid, lying and corrupt Umno government says anymore.

This Umno government has zero credibility with the people of Malaysia and one of the reasons is the public is more knowledgeable and intelligent than all those idiots in government especially those dumb shit heads in Umno.

Anonymous said...

Dear Mahathir, 22 years you left us nothing but:

- A generation of poor non-malays who is gangsters or selling DVDs
- AP issues
- A useless currency in the ringgit
- IC Project in Sabah
- Keris waving political party members
- MAS in deficit
- Proton in financial trouble
- Racial divide
- Tongkat generation
- World's most expensive tolls anywhere in the city

And now, after being out of politics, you suddenly talk a lot of malays this and that when you had 22 years in power and you did absolutely, jack shit.

Please old man, you want to make a change, it is too late now. All you can do is look at that man in the mirror and cry before you meet your almighty maker.

Anonymous said...

When will be the good day the Orang Asli come forward to utter their rightful word - "you all go back to your land of origin and leave us alone". Then malays, Indians and Chinese etc, can all pack and leave Malaysia for good.

Anonymous said...

Lets be realistic, if the disciplinary board really do their job, all the three contenders for for deputy president will be disqualified. Anyway politic is never mean to be clean.

But what I like to see is that UMNO people able to foresee the mean old man evil deeds and reject all his supporters in UMNO. Then Najib should put the mean old man under ISA to taste his own medicine. He is having too much good life and can afford all those brouhaha, but the ordinary people cannot. We need a stable and strong government to pull us through the difficult time.

gram.kong said...

Dear All,
I appreciate if you guys use proper names and less on expletives.We still can have a lively debate without resorting to vulgarity.

Anonymous said...

Hey !
The senile old man is barking again !

Dr M says Malays are under threat

By Asrul Hadi Abdullah Sani

KUALA LUMPUR, March 22 - Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad played the race card today, warning the Malays could lose their political power.

The former prime minister told a gathering of more than 1,000 at a rally organised by right wing Malay group Perkasa that the community...............
Blah….blah……blah……….SHIT !!!!!!!!!! Stink !!

Anonymous said...

The Orang Asli should be the Prime Minister!

Unknown said...

save UMNO???

my siu kieong will be a better than any of the UMNO goons

Anonymous said...

Why must Najib be the one in the RAHMAN theory. Why can't the "N" be NOBODY from UMNO.

Anonymous said...

By suggsting Khairy should not be in Najaib's cabinet,the Tun may be killing 2 birds with one stone, so the saying goes.
1) by having media spotlight on him, indirectly boots his son's exposure and chances for the youth's post.

2) Maybe he is trying to remind the PM to be that he was his big boss before, and maybe now trying to be the power behind the throne?

Anonymous said...

“You either wise up or you kiss your family goodbye, and you go on to eventual self-destruction. ...But don't take your kids with you.”
Tom Owens quotes

Anonymous said...

If Mahathir is the PM today, will he get to the bottom if the celebrated Mongolian Case. Up till now we know the Godfather remains uncharged but the two policemen who merely follow orders.
We know what brought the Mongolian into the picture: the submarine deal, the romance, the commission, the C4, the bodyguard, the missing immigration record, the political analyst cum speech writer, the missing Bala. etc etc
Mahathir dismissed on Anwar because someone wrote a book on why he must not be the next PM. He went all out to find fault with him including corruption and sodomy.
This UMNO is going down the drain... let it be. the spirit of the Mongolian will haunt the Godfather till he got justice.
And Mahathir... he was wellknown to have a black book on the UMNO hardcore but helpless to nab the Godfather..

Anonymous said...

You know, people each time enact comments when anything is predicted to take place in 2012, like “fairly that is if the world is subdue here.” You do understand that the Mayans suggest the world will end on Dec. 21 (or 23rd)? So in all good chance if anything is accepted to take place in 2012 there is only the slimmest feasibility that the world hand down have ended already it happens.
]harmonic convergence and 2012
[/url] - some truth about 2012

Anonymous said...

Damn I was going to buy a new Hummer in late 2012 and drive around the country for a vacation, Now I am going to have to shave my head and join the Hari.s, Muslims, Jews, Jehovah s, Mormons, Christians, and a few other wing nut groups just to cover all my bases.
]doomsday 2012
[/url] - some truth about 2012