Showing posts with label Al-Jazeera. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Al-Jazeera. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Worked To Death:Malaysia's Shame

Hantu Laut

Can we call ourselves a civilised nation. 

The Al Jazeera report is not a figment of someone's imagination.  

I was in Myanmar last month. My group of 4 hired a van with a driver and a guide and visited many places in Myanmar.

Much to our surprise, our guide speaks Bahasa Melayu as well as English. Upon enquiring where he learned to speak Malay, he told us he worked in Malaysia for almost a year but eventually had no choice but to escape back to Myanmar due to brutal treatment by his employer, who subjected him to long working hours and harsh working conditions, did not pay his wages and held his passport.

He had become victim of human trafficking and had to endure abuses from his employer, low income and non payment of wages. Adding to his woes, harassment by the police and other enforcement agencies. 

He had to escape through the jungles of Malaysia and Thailand to avoid detection as he had no passport to travel through the normal channel. His Chinese employer refused to return his passport to him.

Two days ago the Immigration Dept made a swoop on an employment agency in KL and rescued 105 women migrant workers locked in two floors above the agency office and made to work without wages and proper living quarters.

Why is our government oblivious to this horrendous and shameful act that have put this country to shame?