Showing posts with label Anifah Aman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Anifah Aman. Show all posts

Monday, August 9, 2010

A True Sabahan, The One Who Should Resign Is ...?

Hantu Laut

I am against massive street protests but would be quite happy with small gathering done in a civilised manner.

I hope and I do believe Anifah will put through his promise if the crackdown on small peaceful gathering continues.That's what all ministers should do, which is a rarity in Malaysia.
Most would shamelessly hang on to their jobs.

Sense of shame is not a common factor among our politicians particularly those in power.

I am not a supporter of the oppositions but would like to know.

The question for Anifah is to ask his comrade-in-arm the Minister of Home Affairs whether Suara Keadilan and the Rocket had become national threats for publishing unfavourable story about Felda?
Was there a law that says Felda has immunity and against the law to criticise?

Has he ever heard of a twofold blow or to be exact, a double whammy, which, by the way is against the law, you can't charge a person twice for the same crime.

Cowing, intimidation and unlawful force are crimes in any dictionary.The minister concerned should learn by heart Article 5 of the Federal Constitution regarding fundamental liberties.
He appears to have little regard for the Constitution

Felda has taken a libel suit against the publication and several Pakatan leaders on the issue. Is there a need to refuse giving the permit to them?

Every time the government do something like this they lose thousands of votes.

Maybe, the one who should resign is the Minister of Home Affairs not Foreign Affairs.

Full story here.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Anifah/Clinton Joint Press Conference:Better Than Good

Hantu Laut

Watch the video.A joint press conference between US Secretary of State Hilary Clinton and Malaysian Foreign Minister Anifah Aman.Can you see any semblance of severe case of delusion as preferred by this envious and sycophantic DJ blogger here.

He speaks well and better than some of our previous ministers and didn't have the kampong accent of Anwar Ibrahim.

Setting the record straight is not an attack.Only those carrying Anwar's ball would intentionally misconstrue what he says.

Don't have to be prolix to send the message across.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Second DPM in PKR's Sabah manifesto

Hantu Laut

Whether Anwar Ibrahim offered Anifah Aman the DPM post or not only both of them would know.

The promise of a DPM post is definitely in PKR's Sabah manifesto as widely reported before the 8 March 2008 General Elections in major newspapers in Sabah.Since Pakatan failed to take over power the DPM post must have been left open for the frog that can bring the most frogs over to Pakatan..

Daily Express
Published on: Thursday, February 28, 2008

Kota Kinabalu: Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) Sabah, launched another manifesto here themed "A New Hope for Sabah and Malaysia" promising a second Deputy Prime Minister if it rules the land below the wind.

"As partners to the formation of Malaysia, the Borneo states deserve to have a Deputy Prime Minister for without the Borneo states, there would have been no Malaysia.

"Thus, under the PKR government there will be a second Deputy Prime Minister for East Malaysia," the PKR said in its 14-point manifesto launched Wednesday by State PKR Vice President Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan. State PKR head Ansari Abdullah was also present.

Other points in the manifesto included termination of any petroleum agreement with national oil company, Petronas, and replacing it with a petroleum sharing agreement apart from a review of the Petronas Act to give a fair revenue to Sabah.

PKR would also ensure that state immigration be placed under "state matter," where the movement of people in and out of Sabah would come under the purview of the state government and "the director of immigration would be a Sabahan".

The party said if it rules Sabah, Federal Territory Labuan will come under the jurisdiction of Sabah without changing the status of the island as an Offshore Financial Centre.

PKR also promised to introduce a comprehensive economic and development plan for Sabah called the Development Agenda for Sabah.

For the March 8 election, the opposition is putting up 55 candidates for the 59 states seats.

It promised to resolve the illegal immigrant problem in Sabah, restore relevant State rights, see to land reforms as well as set up a comprehensive economic and development plan for the State.

The manifesto also focussed on increasing the State's per capita income from RM10,000 to RM15,000, promoting transparency in the government as well as ensuring more women participate in decision-making processes.

PKR also wants to replace the Federal Development Department in Sabah (JPPS), which it describes as a waste of public funds, with a State Development Department (JPN) to ensure development funds go straight to the State Government.

On land reforms, PKR promised to restore the role of the village chiefs (Ketua Kampung) and Ketua Anak Negeri in land applications besides setting up a Land Reform Committee to review existing land laws.

An agency known as the Sabah Native Land Development Authority (SNLDA) will also be established by a PKR government for native land and interest.

The party also vowed to democratise the appointments of Village Development and Security Committees (JKKKs) as well as village chiefs (Ketua Kampung) and ensure these JKKKs are actively involved in the development of the respective villages. As such all projects costing RM25,000 and below will be implemented directly by these JKKKs.

PKR Vice-President Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan said the manifesto is a supplement to the national PKR manifesto entitled "A New Dawn for Malaysia", which was launched recently by party adviser Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

"I am confident the people would accept the manifesto as they have had enough of Barisan Nasional's empty promises since it come to power", he said after the launching at his residence at Bukit Padang, near here.

He claimed the BN's just unveiled manifesto themed "Security, Peace and Prosperity" was just another of its sweet promises".

"We must remember that when BN launched 'Sabah Baru' in the previous election, it promised to reduce poverty to zero, housing for all, etcÉ but today we bear witness that all their promises have not been fulfilled and for that the current government must be change," he said.

Jeffrey went on to say that the real power in BN Sabah was Umno and that the 10 component parties have little say in the State Government.

He urged the people of Sabah, especially the young voters not to be misled by the BN's promises and instead vote PKR for change.

"Sabahans have a history of making brave changes when needed and together we can do it again," he said.

Kota Kinabalu: Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) Sabah, launched another manifesto here themed "A New Hope for Sabah and Malaysia" promising a second Deputy Prime Minister if it rules the land below the wind.

"As partners to the formation of Malaysia, the Borneo states deserve to have a Deputy Prime Minister for without the Borneo states, there would have been no Malaysia.

"Thus, under the PKR government there will be a second Deputy Prime Minister for East Malaysia," the PKR said in its 14-point manifesto launched Wednesday by State PKR Vice President Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan. State PKR head Ansari Abdullah was also present.

Other points in the manifesto included termination of any petroleum agreement with national oil company, Petronas, and replacing it with a petroleum sharing agreement apart from a review of the Petronas Act to give a fair revenue to Sabah.

PKR would also ensure that state immigration be placed under "state matter," where the movement of people in and out of Sabah would come under the purview of the state government and "the director of immigration would be a Sabahan".

The party said if it rules Sabah, Federal Territory Labuan will come under the jurisdiction of Sabah without changing the status of the island as an Offshore Financial Centre.

PKR also promised to introduce a comprehensive economic and development plan for Sabah called the Development Agenda for Sabah.

For the March 8 election, the opposition is putting up 55 candidates for the 59 states seats.

It promised to resolve the illegal immigrant problem in Sabah, restore relevant State rights, see to land reforms as well as set up a comprehensive economic and development plan for the State.

The manifesto also focussed on increasing the State's per capita income from RM10,000 to RM15,000, promoting transparency in the government as well as ensuring more women participate in decision-making processes.

PKR also wants to replace the Federal Development Department in Sabah (JPPS), which it describes as a waste of public funds, with a State Development Department (JPN) to ensure development funds go straight to the State Government.

On land reforms, PKR promised to restore the role of the village chiefs (Ketua Kampung) and Ketua Anak Negeri in land applications besides setting up a Land Reform Committee to review existing land laws.

An agency known as the Sabah Native Land Development Authority (SNLDA) will also be established by a PKR government for native land and interest.

The party also vowed to democratise the appointments of Village Development and Security Committees (JKKKs) as well as village chiefs (Ketua Kampung) and ensure these JKKKs are actively involved in the development of the respective villages. As such all projects costing RM25,000 and below will be implemented directly by these JKKKs.

PKR Vice-President Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan said the manifesto is a supplement to the national PKR manifesto entitled "A New Dawn for Malaysia", which was launched recently by party adviser Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

"I am confident the people would accept the manifesto as they have had enough of Barisan Nasional's empty promises since it come to power", he said after the launching at his residence at Bukit Padang, near here.

He claimed the BN's just unveiled manifesto themed "Security, Peace and Prosperity" was just another of its sweet promises".

"We must remember that when BN launched 'Sabah Baru' in the previous election, it promised to reduce poverty to zero, housing for all, etcÉ but today we bear witness that all their promises have not been fulfilled and for that the current government must be change," he said.

Jeffrey went on to say that the real power in BN Sabah was Umno and that the 10 component parties have little say in the State Government.

He urged the people of Sabah, especially the young voters not to be misled by the BN's promises and instead vote PKR for change.

"Sabahans have a history of making brave changes when needed and together we can do it again," he said.

Who Is The Liar ?

Hantu Laut

Can you trust politicians to tell the truth? If your answer is in the affirmative than you could well qualify to be a politician. Lying and deception are some of the essential ingredients if you want to be a successful politician. Only truthful politician turned out to becoming great statesman.True statesmen are rare and hard to come by these days.Nowadays, most politicians come from bottom of the barrel.

One of the biggest lairs of the modern world was former US President George Bush.He managed to keep himself in office by diverting attention and created a common enemy for the American people, the so-called war on terror, basically war against Muslim countries that don't subscribe to his policy.Destroyed two Muslims nations under the pretext of seeking out weapons of mass destruction and one man, Osama Bin Laden.None was found but hundred of thousands of Iraqis and Afghans killed by his weapons of mass destruction.

Foreign Minister Anifah Aman when posed a question by a reporter about Anwar Ibrahim politically motivated charges (self-interpreted) responded by saying he has utmost faith in our judicial system.He said the court is free and independent as can be seen in the case of the High Court decision to declare Nizar as the legitimate Menteri Besar of Perak.

To counter Anwar's persistent campaign to cast bad light on the government internationally, Anifah revealed that Anwar is not exactly what he portrays himself to be, an honest man and victim of trumped-up charges by those in power.Anwar is not as straight as a die as many seem to think. His offer to Anifah the DPM post if Pakatan took over the government is an open secret and was reported as far back as May 2008 in an article in Malaysian Insider. Why didn't Anwar refuted what was reported then?

Anwar had proven that he is capable of telling the untruths.His numerous declarations of taking over the federal government by saying he has sufficient number of BN lawmakers crossing over to his side never materialised.He gave his big day, the day BN would be decimated and Anwar Ibrahim become 'Lord Of The Rings', was on 16 Sept 2008.

The whole nation waited in suspense for his glorious day of reckoning and what happened? Nothing ! There were no fireworks and not a single
BN's MP ditched the party and crossed over to his side. To fool the Malaysian public further he even taunted former PM Abdullah Badawi to step down and threatened to march to Puterajaya to demand Abdullah's resignation.He said the opposition alliance is now seeking a meeting with Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi to stake claim to the government and to give him the opportunity to exit gracefully. "We want the transition to be peaceful" he said.

The proofs are there what this man is capable of in his quest for power.

Some, like this blogger here, here and here, reeks of bias and envy, thinks Anifah was wrong to expose what Anwar is.

As sure as the sunrise, not that he has a good cause and a strong case, Anwar was quick to employ his demagogic style and threatened to sue
Anifah.He knows the court case would drag on for years before it sees the light of day and in the meantime his supporters would be awed by his righteousness.That's what demagogue are made of, to rouse people's emotions and Anwar is a skillful master of this kind of political stratagem.

The blogger concerned must have forgotten about the rules of fair play. The privilege is not only Anwar who can run down the government overseas, likewise, the government has every right to defend itself against false accusations and Anifah as Foreign Minister and spokesman for the government has every right to set the record straight.

I take the last paragraph of the blogger's sycophantic defense of Anwar Ibrahim below:

"One hopes our Ambassador to the US (Jamaluddin Jarjis?) won’t be as uncharismatic and parochial as our Foreign Minister so that we can actually improve relations with our most important trading partner, and not burn more bridges. If it’s Jamaluddin Jarjis I daresay we’re in for more comic relief".

Below is Anwar's response:

Expressing shock over Anifah’s allegations, Anwar chided the minister for faring poorly in his international debut as foreign minister, which he said reflected his inexperience and immaturity.

“I have spoken to Anifah only once on the phone and that’s it…,” said Anwar after a meet-the-people session in his Permatang Pauh parliamentary constituency.

I never offered the DPM post to him for him to defect. The issue indeed was never raised. He was never qualified for such a position anyway. Perhaps it was his dream to become deputy prime minister.”

He suggested that the minister was perhaps overawed and overwhelmed by the occasion. “After all, being a new minister before an international audience for the first time, he was probably prompted to impress his new political master,” chided Anwar, confirming that he would soon be filing a civil suit against Anifah for defamation.

“As the matter would be in court, I prefer not to comment further on the issue,” he said, adding that Anifah was seeking to tarnish his image abroad.

So, he did speaks to Anifah over the phone. Weren't you fishing for BN's MPs then? Why call if you have nothing to offer?

Who is the liar?

A second deputy prime minister among many other promises were definitely in PKR's manifesto.In spite of all the spicy promises PKR failed to capture any seat in Sabah.Read the article here.

Here is another conspiracy that holds no water involving Muhyiddin Yassin.Offers were also purportedly made to Lim Kit Siang and Yong Teck Lee.

If you are dumb-headed or of one-track mind, don't bother to read, because no matter what factual evidence provided here it is not going to make any difference to you.

Monday, May 12, 2008

The Politics Of Federalism

Hantu Laut

Sabahans have always had an ambivalent relationship with the central government. This love and hate relationship goes as far back as the time of the USNO (United Sabah National Organisation) government under Tun Dato Mustapha Harun, a flamboyant, unmanagable and most feared Chief Minister Sabah ever had. The only leader of a state who had 2 stated-owned private jets (Grumman 2) and purchased another 2 customised Boeing 707 for his private use.At that time even the Prime Minister have to take commercial flights.

Mustapha, a tin-pot dictator was given wide-ranging power by the then Federal government under first Prime Minister Tengku Abdul Rahman. His wide ranging power included the power to arrest political opponents and throw them in prison without trail.

Desirous of perpetuating Malay power in Sabah, the Federal government allowed Mustapha to do as he pleases and was assigned a special aide dispatched from Kuala Lumpur to be his special adviser. A lawyer by profession, Syed Kechik eventually became the most powerful man in Sabah, as powerful as the Chief Minister if not more.

He was also the most hated and was practically running the state on behalf of Mustapha, who spent most of his time in the play grounds of Europe and the Middle East.Mustapha spent most of his time in casinos in Beirut and London.

Mustapha not only collected private planes but also collected overseas properties, wives and mistresses at the expense of state resources. He was also responsible for opening the back door and allowed illegal immigrants to come in from southern Philippines to increase the Muslim population in the state and was notoriously responsible for mass conversion to Islam of some indigenous tribes in the state.

When Tun Razak took over as Prime Minister, Mustapha had become too powerful, completely out of control and was planning to take Sabah out of Malaysia and install himself as sultan. The authenticity and the truth of this story had not been established till today.

His refusal to sign the Petroleum Act agreement giving the Federal government and Petronas full power over oil resources and giving the state only 5 % in oil revenue angered the central government.Despite repeated attempts by the Federal government to get him to agree, Mustapha refused to negotiate any further. Razak was on the horns of a dilemma on how to deal with him.The Federal have to find an excuse to get Mustapha out of the way. The only way is to topple him democratically using his own men.

In 1975 the Federal urged Harris Salleh to leave USNO and form a new political party. Harris formed Berjaya with full blessing of the Federal government.Harris was later joined by Tun Fuad Stephen who resigned his head of state position and along with other Mustapha's trusted men ditched USNO for Berjaya. The machinery to topple Mustapha was launched and massive defections from USNO and other political parties to Berjaya followed.Election was held the following year and Mustapha was ousted.

The Federal backed Berjaya won the elections and formed the state government with Tun Fuad Stephen as Chief Minister. Unfortunately, Stephen, his son and some of his ministers died in a mysterious plane crash soon after his appointment. A tragic loss of Sabah's most colorful, amiable and down to earth leader. Harris took over the helm.

His first task as Chief Minister was to salvage the extensive damage to the state economy under Mustapha. He embarked on massive public expenditure to rebuild the shattered economy and made Sabah one of the most prosperous states at that time.His relationship with the Federal was excellent and helped in bringing more federal expenditure to the state. After a massive landslide victory for the second term of office and more than cordial relationship with the Federal, Harris got an illusion of invincibility and made some very unpopular decisions.

In spite of his success as a leader of a multi-racial party and outstanding performance as Chief Minister, there is a dark side to Harris Salleh, only known to those close to him.He can be very temperamental, aggressive and profoundly unreasonable.

The sacking of Joseph Pairin Kitingan, abrogation of Tambunan as a district, the giving away of Labuan to the Federal without any compensation to the state and erosion of state rights embodied under the 20 points was the straw that broke the camel back and one that brought him nemesis at the state elections in 1985.The election was won by PBS (Parti Bersatu Sabah) led by the estranged Joseph Pairin. USNO led by Mustapha took significant number of seats and was later accepted into the BN.He later brought UMNO into Sabah and almost all members of USNO automatically became members of UMNO.

Having obtained a simple majority PBS reneged on its promise of a coalition with USNO and formed the government on it own but not before overcoming the cloak and dagger antics of Berjaya and USNO and attempted coup.

The thumping defeat of Berjaya must have shocked Prime Minister Mahathir Mohammad who had promised Harris to sink or swim with him.Sink or swim ? Harris soon realised there was no such thing in federal politics, there is no love and affection only desertion if you failed.

The defeat at the polls did not stop them from staging an Istana coup to swear in Mustapha as Chief Minister in spite of the fact USNO and Berjaya didn't have simple majority to form the government.They almost got away with it if not for the interference of Deputy Prime Minister Musa Hitam who still have respect for the democratic process and avoided an incident that could have given Malaysia a bad name internationally.Prime Minister Mahathir was away overseas and Musa was acting on his behalf.

Sabah had two chief ministers for a while until the case went to court and Mustapha lost. The incident also brought violent street demonstration in Kota Kinabalu organised by leaders of Berjaya and USNO and purportedly supported by a few federal leaders.

Sabahans have always felt marginalised and remained at the lowest rung in term of economic development.

When it was in the opposition under the PBS government it received very little developmental expenditure from the Federal government.All development funds from the Federal were channelled through JPPS (Jabatan Pembangunan Persekutuan Sabah), which was specifically formed to avoid channelling funds through the state government. Trengganu got the same treatment when PAS took over the state in 1999.The double standard and undemocratic actions of the federal government is unbelievable in a country that practises democracy and a Westminster-styled parliamentary system. It is a brand of politics called Mahatirism.

In Sabah the federal development expenditure which used to go through the state before the PBS era is still being channelled through JPPS.Many Sabah members of parliament had complained about the way these funds have been administered and that many big federal projects were given to companies from the Peninsula with Sabah contractors only getting the crumbs, if they are lucky to get any. Most federal departments also deployed their senior officers from the Peninsula to the ire of Sabahans who felt they are as much qualified if not better. To make matters worse some officers were abhorrent and treat Sabah more like a colony rather
than as an integral part of Malaysia.

Sarawak didn't have this problem as most things agreed upon when it joined Malaysia are still intact and under state control.

In the 1994 Elections, PBS won the election with a simple majority of 25 seats against BN (Barisan Nasional) 23 seats. Joseph Pairin had to wait 36 hours outside the istana (palace) gate before he was sworn in as the Chief Minister.The PBS government only lasted two weeks before it was ousted by undemocratic menouvering of the BN. Majority of its assemblymen defected to BN parties with some of its leaders forming new Kadazan-based parties.Pairin resigned as Chief Minister on 17 March 1994 and handed over the government to the BN who won the government through manipulations and undemocratic menouvering. The then Prime Minister Mahathir Mohammad introduced the rotational system of chief minister among the major races in the state, which many Sabahans deemed as unconstitutional and an attempt to divide and rule.

Now, without two-thirds majority the BN government can hang in the balance if there were defections to PR ( Pakatan Rakyat) of dissatisfied BN members of parliament.The irony is the BN or particularly UMNO is contemplating passing an anti-hop law when it had in the past abolished a legislation by a 1992 High Court ruling on anti-hop in the 'Sabah State Constitution' that was passed by the PBS government on the excuse that it was ultra vires the 'Federal Constitution' and are,therefore, illegal and that it contravened the freedom of association enshrined in the Constitution.

What about freedom of speech, isn't it part and parcel? If the Federal Constitution allows freedom of association than it must also allow freedom of speech in totality, without any restriction,hindrance and persecution.

In March 1999 State Elections PBS still managed to get 17 seats against the might of the BN and got 213,432 total votes against the combined BN total votes of 240,110.It showed that the PBS had maintained its popularity.

On 22 April 2000, six PBS Assemblymen led by Jeffery Kitingan(brother of Pairin) defected to PBRS, a BN component party.In January 2002 PBS was re-admitted into the BN.In April 2002 five PBS Assemblymen who defected to PBRS returned to PBS.

The KDM politics has for a long time strive more on self interest rather than interests of the community.There are three predominantly KDM-based parties for a community of less than 500,000 people. It definitely does not believe in "united we stand, divided we fall".

A Kadazan friend once opined to me and said "the biggest enemy of the Kadazan community is Jeffery Kitingan, all he does is bring infamy and disgrace to the community for his selfish act, and the sad thing is many of our people think he is fighting for them tooth and nail"

In 2004 General Elections the BN won the biggest landslide victory under the new leadership of Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and delivered a crushing blow to the oppositions. It was Abdullah glorious moment and the beginning of his soured relationship with his predecessor, former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohammad.

The bitter falling out of these two men would eventually weaken UMNO and the BN, partly due to Abdullah own faults and boosted by Mahathir incessant "remove Abdullah" campaign which has effectively divided UMNO into two camps.

The consequence of Abdullah's failure to keep his promise of reforms and Mahathir's unrelenting attacks on him are shown in the results of the 8 March 2008 Elections.

In the March 2008 Elections, Sabah and Sarawak outstanding performance were nothing less than admirable especially Sabah, which held both its parliamentary and state elections simultaneously, while Sarawak only had its parliamentary.Unlike Sabah, Sarawak stills control its state election and does not need Puterajaya's consent.

The was huge outcry of unfair treatment from politicians and ordinary Sabahans soon after Prime Minister Abdullah announced his cabinet line up. It didn't reflect the contributions of Sabah and Sarawak and gratitude for saving the BN from biting the dust.Without Sabah and Sarawak delivering almost all of the parliament seats, UMNO would, today, be seating on the opposition bench. MCA, MIC and Gerakan with whatever seats they have won would have abandoned the BN if they can't form the government.

The first to express dissatisfaction over the unfair treatment was the MP for Kimanis Anifah Aman (brother of Musa Aman) who turned down the offer of deputy minister and subsequently followed by the MP for Merotai Ghaffur Salleh who had accepted a deputy minister post but resigned two weeks later.

Ghaffur Salleh was initially dropped by Chief Minister Musa Aman but was later included in the list of candidates upon his appeal to Abdullah.It must have made Abdullah see red for someone he had helped to embarrass him in such a way.

At a recent Parliament sitting Kimanis MP Anifah Aman spoke his mind after being taunted by Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi whether Sabah backbenchers were tempted to crossover to the oppositions.

This is another example of stupid politician asking stupid question and forgot if not for Sabah and Sarawak he wouldn't be in the cabinet and so are the rest of his colleages.There seems to be plenty of them in the Federal cabinet who think they are smarter but came out sounding pathetically stupid.

Anifah response was most appropriate and the most serious note so far coming from a Sabah politician.He said if there were no more room in the big bungalow what's is wrong to move to a smaller house.If you are ignored, marginalised and treated like a stepchild what's the point of staying.You can read "Anifah speaks his mind" here.

What Anifah brought up in Parliament has reverberated throughout the state with many politicians and the people of Sabah starting to speak up. Former Chief Ministers Harris Salleh and Yong Tat Lee have thrown their supports behind Anifah and described his speech as worthy of praise and support.

Harris said he hopes the Federal will take heed and seriously implement some of the ideas presented by Anifah for the two East Malaysian states.

The voters in Peninsula Malaysia had shown their displeasure at the arrogance and antics of those in power and there is strong possibility that Sabah and Sarawak would be tempted to change even before the next general election if nothing palatable coming out from the Federal government.

Sabah has lost its decision-making autonomy since UMNO assumed power in the state.It has lost the power to administer the state independently. The basic functions of government embodied in the State constitution are no longer the authority of the Chief Minister and the cabinet. Unlike Sarawak, it has lost its independence to dissolve its Assembly and call for elections.

The BN is safe at the moment but the picture might change once Anwar Ibrahim is elected to Parliament.

The kataks (frogs) waiting at the front gate at the moment may decide to change ponds when Anwar enters Parliament.