It looks like PAS religiously believe most Malaysians are fools.I wouldn't deny that now, greater than before, more Malaysians are easily swayed by whatever dished out by the oppositions and taken without a pinch of salt.
The Unspinners (who is on my blogroll) has something interesting here.
The pictures below tell a story.
Ada kah manusia ini kebal atau dipukul oleh tangan sendiri?
The video below also tell a story.
Before the Chinese and Indians were branded as kaffir, and UMNO as kaffir too for associating with the Chinese and Indians, now they are part of the ummah and well-versed with verses from the Koran.Now, non-Muslims can deliver the khutbah (sermons) to Muslims.
Give me the idiosyncracies of politics, incantations of the pious and the proponents of Islamic piety in PAS. Am I a political idiot if I am confused.