Showing posts with label Boeing 777. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Boeing 777. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Why They Can't Find MH370 and AirAsia QZ8501!

Hantu Laut

A lot have been said of this small wonder of technological achievement that supposedly can survey the seabed and look for wreckage of ships and aircraft on the seabed to a depth of 4500 metres.MH370 disappeared on 8 March 2014, with all the boasted technology the West possessed, no wreckage or shred of evidence of the plane's whereabout so far.

The Bluefin Robotics was deployed to search for MH370 in the depth of the southern Indian Ocean, weeks passed by, but no sign of the plane's watery grave, either this piece of technology is a tank full of shitty hot air, or the search was done in the wrong place.

Another serious blow to many of these highly acclaimed but untested aviation technologies are those gadgetry wonders installed on planes that supposedly help to locate any aircraft that crashed at sea in quick time by them transmitting pings and giving the exact location.

One particular pretty useless gadget fitted on most commercial aircraft is the ULB ( Underwater Locator Beacon), which pinger supposed to send ultrasonic pulse giving its position to SAR vessels. The problem with this gadget is, it has very short transmitting range, depending on the type installed, it is detectable from the surface from a measly 1 to 2 kilometres in poor weather conditions to about 17-22 kilometres in very good conditions.

Now you know why they still can't find the wreckage of Air Asia Flight 8501. It was not just bad weather the cause, the aviation industry is caught in a time warp, they have failed to take advantage of new technology available to constantly monitor planes in flight. Not only it is available, it is also very cheap to put in place.

It is people like Boeing and Airbus, the two major manufacturers of commercial airliners that should take the rap for the tedious task of finding a lost aircraft quickly. I suppose it's a matter of both economics and negligence, not very often a plane fall out of the sky or disappeared into thin air, so there was no pressure to change the antiquated technology.

The disappearance of MH370 and the crash of Air Asia QZ8501 may be the biggest game changer for the aviation industry.

I have both free and paid version of Flightadar24. They are not always accurate, but this is were the technology starts and can be perfected for the airline industry to keep their planes under constant watch.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Flight MH370: Malaysia's Conundrum Of Inconsistencies

Hantu Laut

Suddenly, Malaysia is full of clever people, yet they make one blunder after another, the latest being the military revelation that they tracked the plane over our airspace  to the Malacca Strait as far as Pulau Perak before it disappeared from radar at 2.40 a.m, and for reason only known to themselves, they only disclosed this information four days later, after four days of wild and frantic search for the plane in the wilderness of the South China Sea.

I am now beginning to doubt whether this information is reliable after getting so many misleading information from people who are called experts in their field.

If Flight MH 370 actually flew in that direction with its transponder switched off or broken, which means the plane is unidentified and flying incognito in Malaysian airspace, why did not the military scramble its fighter jet to investigate this flying object. The civil aviation radar tells a different story, claimed it last contact was at 1.30 a.m.

Now we have another expert in fuck I don't what, who also want to be in the limelight, dishing out balderdash nobody really want to know at this moment. Who is really interested to know that those poor souls can survive two months at sea when you can't even locate the bloody plane?

I know of the meaning of geopolitical, geostationary and geostrategic. Can someone tell me what does a geostrategist do?

Malaysia is now becoming the biggest joke to the world and in a "State of Inconsistencies"

1.DCA"s DG announced 5 people checked-in, but didn't board the plane and their luggage were off loaded, MAS was silent, much later the IGP says no such thing, all passengers boarded the aircraft, MAS in the affirmative. Why?

2.The case of wrong colour bar, Asian, Black or Caucasian.Different version by different people, Zaid Hamidi, Hishamuddin Onn and the DG of DCA. Why?

3.More serious and a logistic nightmare, two completely different stories by the military and civil aviation. One radar made in Bangladesh (pun intended) and the other one made in China (pun intended) which can't agree with each other and the military taking four days to reveal such vital information because of complete system failure. Why?

If you don't know, say you don't know, or just fuck the shut up!

Don't you think we are now a laughing stock to the world?