Showing posts with label MH370. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MH370. Show all posts

Friday, April 4, 2014

English Idioms: Malaysians Banana Skin

Hantu Laut

Hair-splitting, nitpicking and quibbling over nothing has become a remarkable feature of Malaysian society, some worthy of scorn.

The guy who tweeted "the disappearance of Flight MH370 was a blessing in disguise" did so because he noticed one or two things.............. either the incident has brought Malaysians close together, or a revelation of the division between patriotic and unpatriotic Malaysians.

There is nothing wrong in saying "blessing in disguise" if one means something positive came out of it. 

Journalist Ismail Amsyer, who tweeted his thought on the positive outcome of the tragic disappearance of Flight MH370 and agreed empathically by Minister Hishammuddin Hussein in his tweeted response should not have apologised, should have explained and stood by their tweets.

Here, a British tabloid, which has from day one maligned Malaysia on the tragedy, is stirring shit on the journalist and the minister. Shit sells shitty media, I suppose.

Most Malaysians do not understand the versatility of the English language, its idioms, or its "banana skin".The sensitivity arose because most of the younger generation Malaysians are products of an education system not based on English and not intensely schooled in the language. So, don't use it if you don't understand its actual meaning.

Idiom is a phrase where the words put together have meaning that is different from the dictionary definitions of the individual words, which can make idioms hard for the uninitiated person to understand. Even if you know the meaning of every word in the sentence, you may not understand the idiom because you don't understand the culture behind it.

Idioms are often metaphorical and make the language more colourful.

"My father's death was a blessing in disguise, it has brought the family closer together." Does it literally mean I am happy that my father is dead? 

For the less discerning it may be so and carry a negative connotation. It should not be, the imperative was on the positive outcome.

The lost of Flight MH370 has cast shocking revelation of unpatriotic behaviour among Malaysians living a false-hearted life of perfidious loyalty. People with highly suspect allegiance.

This is the type of Malaysian I am talking about helping foreign media to lambaste leaders of the country.

As I have said before, we can always criticise our government's shortcomings, but when it comes to external aggression, we should rally behind our government no matter how much dislike we harbour against them.

Without any qualm whatsoever, these ingrates furiously condemned their own country for an incident completely beyond the control of the country's leaders. 

It is not often that a plane disappear into thin air without a trace. The incident has baffled the whole world. The mystic and the intellect are still out there looking for answers, which they may never found.

The Malaysian government is saddled with the greatest aviation mystery unprecedented in the history of civil aviation.Even the best of technology from the most powerful nation in the world has not been able to find the plane, or its debris. Looking for "needle in a haystack" seems must easier.

As "time is of the essence" Prime Minister Najib did not allow "the grass to grow under his feet" and after getting confirmation from Inmarsat satellite pings of the flight path of the plane, he announced that Flight MH370 has ended in the Southern Indian Ocean.

One should never "put one's foot in one's mouth"

The disappearance of Flight MH370 did expose the ugly side of Malaysians. 

Thursday, March 20, 2014


Hantu Laut

The foreign media is doing Malaysia a lot of harm with its unreasonable and unfair criticism of the government for the disappearance of Flight MH370. No one want this to happen and the Malaysian government was not at fault for something beyond her control. It is unprecedented and the greatest aviation mystery ever.

These foreign monkeys make all kind of nasty comments about our government without looking themselves in the mirror. They should also question the capability of the greatest nation on earth. The US, also actively involved in the search, boasted to have the most advanced technology on the entire planet, yet unable to locate the plane with all state of the art and super sophisticated gadgetry in their possession.This trigger happy cowboy is only good at shooting and mass killing people with its sophisticated weaponry.

If the US and China can't find this needle in a haystack, do you expect Malaysia to do better?

These foreign reporters not only come here to collect information, but they also come with an agenda. They have openly incited families and relatives of  passengers on board the ill-fated plane, particularly, those from China, to cast aspersion on the Malaysian government. 

In the same breath, the people from China had also behaved appallingly, proffering extreme unreasonableness and intolerance compared to other nationalities, who had shown fair degree of patience and decorum.

The disaster is not an aircraft crashing along its planned flight path making search and rescue easier to pinpoint the crash site. MH370 deviated from it authorised flight path and went incognito flying undetectable on radar for almost seven hours and disappeared into thin air. It could be anywhere on the globe, dead or alive, no one knows for sure.

Though, I sympathise and share their grief of this most unfortunate and unforeseen disaster that the Malaysian government had no control of, patience and tolerance in the face of adversity is a virtue one should adopt. 

Yelling and wailing is not going to help find the plane other than upsetting the very people who want to help you.

As in the old adage "man proposes, God disposes", fate is something we mortals can't control.

I have also criticised the government of its mishandling of the crisis in the initial stage, but as much as I sympathise with the families and relatives of the passengers on the ill-fated plane, I now do understand the immense difficulty and most distressing and trying situation our government is working under of this most unfortunate incident. 

Also, of greatest disappointment is the Malaysian opposition, instead of closing rank in a national crisis, Anwar and his gang took advantage and make political mileage out of it.

I sincerely hope the families and relatives stay patient and give the authorities more time to seek the truth and be prepared for the worst that the aircraft may not be found for a long long time.

The government should blacklist and ban those nasty journalists from covering the press conference.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

I Tell You Why We Can't Find Flight MH370

Hantu Laut

Are the radar placed at strategic points in the country switched on round the clock and constantly being watched by people assigned to watch them, or occasionally goes unwatched when there are less traffic in the sky.

The root of the problems are people who manned the radar in this country.Are they competent and discipline? Have lackadaisical attitude been the cause of conflicting reports and this humiliating debacle?

When this national humiliation is all over, an exhaustive investigation no less a Royal Commission should be conducted to establish whether there had been misconducts in the conflicting reports given by DCA and the military that have embarrassed the country's leaders.

Planes don't simply disappear from radar screen and can continue flying without active radar detection, unless they are flying below radar range. No commercial planes have stealth capability to fool radar from picking it up and the people at DCA and the military should have known better.

Simply put, the plane must have gone down when it disappeared from radar screen and must have gone down in the vicinity of that last contact.The coordinate off the radar should have been taken and given to search and rescue team.

Incompetence and couldn't care less attitude is rampant in this country that had retrogress the country to a worrying state.

We have been overtaken by countries that used to be behind us, and I don't really have to mention who they are to draw even bigger embarrassment to our leaders.

A government who only interest is to muffle the people from speaking out and exhibits such nauseating ineptitude and contradictions.

Fundamentally, people who do not know their jobs.

From our national education to managing out national economy, we have accepted and rewarded mediocracy.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Flight MH370: Malaysia's Conundrum Of Inconsistencies

Hantu Laut

Suddenly, Malaysia is full of clever people, yet they make one blunder after another, the latest being the military revelation that they tracked the plane over our airspace  to the Malacca Strait as far as Pulau Perak before it disappeared from radar at 2.40 a.m, and for reason only known to themselves, they only disclosed this information four days later, after four days of wild and frantic search for the plane in the wilderness of the South China Sea.

I am now beginning to doubt whether this information is reliable after getting so many misleading information from people who are called experts in their field.

If Flight MH 370 actually flew in that direction with its transponder switched off or broken, which means the plane is unidentified and flying incognito in Malaysian airspace, why did not the military scramble its fighter jet to investigate this flying object. The civil aviation radar tells a different story, claimed it last contact was at 1.30 a.m.

Now we have another expert in fuck I don't what, who also want to be in the limelight, dishing out balderdash nobody really want to know at this moment. Who is really interested to know that those poor souls can survive two months at sea when you can't even locate the bloody plane?

I know of the meaning of geopolitical, geostationary and geostrategic. Can someone tell me what does a geostrategist do?

Malaysia is now becoming the biggest joke to the world and in a "State of Inconsistencies"

1.DCA"s DG announced 5 people checked-in, but didn't board the plane and their luggage were off loaded, MAS was silent, much later the IGP says no such thing, all passengers boarded the aircraft, MAS in the affirmative. Why?

2.The case of wrong colour bar, Asian, Black or Caucasian.Different version by different people, Zaid Hamidi, Hishamuddin Onn and the DG of DCA. Why?

3.More serious and a logistic nightmare, two completely different stories by the military and civil aviation. One radar made in Bangladesh (pun intended) and the other one made in China (pun intended) which can't agree with each other and the military taking four days to reveal such vital information because of complete system failure. Why?

If you don't know, say you don't know, or just fuck the shut up!

Don't you think we are now a laughing stock to the world?

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Bomoh Gila Babi

Hantu Laut

Read here our wonderful minister with his outrageous encouragement for a bomoh to locate the missing Flight MH370.

 He says:

"As long as they do not contravene Islamic teachings"

This guy must be a joker.

All rituals by bomohs contravened Islamic teachings.

If the practice is in accordance with Islam, they would not be called bomoh, they would be called ustaz and imam and provide prayers for the people on board the ill-fated plane not singing some gibberish and nonsensical chants.

I am sure as a Muslim he should know Islam forbids any form of wizardry, black magic, bomoh, or any thing of supernatural nature are....................SYIRIK!

Read here what the bomoh gila babi soothsaying came up with. 

Those who do not understand Islam may think it is Islamic practice.

Let me assure you it is not. It is a form of animism that still run strong in the Malay and many other culture.

"Sesungguhnya Allah tidak akan mengampuni dosa syirik dan Dia mengampuni segala dosa yang selain dari (syirik) itu bagi siapa yamg dikehendakinya.Barangsiapa yang mempersekutukan Allah maka sungguh ia telah berbuat dosa yang besat"

I would like to hear what JAKIM has to say about the minister and the bomoh.