Showing posts with label Entrapment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Entrapment. Show all posts

Friday, August 8, 2008

It's Consenting Adults Now ?

Hantu Laut

From being forced (rape) to engage in sodomy,it has now become consensual sex, which means sex between consenting adults.One is charged and the other one is not, so our learned minister says Saiful can't be charged because he is the complainant, but the law says sodomy is a serious criminal offence, irrespective of whosoever engaged in it.

Assuming I had a fight with my friend and I was the aggressor and bashed him up but was the first one to lodge a police report, so I am the complainant, I shouldn't be charged.

What kind of justice system we have in this country.Charge the victim not the perpetrator. Below is part of my blog post on 25th July.

"No matter how much I wanted to believe that Anwar might be guilty of the allegation, it is even harder to believe that Anwar can force himself on a young man of Saiful age six times before he felt utterly disgusted and ran to lodge a report first with the DPM and than to the police.If it was against your will, wouldn't you run away and lodge a police report the first time it happened or was it consensual and something had gone terribly wrong?"

I would still give Anwar the benefit of the doubt.Now we can rule out rape of Saiful.He has unashamedly admitted to consensual sex with Anwar.It would be interesting to know why he changed his mind after the sixth time.

I believe many of you would still remember the arrest of John DeLorean back in 1982 on charges of drug traffiking.The court throw out the case when the judge found out he was set up by the FBI, an entrapment, which is illegal in the U.S.That speaks volume of law enforcement agency and their capacity in resorting to dirty tactics.

De Lorean is the founder of the DeLorean Motor Compnay which ran into financial trouble and was accused of drug traffiking to raise money to save the company.The company went bankrupt in 1982 and closed down for good.

Let's hope justice prevails in this country.

P.I disappeared,doctor disappeared,a blogger charged for sedition, another blogger arrested and an ex DPM charged for sodomy.

It looks like the government have shot itself in the foot.