Showing posts with label Facebook. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Facebook. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Mahathir's Anthology Of Sarcasm, Cynicism And Skepticism

Hantu Laut

You can find the Bahasa Malaysia version on his Facebook.

Translated into plain English by Hantu Laut.

By Tun Mahathir Mohammad 

1 . Now I know why Bumiputra contractors are not given contract by the Malaysian private sector . According to Senior Fellow of the Institute of Socio-Economics and the Environment ( SERI ) Dr. Michael Lim Mah Hui,  Bumiputra contractors lack quality.

2 . RAM Holdings chief economist Dr Yeah Kim Leng said the private sector is not merely denying opportunities to Bumiputra contractors, but had to prioritise meritocracy.

3 . We know the bumiputra-controlled  Government is of poor administrative quality and employed almost 100 % Bumiputra to become officers and employees. As a result, the country is not well governed resulting in poor development and left far behind other countries that gained independence about the same time as Malaysia. .

4 . This Bumiputra controlled government failed to address the economic and financial downturn in 1997/98 . Scores of businessmen and industrialists , especially those with merit went bankrupt during the currency crisis due to poor handling by the bumiputra-controlled government. To date, the economic and financial affairs of the country had not recovered due to deficient quality of the Bumiputra government.

5 . Indeed, if we were to save the country from falling behind further,  Bumiputeras who do not meet the grade or standard should not be given the opportunity to go to university because they are not likely to pass and get a degree . Action by the private sector in giving priority to merit is a step in the right direction. This is not because we don't want to give opportunities to Bumiputera, but to prioritise merit.

6 . Meritocracy is good for Malaysia . Do not do anything that is not based on merit . People who have no merit and are not qualified have no place in Malaysia . Let them stay with their bad quality and employ only those with merit. Our independence from British rule was intended to give opportunities to those with merit, not the mediocre and the sluggard.

7 .I agree with the opinion of the experts from SERI and RAM Holdings . People who do not have the quality should have no place in independent Malaysia . They should know the fruits of independence are not for them . It should favor only people with merit and intelligence, though, they never fought to liberate the country from colonial rule.

Najib better watch out. This may be the beginning of salvo of grevious nitpickings against his pyrrhic victory in the UMNO elections, seen by many as the result of the power of money politics and his transformation policy perceived as an exaggerated sideshow.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Mahathir,Pak Lah And Advice That Will Bankrupt The Nation.

Hantu Laut

I have tried numerous times posting Tun Mahathir's articles to Facebook but failed to get through. 

I suppose, Facebook has blanket banned his blog and installed a Firewall to the link.

Sadly, Facebook had become victim of its own device and succumbed to biased, unbalanced and distorted reporting made by Mahathir haters. Hate campaign carried out against him by the oppositions and political kernel that Facebook failed to see.

Facebook have arbitrarily taken to criminalisation of opinions expressed online. This, to me, is a gross violation of freedom of expression.

I can't figure out any semblance of hate speeches in his writings as conjectured by his detractors and blindly accepted by Facebook. 

I suppose, he has to pay the price for being a controversial and well-known figure.

Where there's a will, there's a way.

Below is Mahathir's response and rebuttal to Abdullah Badawi's "Awakening",  short, concise and profoundly written in layman's language.


1. I am happy that Tun Abdullah has explained that he did not write about how the nation would be bankrupt if he had followed my advice. It was the interviewer.
2. I hope he does not mind my clearing my name over what the interviewer wrote in “The Awakening”. Yes, I agree that I was a spendthrift Prime Minister who finished all the government money building the North South Expressway, Penang Bridge, West Port, KLIA, Putrajaya, Cyberjaya and an assortment of others.
3. Had Tun Abdullah succeeded me earlier all these would be stopped to save Malaysia from bankruptcy. As it is, he managed to stop the crooked bridge and the railway double-tracking and electrification project.
4. The bridge would have cost just under 1 billion Ringgit. The cancellation cost the Government 200 million Ringgit in compensation and unfinished work.
5. The railway project from Johor Bahru to Padang Besar was going to cost 14 billion Ringgit – slightly more than 2 billion per year for six years. Fourteen billion Ringgit was saved. But then it was found necessary to build the electrified double track from Ipoh to Padang Besar. The cost is 12 billion Ringgit.
6. A contract was given to a foreign company to build the track from Seremban to Gemas. I don’t know what it cost. Looks like the 14 billion saved was spent on very much shorter tracks, about one-third in length.
7. Still there must have been a lot of money saved. The small jet I used was good only for the Deputy Prime Minister. A big jet was bought not through the usual channels but by some private individual. There was denial by the Government that the A320 was bought for the use by the Prime Minister. But the aircraft is even today used by the Prime Minister. Wonder why the deal was struck. Who really owns the aircraft? How much money has been saved by the Government from this deal?
8. Then there were these corridors to be developed. Each would cost 70 billion Ringgit. Then it is learnt that the allocation include private sector investments. Before Government budget is about how the Government will spend Government money. Under Tun Abdullah the Government budgets for the private sector to spend. But that’s allright because the figures look good.
9. However since none of the corridors took off, billions were saved.
10. It must have been a very rich Government which went for the 12th General Election. Sadly the people did not appreciate the billions that were saved. They rejected the Government party, giving 5 states and one federal territory to the opposition, and just a small majority to the thrifty party.
11. Just imagine how many billions more would be saved if I had stepped down earlier before building the North-South Highway, Penang Bridge, KLIA, West Port, Putrajaya, Cyberjaya, the twin towers of Petronas and a host of other mega projects. We would be sitting on a mountain of Ringgits.