Showing posts with label Merit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Merit. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Mahathir's Anthology Of Sarcasm, Cynicism And Skepticism

Hantu Laut

You can find the Bahasa Malaysia version on his Facebook.

Translated into plain English by Hantu Laut.

By Tun Mahathir Mohammad 

1 . Now I know why Bumiputra contractors are not given contract by the Malaysian private sector . According to Senior Fellow of the Institute of Socio-Economics and the Environment ( SERI ) Dr. Michael Lim Mah Hui,  Bumiputra contractors lack quality.

2 . RAM Holdings chief economist Dr Yeah Kim Leng said the private sector is not merely denying opportunities to Bumiputra contractors, but had to prioritise meritocracy.

3 . We know the bumiputra-controlled  Government is of poor administrative quality and employed almost 100 % Bumiputra to become officers and employees. As a result, the country is not well governed resulting in poor development and left far behind other countries that gained independence about the same time as Malaysia. .

4 . This Bumiputra controlled government failed to address the economic and financial downturn in 1997/98 . Scores of businessmen and industrialists , especially those with merit went bankrupt during the currency crisis due to poor handling by the bumiputra-controlled government. To date, the economic and financial affairs of the country had not recovered due to deficient quality of the Bumiputra government.

5 . Indeed, if we were to save the country from falling behind further,  Bumiputeras who do not meet the grade or standard should not be given the opportunity to go to university because they are not likely to pass and get a degree . Action by the private sector in giving priority to merit is a step in the right direction. This is not because we don't want to give opportunities to Bumiputera, but to prioritise merit.

6 . Meritocracy is good for Malaysia . Do not do anything that is not based on merit . People who have no merit and are not qualified have no place in Malaysia . Let them stay with their bad quality and employ only those with merit. Our independence from British rule was intended to give opportunities to those with merit, not the mediocre and the sluggard.

7 .I agree with the opinion of the experts from SERI and RAM Holdings . People who do not have the quality should have no place in independent Malaysia . They should know the fruits of independence are not for them . It should favor only people with merit and intelligence, though, they never fought to liberate the country from colonial rule.

Najib better watch out. This may be the beginning of salvo of grevious nitpickings against his pyrrhic victory in the UMNO elections, seen by many as the result of the power of money politics and his transformation policy perceived as an exaggerated sideshow.