Showing posts with label Jury. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jury. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Justice Must Be Seen To Be Done

Hantu Laut

Anwar Ibrahim might not be my favourite politician but I hope the rule of law will prevail in this country if the police decides to charge him.

The government  with its credibility at stake must go out of its way to ensure a fair trail for Anwar Ibrahim.None of those currently accused by him of past wrongdoings should be allowed to be involved in the case, particularly the IGP and the AG, whom he has accused of fabricating evidence in his previous sodomy case.So far the Prime Minister has kept his promise by not allowing the two to be involved.

It is also imperative that the Court and judges should have no fear to call upon any prominent figures as witnesses if the need arises.No immunity should be given to any of those holding high offices, including the PM and DPM, from appearing in court should their presence be required as witnesses.

If the government is really serious about salvaging its shrunken popularity and its inglorious reputation than it should consider taking a bold step to do what has not been done before.

Since all branches of government including the judiciary are under trail in the court of public opinion and to appease the sceptics of the impartiality of the government in the case, serious consideration should be given to appoint independent public prosecutors (foreign or local) and a trial by jury or if that is not possible than  additional judges chosen from Britain or any of the Commonwealth countries to sit with our judges to hear the case.

I hope Pak Lah will have the conscience to do what is right.

"Justice must not only be done, it must be seen to be done"