Showing posts with label MCA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MCA. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Nazri A Loose Canon ? MCA Gets The Crumbs

Hantu Laut

I would not extol Nazri's often tactless remarks, nor would I exhort him to seek penance for his ways.It's different strokes for different folks.

There is relevance in Jema Khan's article here as far as the MCA is concerned and the Chinese community disconcerted ties with the party. The community support has plunged into the deepest abyss of mistrust. After the 2008 General Elections trouncing, MCA has shown little in term of picking up the pieces and restoring confidence in the party.

Even the foolhardy would not have believed that the party have been nursed back to health and are ready to take on the general elections with a bang.For almost half a century the Chinese community had been deluded that they represent the community, they did, for themselves.

It's high time MCA leaders face the reality that their glorious days are over and accept their hapless situation and try make the best of it or leave the BN and prove that Nazri was wrong in his assumptions, that they still have the pull factor with the Chinese community.

I am not supporter of the oppositions but my reckoning is DAP, which I have said many times in this blog, would grab most, if not all, Chinese majority seats in urban areas. MCA, Gerakan and Chinese based parties in Sabah and Sarawak will get the crumbs, unless a miracle turn up at the last hour.

You can dismiss this at your own perils.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

UMNO Sabotaging Itself ?

Hantu Laut

Is there anyone in UMNO that is capable of making sense or are there internal forces within the party out to destroy it or they are just plain stupid not to see what they are doing could lead to their self-destruction.

Just a few days ago the Deputy Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak assured Malaysians that he would not return to the Mahathir's era type of administration and that he would bring about reforms in accordance with the people's aspiration.What he had just said must be a joke because the actions seemed to be pointing the other way.I honestly believe what's going on now is even worse than Mahathir's time.During Mahathir's time Chua Soi Lek would at worst get a tongue-lashing in private.

Well, damn me!, if I can understand the sensibility of dragging your partner to a police station for a chat over a trivial speech. About 'ketuanan Melayu' depicts a master and servant relationship.Read Tok Mommy's
story here.

Anwar's dream of taking over the government is looking brighter now than before.Maybe, they should just handover the whole government to Anwar Ibrahim and spare UMNO the embarrassment of being badly mauled in the next general election.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Why Chua Soi Lek Won ?

Hantu Laut

Below is part of what I wrote in January 2008 when Chua Soi Lek was caught with his pants down having illicit sex with a woman and caught on video planted by his enemies.

"I can't recalled of any other Malaysian politician that had the guts to own up for his or her misdemeanour. Many have gone unpunished for much bigger crime.We don't seem to have a standard in dealing with errant politicians holding public office, it's kind of different strokes for different folks, the less influential and less needed, would be sacrificed.The case of a Chief Minister having sexual liaison with an underage girl was one case that didn't shook the government or prompted it to investigate, instead it sent a member of the opposition to jail for bringing the case into public domain.The then Prime Minister refused to delve any further into the case, which could have ended in statutory rape, if it was proven true.If I remember well, it was the girl that was taken to court, and sent for rehabilitation.

What Chua did was wrong from moral point of view, but it didn't bring any physical harm or injustice to the general population as much as corruption and abuse of power would have.The only person emotionally hurt would be his wife. She has, for being a devoted husband and good provider, forgiven him.

My premise on this case would not be a pleonasm of disagreement with the sentences agreed upon by his comrades in MCA and the Prime Minister.I think the man was given too many lashes, more than he deserves. The penalty was bigger than the crime.He should just have to resign his ministerial position and be allowed to keep his party position and the elected seat.

Now that Chua's political career is over, would the prime minister leave no stone unturned to get the culprits who illegally made and distributed the video?

It is obvious that in this country 'honesty is not the best policy'.Hypocrisy can save you but honesty will definitely kill you. "

I would rather have people like him in government rather than those hypocrites who indulged in bigger misconduct and dishonesty and got away with it.

He won the MCA Deputy President because of his honesty and had the balls to admit his sexual indiscretion publicly putting his relationship at risk with his wife and family.

How many men in high places, if we should call them men, would not be coward enough to admit their mistakes ?