Showing posts with label Nazri Aziz. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nazri Aziz. Show all posts

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Bapa Borek, Anak Rintik

Hantu Laut

A man with a huge chip on his shoulder and a terribly bad attitude.

When confronted about his son's appointment he responded with sheer indignation and arrogance.

Herein lies his retort:

"You must know, I am a trained lawyer and I know what I am doing.

Nadim shall remain a special officer to me.

I don't care what people think.I don't care what bloggers, netizen, journalists write about me.

Today I am still a minister appointed by a bigger majority in my constituency, so what do they have to say.

I don't please anybody but myself.If making him a special officer makes me happy then that's it"

He says he is a trained lawyer and knows what he is doing, if so, why so many criticisms and contention of his action. We are not talking about legality here, it is more moral grounds and convention. 

He claimed he is a trained and good lawyer. Does he not know that the law also disallow as witness to signature of certain documents to anyone closely related to the signatory?

Why so? 

When the chips are down, blood is thicker than water.

That's why the law frown upon such practices.

Now, you people decide.

Is he a good lawyer?

Is he fit to be a minister?

He also mentioned that his family was already rich, so what the fuzz?

If that was the case, why work on such miserable and meagre minister's salary and if adding salt to the wound not enough, appoint his son to work for him in his ministry. 

Shouldn't the young man be out there somewhere managing the family's fortune...........? 

"Bapa borek, anak rintik" for those who don't understand Malay idioms, it carries the same meaning as the English idiom "like father, like son"

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Like Father, Like Son

Hantu Laut

If you are son or daughter of a prominent figure you might be better off going for a tinkle before you show your biceps to some poor security guard.

No matter how right you were, you be deemed the guilty party.Never argue or fight with people below your level of gray matter.Don't expect a security guard to have initiative and uses his own discretion to entertain your wishes.

Minister in the PM Dept Nazri's son was reported to have assaulted a security supervisor

(That looks like an expensive Cubano cigar)

It took me back to the past, about three decades ago, when I had to intervene an ugly scene from ensuing between my friend and a club bouncer in Singapore, over a little misunderstanding.Coincidentally, my friend was also a son of a prominent figure in Sabah, no less a chief minister.To cut it short, I reminded my friend that this is Singapore and I am a resident here and lest he forgets his father is not a chief minister here.I was young then but my good sense saved us a night at the police lock-up, me calling my wife to bail me out and worse me picking up a criminal record.

Let see, why this young man has to travel with bodyguards? Is he trying to show off or he has too may enemies? Are the bodyguards to protect him or protect his expensive toy?

Being a son of a minister one may ask if he is he a successful business man to be able to buy a Porsche, which is an expensive toy to maintain if you don't have a deep pocket.If he is not, than tongues would be waging where he gets the money from.

Top of the range 911 Porsche would set you aside well over RM1.0 million.Not sure which model he claimed proud ownership?

What is it about this kind of people? Do they glean vicarious power from that of their fathers?

For some, it seemed to run in the family.