Showing posts with label Nudity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nudity. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Battle For Tiga Bukits

Hantu Laut

Was it mere coincidence or God has sent divine message to both BN and Pakatan that they have three monumental tasks ahead of them, to climb three bukit (hills) to prove which of them worthy of the people's trust. First, it was Bukit Gantang than came Bukit Selambau and the next one very likely Bukit Lanjan if Elizabeth Wong went ahead with her resignation.

Elizabeth has shown exemplary conduct rarely seen in Malaysian politics, taking responsibility for something she had no control of and scarifies her political career for the party and nation. The supercilious voices have called for her resignation and blamed her for choosing the wrong mate as a lover.These pseudo-moralists can't tell the difference between a person with low morals and those made victims by the immorality of others.Little things please little minds. Such vacuous remarks only show bias and immaturity.

What Elizabeth did by offering her resignation without being pressured to do so will boost the support for Pakatan in the by-elections.She has not been an encumbrance to her party.Although, she is new in politics, the overwhelming calls for her to stay was a reflection of her good stead and good standing with her peers and the people.

The fight in Perak and Kedah could be close but the bukit in Selangor would be a tough one for BN to climb.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

No Nudity:No Reason To Quit

Hantu Laut

Unless there are other photos, those who have seen the rather poor quality photos would agree there is no reason for Elizabeth Wong to quit her posts.

Wonder what's the big hoo-ha made by the media of photographs that showed no nudity at all and taken by a mentally deranged low-life idiot. She was fully clad in sarong and blouse and probably was sleeping while the photo was taken. The photos are of extremely bad quality, even those who knows her well would not recognise her.

Unless she knew of other more damaging photos taken of her that the maniac may not have released to the public yet, Elizabeth Wong should reconsider her decision to resign. If your are a victim nobody will blame you.

The police should get to the bottom of this form of blackmail.

A foreign smut website has published the photos.

Saving Elizabeth
Hantu Laut

There are men and there are sickos.Whoever betrayed a woman's trust by releasing nude pictures of her taken voluntarily or not is a sicko. A man, in the right frame of mind, no matter how angry he is, won't do such a thing.The agony, the anger and the sense of hopelessness of the victim is hard to imagine.No word of comfort can lessen the pain of betrayal, only time can heal the wound.

Our sympathy should go out to Elizabeth Wong if she is truly innocent and was a victim of betrayal.As I have said in my earlier post we should not jump to conclusion and condemn her without first knowing the truth.Calling for her resignation at this juncture is not right and Khir Toyo should be the last man to ask her to step down.Those who were under suspicion of wrongdoings and those who didn't have clean slate should shut up. Don't try to show your sanctimoniousness when you don't have any in the first place.

However, if more photographs of her surfaced showing it as her lifestyle than it would be untenable for her to keep her public office and would be a defining moment of her life.