Showing posts with label Parochialism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Parochialism. Show all posts

Monday, May 20, 2013

Boycott The Chinese Are You Mad Or Stupid ?

Hantu Laut

About 20 Muslim/Malay NGOs have called for boycott of products made by Malaysian Chinese companies. 

I am not sure whether these people understand the ramifications of such foolish undertaking. If they do, than they need their heads examine for cracks in the skull.

Don't they realise that over 90% of retail businesses are in the hands of the Chinese and they have complete control over supply of goods and services in the country. You really do not have much choice, you either buy from them, or starve to dead.

Hypothetically, if the Chinese closed all their shops for a week, the Malays would starve, as there are not enough Malay vendors in the distribution network and scale of supply that the Chinese have. 

From toothpick, daily necessities to the heaviest machinery, you sure can't go without the Chinese connection along the supply chain.

They are the economic engines of this country and the sooner the Malays/Bumiputras accept this the better this country would be.

What they should do is try to be like the Chinese. Learn from their fortitude, diligent and resilience. 

Well, I am not going to write a lengthy article on this subject as I am sure majority of my fellow Malaysians would agree it is mission impossible.

The Chinese are not the least bit worried, they knew they have the upper hand.

Live and let live.

Let's find a better solution to our political differences. 

Friday, June 29, 2012

Somewhere In China ?

Hantu Laut

It's the reality of Malaysian politics.

Polarisation of the races, fault of not only the Malays, but equally responsible, if not more, are the Chinese and Indians, giving too much prominence to their own culture and language and giving national identity and the national language a backseat.

I have nothing against people speaking their own language anywhere, anytime, but it would be more appropriate to use the national language in political gatherings, political debate or political speeches of any kind if one truly believe in the making of a national identity. 

The U.S is one nation that has become analogous, the cohesion of different ethnic origins to proudly call themselves American. They speak one common language while maintaining whatever culture and language peculiar to them.So do the Japanese,Korean,Chinese and so forth.

One can understand if the elderly Chinese or Indians can't muster the Malay language but for  the very young generations who can't speak fluent Malay is an abomination.

 Advertised on a rabid pro-opposition blog.

Insincere politicians that provide lip service and pro-opposition bloggers who plastered their blogs with posters and banners depicting the desire for "Oneness" is nothing but a charade and pulling wool over the eyes. Needless to say, their hypocritical indulgence are doing great disservice to the nation.

Strange as it may sound for a Chinese, one Hannah Yeoh, a DAP state assemblyman, a great pretender of some kind, demanded that her newborn's race be recorded as "Malaysian" in the birth certificate. She Is Chinese and her husband Indian. It makes one wonder since when the word "Malaysian" has become a genealogy of race. 

What makes more sense and more appropriate would be for her to ask for  "Chindian" as her child's race, a more appropriate genealogy for offspring born of wedlock of Indian and Chinese parents, which are already in use, unofficially. If Eurasian can be the epithet of race, why not Chindian and Machin for the offspring of Malay who married Chinese? Maybe, Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka should coin these words for general usage.

I am for doing away with the race column because I suffered the same malady as the Chinese and Indians because of my grandfather's origin.My birth certificate shows I am of sub-continent origin though I have natives blood in me.For all intents and purposes I would or should be a Malay because we have for few generations shed the Afghan/Persian culture and took up the Malay custom and language.

My criticism is not directed toward any race but against politicians in general and in this particular case, Chinese politicians, who, sadly and selfishly, have taken chauvinistic approach toward the national language. These are the very same people who talked incessantly about integration of the races and domination of multiracialism in a pluralistic society yet do everything possible against achieveing that objective.

A nation must have a lingua franca (common language) before it can speak of national identity.In that respect the Indonesian Chinese are more adapt to speaking the Indonesian language among themselves even when they travel overseas.If you are inside Indonesia you would be hard pressed to tell the difference between Indonesian Chinese and Indonesian Malay because they speak the same language.For that matter, Thailand and the Philippines are the same where Chinese had become inconspicuous, thoroughly assimilated and adopted local culture and names.

Two months ago my wife and I was in Hong Kong and had dinner in an Indonesian restaurant, next to our table was a group 10 elderly Chinese all looking as Chinese as can be.We soon realised they are not Hong Kong Chinese because they spoke in Indonesian and occasionally in Chinese.

How is the DAP going to woo the Malays to join the party and field Malay candidates in elections if their political gatherings and debates appeared as if they were held somewhere in China.

They talked about the unfair advantage of the current system favoring Malays and discrimination against other races when they themselves could hardly shed their bastion of Chinese chauvinism.They forget or could not care less that there are other Malaysians who are interested to hear what they have to say about national politics and not confine the gathering to just an all Chinese affairs.

I have many Chinese friends, they may agree or disagree with me, but the truth is out there. I foresee Malaysia's hazardous long and winding road to win national identity.......a failure that rest squarely on the shoulders of the three major races in the country.

Religion may be seen as one of the dividing factors to national unity which is understandable but should not be a major cause of failure of attaining national identity. The U.S is more complicated, a more diverse melting pot but they all consider themselves American first.

The Arabs, the Pakistanis and other Muslims who migrated to the West had turned out to be the misfits of Western society due to their refusal to shed some of their cultural practices that could not sit well in a Western concept.They ended up isolated from the general population and live in their parochial and clannish hemisphere.

The old adage "When in Rome do as the Romans do" always rang true.

Everything including posters and banners exclusively in Chinese.For the less initiated you may think it was somewhere in China. I did, when I watched the first few minutes of the video.

More debate, somewhere in China

In singapore, most leaders are trilingual.

Meet Singapore founding father:

Kuan Yew's National Day speech

Malaysian Chinese leaders should take a leaf out of the books of Singapore top Chinese leaders who had no qualm and not shy away from being fluent in Malay even though Singapore is predominantly Chinese and they can give two hoots about speaking Malay.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The Malay Man In Australia, Walkabout The Bush

Hantu Laut

Read this:

This morning I was angry. Angry enough to shut down my PC and leave my work on ‘steadyaku47’ until my mind was more settled. Sat down with my Lucy and talked. I talked and she listened. I told her that I did not want to give too much details about the lady that Isa was involved with because there are common bonds of decency that I want to observe. I told her that even if UMNO will use gutter politics to win at any costs – there must be limits to what I do. Lucy listened…and then asked me what did I write a few days back? About giving notice to UMNO that I now have my gloves off? That it is now a free for all?

and read what he wrote here,

and if the above, smells of the gutter and riles you up, the one below will make you laugh.

Now I know that I am being watched. That steadyaku47 has become a thorn in their side! I do not know whether I should feel proud that I have been able to do so or that I should worry about what they will do to me next. Who is the ‘they’ – I do not know and I do not care. Two words for them. First letter of the first word is F.

I will continue to write what I want. How I want and when I want. If I go off cyberspace – you guys know what has happened. If I do go off cyberspace I will be back. Damm Najib. Damm UMNO. Damm the whole lot of them!

Friends I have asked people I know here what I could do to ensure that I keep steadyaku47 free from any interference from anybody. There are ways. But it will cost money. Money that I do not have. Will you help. Please donate whatever you can to help me keep steadyaku47 going. Send what ever you can afford to this account in KL and it will be forwarded to me. The details are as follow:

Sounds familiar, if I am not wrong I have read it somewhere before, in another blog.

If any of you feel charitable and want to donate to a good cause read more here.

Ghee! why in hell would you need money to run a personal blog.Google doesn't charge, same with Wordpress and all others.What's the money for?

The biggest surprise is here and my compliment to Lim Kit Siang for his discerning taste in literature.

Quizzes from 'Down Under'.

Who is the Prime Minister of Australia?
Can't be Kevin Michael RUDD because not all Australians voted for him.

Who is the President of United States of America?
Can't be Barack Obama because not all Americans voted for him.

The other day I asked my 5-year old grand daughter who is the Prime Minister of Malaysia and she confidently said "I know, not you grandpa"

On a final note, this is the Malay intelligentsia that you should be reading.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Sabah And Sarawak Got The Crumbs

Hantu Laut

The guessing game is over. Abdullah has chosen his retinue of ministers.Although most of them will travel with him comfortably some will be thorns in the flesh.

It seems that Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi is oblivious and not in the habit of paying compliments and compensations to faithful and loyal supporters. Reward is definitely not in his lexicon but parochialism is.

Sabah and Sarawak delivered 24 and 30MP seats respectively. All the seats from Sarawak have no UMNO content. Johor delivered 25 MP seats and got the most ministerial positions. The saviours, Sabah and Sarawak got the crumbs. This unappreciated and unfair allocation of representations at federal level may cost the BN dearly in the next elections.

Former Deputy Minister Anifah Aman from Sabah has declined the offer of appointment as deputy minister .

Sabah lost only 1 MP and 1 state seats while Sarawak lost only 1 MP seat.There was no state election in Sarawak this time.

A friend of mine jokingly said the day after the full result was announced that the federal capital should be moved either to Kuching or Kota Kinabalu. He said we have given them a comfortable majority and without Sabah and Sarawak they can't form the central government.

Sabahans and Sarawkians have stayed faithful to BN inspite of Anwar's PKR election promises of a 2nd deputy prime minister, to increase oil royalty, to return Labuan to Sabah and many other luring promises.

With the excellent election results, they think they would get better treatment from the federal government as rewards for loyalty. Too bad, that was not the case at the moment.

It's too early to tell what PM Abdullah intended for Sabah and Sarawak.He may reward them in other forms.