Showing posts with label Yellow Journalism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Yellow Journalism. Show all posts

Friday, November 11, 2011

From The Gutter Press: The Trash Talker

Toxic Advice From A Dying Dinosaur aka DrM
ould decide what the majority wanted.

Dinosaurs, to my great regret as a child, have been extinct for 65 million years. Clearly a lot of us wish they were still around which would explain the popularity of movies like Jurassic Park and Ice Age. Unfortunately the dinosaurs that we do still have around are neither cute nor funny.

I am speaking of the wrinkled old bag of leftovers that is former premier Mahathir Mohammed, who at 85, realizing perhaps that his time is almost up, appears to be engaged in an attempt to spread as much hatred around in as short a time as possible. And so this poisonous geriatric, this slithering serpent in verdant Malaysian Eden, still drags himself around the country spreading discord and spitting venom.

Strange thing for a dictator to say

He appears to have four big objectives, one to spread racial hatred and keep Malaysians divided, the second to decide who will lead the country, the third to ensure that his three mediocre sons somehow continue to prosper without him and lastly that Anwar Ibrahim is finally and totally destroyed. In all of his objectives he will fail.

He then proceeded to systematically destroy the country’s institutions and to reduce them to the miserable state that they are in today, enrich his cronies like Daim Zainuddin, Tajuddin Ramli, Francis Yeoh, Ananda Krishnan and Vincent Tan among others, and allow corruption to become the rampant, all-consuming force that it is in Malaysia today.

One of the problems with Mahathir was that it didn’t matter to him whether you were corrupt or not, it only mattered whether you supported him or not.

Mathematical impossibility

The rights of the individual are sacrosanct and cannot be tampered with by vicious old dictators. What are majorities but collections of individuals. We could present Mahathir with a copy of John Stuart Mills but it would be wasted on so self-serving and hypocritical an individual. The only individual’s rights that Mahathir would be concerned with is his own.

Mahathir then suggested, as he often does, that Malays are in danger of becoming a minority in Malaysia. This is, of course, a mathematical impossibility. But then Mahathir is not a mathematician, he is a demagogue, and they are not dealers in neither facts nor figures.

By Mahathir’s reasoning the Malays, who form 60% of the Malaysian population, will be divided into three groups. In the first place there are only two groups, BN supporters and Pakatan supporters. There is also the fact that BN supporters are decreasing on a daily basis.

Therefore Mahathir’s argument that the Malays, who form 60% of Malaysians, have the highest birthrates and the lowest potential to migrate; will become a minority; is simply preposterous.

That's right, you should be ashamed of yourself

Mahathir also preached that Malaysians should feel shame if they do not give 100% to any job that is handed to them. Mahathir should take this advice himself, unless he feels it too bitter a pill to swallow.Read more trash.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

From The Gutter Press:5-Star Rating For Consummated Stupidity

Hantu Laut

He has been prime minister for 22 years and credited by many world's leaders for the rapid modernisation and unprecedented economic growth of his country, won five consecutive general elections and dare to speak out against Western imperialist policies, he is not likely to be mad.

I have given the article below a 5 star rating for consummated stupidity.

Sorry mate! Euripides also say "Cleverness is not wisdom"

Has Dr Mahathir gone mad? The truth about the man and nothing but the truth

Written by Ismail Dahlan, Malaysia Chronicle
It was Euripides in ‘Medea’ who made famous the phrase “ Those whom the gods wish to destroy, they first make mad”. Certainly it would be a fitting description of Muammar Gaddafi, whose gory end was telecast for all to see, on Al-Jazeera and CNN. It would be no less appropriate a phrase to describe Mahathir Mohammed; who has been mad for quite a while now. Read more.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

British Trash !

Hantu Laut

The mind-boggling price tag is too good to be true.Which Malaysian has RM15 billion net worth let alone buy a RM15 billion yacht?

Even Robert Kwok, the richest man in Malaysia is only worth US$12.5 billion, which at today's exchange rate would be roughly RM37 billion.Being a very prudent businessman would he spend half his fortune on a yacht, a fast depreciating asset?

Below, the 10 richest men in Malaysia.

Which one of the above is mad enough to blow RM15 billion on a yacht?

Whatever you read on "Forbes Riches Of Malaysia" or the world are mostly paper worth, in another word they are "unrealised wealth".These wealth are based on what is known publicly such as stocks,bonds and other tangible assets minus his debts.That would be his net worth.

A man could be richer than what is known publicly if his private holdings are kept secret.

A good example is Daim Zainuddin, whom most people know is very very rich but no one can evaluate his wealth.His private holdings are not opened to the public.

The most expensive ocean liner is the Royal Caribbean’s "Oasis Of The Seas" which only cost US1.24 billion and is 1,180 feet long, and carry 6360 passengers. It’s the most expensive ship in history, and it’s longer, wider and taller than the largest ocean liner ever built, (Cunard’s QM II), 43 per cent larger in size than the world’s largest cruise ship, (Freedom of the Seas) and remarkably, bigger than any military ship ever built, aircraft carriers included.

The Oasis of the Seas, the world's largest cruise ship which cost over £810million to construct, is shown during sea trials

Oasis of the Seas

Would you expect anything better from junk journalism?

The reporter need to have his head examined.

Read the story below.

One hull of a price tag: Luxury yacht that would make even Roman Abramovich jealous sells for £3bn

By Ted Thornhill

Talk about splashing out – an anonymous Malaysian businessman has spent £3billion on a yacht made from solid gold and platinum.

The History Supreme was assembled using a staggering 100,000kg of the precious metals.

They were used throughout the boat, from the base of the vessel – which is wrapped in solid gold – to the deck, dining area, rails and anchor.

Expensive: If you want one of these Stuart Hughes luxury yachts, you can wave goodbye to £3billion

Expensive: If you want one of these Stuart Hughes luxury yachts, you can wave goodbye to £3billion

The hefty price tag is also the result of an amazingly luxurious master bedroom. It’s adorned with platinum and has a wall feature made from meteoric stone and a genuine T-Rex dinosaur bone.

It's enough to make even Chelsea owner Roman Abramovich turn a distinct shade of green.

He has a £300m yacht called Eclipse that comes complete with two swimming pools, a gym and a submarine - but it's missing the all-important platinum and gold adornments.

The History Supreme is the handiwork of Liverpool-based jeweller Stuart Hughes, who took three years to complete it.

It represents one of the 39-year-old’s more extravagant projects, and this is a man who specialises in turning the ordinary into the extraordinary.

Luxury: The History Supreme's bedroom is covered in platinum and the odd prehistoric artefact

Luxury: The History Supreme's bedroom is covered in platinum and the odd prehistoric artefact

He started his bespoke upgrade service in 2002 with his wife Katherine and has since applied his golden touch to all sorts of objects.

His Aquavista Panoramic Wall Aquarium, for instance, is made from 68kg of 24ct gold and is yours for a cool £3million.

Then there’s Mr Hughes’ iPhone 4, worth a mind-blowing £5m.

Gold standard: The boat is covered in precious metals - even the anchor has been given a special makeover

Gold standard: The boat is covered in precious metals - even the anchor has been given a special makeover

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Malaysia's Age Of Immorality

Hantu Laut
Malaysian politics are getting wild and woolly. From the occult to the wayang kulit and the melodrama, our politicians would do anything to steal the limelight including slaying their own shadows.

First, it was Anwar's driver who found his master's car tempered with.He says someone out there is trying to murder his boss.A day or two later Anwar's daughter Nurul Izzah received through SMS, a death threat and a warning that her daughter would be kidnapped if she continues to support her father.

“These threats clearly show that Anwar Ibrahim’s efforts in the ‘Reformasi’ movement for democratisation, an independent judiciary, and criticism of the Umno-Barisan Nasional (BN) government have made some leaders who are corrupt and greedy feel uneasy,” the party’s youth wing said.Story here.

With Malaysian politics so much in the gutter it is becoming so much harder to tell the truth from the political shenanigans.

Christianity will be the official religion and we would have a Christian prime minister soon.......says 2 bloggers without a shred of evidence to show and as guttered as it was one main stream media jumped on the band wagon.........Utusan Malaysia carried the story with impoverished impromptu.

The story of a Christian coup in the making may not be true and smell of a rat but it has certainly upset the big applecart.The Christians led by the opposition wanted Utusan's blood.The chorus for a dead sentence has not ebbed.The hangman not sure what to do.The truth is out there.

I have also expressed my disgust at such irresponsible action of the bloggers and Utusan to publish such utter nonsense but thing are not getting any better if everyone including Muslim/Christian leaders take a combative attitude to the issue.

Here, a Catholic bishop lambasted the Prime Minister for what he said Christian leaders has become "sheep being led to their slaughter" refering to the meeting of Christian leaders with Najib, who has become the shepherd or rather the wolf in sheep clothing leading the Christian flock to the slaughter house.Very strong word indeed.

Obviously, he wasn't happy with the outcome of the meeting or not happy for not being invited to the meeting.

The government should put a full stop to all religious bickering from both sides before we join Egypt and started a conflict that benefits no one.

Egypt has removed the iron-fist, dictatorial and corrupt Hosni Mubarak and the country is slowly but surely sliding into the raging river of chaos.

I am not sure whether my mind is playing tricks with my eyes or my eyes are too blurred to spot the difference. I am sure many politicians from the opposition's camp must have seen this video too, which my myopic eyes found a spitting image of a very popular opposition leader and yet the leaders in Pakatan continue to live in a state of denial. I can't blame the wife for her blurry eyes, being a women of great virtue, she found it her duty to defend her not so great husband.

Suddenly, berzina or illicit sex if you may, unless someone can produce 4 witnesses of impeccable character to prove the wrongdoing, the act seemed quite all right with certain people including some ulamas, priests, bishops, monks and what have you.

Never mind the stark naked video that bares it all, it's innocent until proven guilty or simply a fake, a CGI.Hollywood paid millions to do it. Malaysians so much smarter, did it for a song.Even I can do it in Photoshop, but for still photograph only, take Anwar's head and put on Raja Petra's body.

See the photo below.Even Raja Petra can do it, putting himself among the bevy of beauties.

But for video, I understand, not so easy, unless you can do another Hollywood's stunt....get a double or a-look-alike, but just make sure no closeup, because no matter how close the resemblance is, people can tell the difference.

Such immoral behaviour is only considered criminal in Islam but that would require 4 reliable witnesses.

From secular point of view such act is not criminal.

So, don't be a fool, it's quite safe to screw around but if you are a Muslim take caution don't let the "snoop police" get wind of what you are up to.If caught, you are "dead meat" and you have 4 reliable witnesses and dangerously armed with a video camera, which they say they need to show evidence of your wrongdoing in the sharia court.The next thing you know you have become a famous pornstar in a home made smut on YouTube and the sharia court accepts the video as evidence.

However, according to some ulamaks in PAS, the purportedly Anwar's sex video cannot be accepted in sharia court, they still need the 4 witnesses.

Unless you are participating in a "tiger show" would you call 4 people to watch your sexual prowess with a lass probably a quarter your age?

Malaysia memang Boleh !

Friday, May 6, 2011

Those Awfully Lazy And Stupid Reporters

Hantu Laut

In the world of journalism ignorance is not bliss it's idiocy.The less you know the more idiotic you are.

Lazy reporters, journalists or whatever they may be called, aplenty, in this country.Like the Utusan Malaysia reporter who thought "ultra vires" uttered by Karpal Singh were words insulting the Sultan of Perak.

My English teacher would have recoiled in sheer horror.He would have said "If you don't know, ask! If you are 'bodoh sombong' than that's your funeral".

If you are shy to ask, today there are other alternative in this technological age, there are wealth of information on the Internet and it's free. All you have to do is a click of the mouse and presto! You are there.

But than, "ultra vires" if one needs to get to the bottom of it's meaning is not even English, it's Latin, but has become very English by its broad usage, particularly by the legal fraternity.

Like the student who refused to do his homework many of these purveyors of news are just too bloody lazy to get the facts of the matter right.They are the typical "makan gaji" type that took no pride in their work.

I remember when my family had a tragedy and my father and my grandparents perished in a fire that consumed my father's house Bernama reported that I was an adopted son and studying in Singapore when I am of the same flesh and blood, already married with three children, the only son and running a multi-million dollar trading and shipping business in Singapore at that time.I chose to ignore the report and consider the reporter was just too bloody lazy to do his work professionally.

Till today, I wondered who was the person that he enquired the information from.

Now, I understand why they are called reporters.Their job is just to report without worrying about the authenticity of the information.

Than you get some too smart for their own good.A video (below) shows a TV3 reporter asking Wan Azizah whether Anwar Ibrahim owned an Omega watch and she replied in the affirmative and what come next was a scatterbrain and sheer stupidity, she asked "cuba kasi tengok" asking Wan Azizah to show her the watch there and then.

Real smart ass.

Below is another stupid reporter who hassled Anwar over the same Omega watch which most people knew has not been confirmed to belong to Anwar, asking Anwar if he has the watch why has he not surrendered it to the police.Did the police asked Anwar for the watch?

Is she a rookie, or was coached by her bosses to ask those questions or just plain stupid? The police have not asked Anwar to produce the watch.They need not have to as no crime has been committed.Infidelity is not a crime, it is just something society frown upon.

"I want to show how UMNO operate" insinuated Anwar of the awfully stupid question.

Reporter bodoh UMNO yang kena.

Utusan,TV3 and all GLC media network it's about time you recruit real journalists not some half-past-six reporters incapable of asking sensible questions.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Read This Before Burning.

Hantu Laut

Writing for the sake of writing?

A newsportal that's not sure whether it should provide deserving news to the public or just churn out any kind of crap to fill the pages.

First there was :

With battle lines drawn, Rohaizat’s disbarment not a big deal

In less than a day it became:

Permatang Pasir could be quicksand for Umno

and the IRONY is,


READ this one below:

"While Rohaizat Othman’s disbarment has dominated the headlines, it is the economy and party colours which are the main deciding factors in this Malay majority seat.

Malay voters here seemed unmoved by the scandal weighing on the BN candidate.

The incessant attacks from the PAS/Pakatan Rakyat (PR) campaign on Rohaizat’s tainted candidacy may, however, have won back key Chinese voters who had grown suspicious of the Islamist party".

Than READ this one:

"Umno’s dream of capitalising on its resurgence in Manek Urai’s narrow loss could end up a nightmare in Permatang Pasir, where its campaign is sinking in the quicksand of its choice in scandal-hit candidate Rohaizat Othman.

It is understood that local Umno members “intend to voice their anger over the choice of candidate made by the Penang Umno leadership” by voting for PAS after a more favoured and popular choice, Permatang Pauh Umno youth chief Zaidi Mohd Said was bypassed by the party’s top leadership".

Some people just can't make up their mind or they wannabe:

William Randolph Hearst

Breaking News:

Lunas rep quits as PKR member.