Showing posts with label gasoline. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gasoline. Show all posts

Monday, March 3, 2008


Hantu Laut

Sometimes, intellectuality can go awry, incoherence and illogical. The law of improbability can end up as law of unintended consequences.

Anwar Ibrahim, a well-educated, intellectual and charismatic politician, adored by many young urban Malaysians for his oratorical skills and fiery delivery is beginning to drown in his own intelligence and unwittingly devour his own political future by self-inflicted injury.

I read with dismay and disappointment the promises he made on his campaign trail in Wangsa Maju, Bandar Tun Razak and Lembah Pantai.

The making of such audacious statements and impossible to implement promises is not reflective of an highly esteemed politician . The thin crowd from the Malay community is a telling sign of his declining popularity and skepticism that people have about his ability to mount a strong and united apposition, let alone form the next government.

I am sure many Malaysians would share my feeling of being insulted by such ludicrous promises. Some of the promises he made have actually done more harm than good. Those with enough intelligence would not be easily bought by such stupendous promises.

He said when he was finance minister for eight years he never raised the price of petrol. That's true, but what was the price of crude oil then ? The average price of crude for the 10-year period of the nineties was US$17.9 per barrel. Today the price of crude has reached US$102 per barrel, about six times more than when he was finance minister. What benchmark is he using to compare during his time and now ? Was it an intelligent comparison or just casting a lure to fish for votes, hoping gullible Malaysians would take the bait.

Another equally empty as an empty vessel was his promise of "I will abolish toll charges, fix minimum wages at RM1,500 and provide free education until university level," to the crowd at Wangsa Maju.

To implement all the promises he would need to use all the foreign reserves and also use Petronas as a cash cow.The country would be bankrupted before he finishes his term.

For an ex- finance minister to make such ridiculous promises it's obvious he has little respect for the intelligence of the people of this country.He was so besotted with the accolades he gets from the Western world on his academic achievements he has forgotten that Malaysians are not all that stupid either, to believe in his useless promises.

It is obvious that this empty vessel that makes the most noise is not likely to change the political landscape in this country. Lies and promises are not going to buy votes unless majority of Malaysians are thick in the head, which is what Anwar assumed us all to be. He is completely immersed in self-glorification and thinks Malaysia is one big bodohland.

With all the stupefyingly dull and empty promises he is making and at the rate he is going, PKR would have run out of support come this 8th March.