Showing posts with label katak. Show all posts
Showing posts with label katak. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Anwar Looking For Kataks

Hantu Laut

In my previous article I mentioned that Anwar is going around shopping for BN MPs to join him.He has now admitted he has spoken to some of them but would not pay or reward them if they join his party. You can read it here.

Without any form of reward it would be most unlikely that anyone would want to join him.The opposition coalition has 82 seats and needed at least 30 more seats to form a simple majority. It would be foolish move for any of BN MP to switch camp as they have a strong simple majority of 140 seats, short of 8 more to get two-thirds majority.

Unless Anwar can get an en bloc of 30 or more, which is most unlikely, his dream of taking over the government before the next elections would remain a dream.

Sarawak is the only en bloc source of supply. It has 30 MP seats and under the control of the Chief Minister Taib Mahmud, a BN loyalist.

It is more feasible and makes more sense for BN to woo opposition MPs to their side as they hold the key to the treasury.

Read more here......