Monday, July 21, 2008


Hantu Laut

A small bite of history.

An extract from a British Royal Navy ship's magazine.The pirates were southern Filipinos.Those that swarmed the state of Sabah.We do need some of them for our labour force but not to the extent of what we have now.


May 17, 1961

The British frigate St Brides Bay has detained a suspected pirate vessel in the Celebes Sea, a Royal Navy statement announced in Singapore today.

The Naval statement said two motor boats carrying 21 men - 11 of them armed - intercepted a motor trading vessel on May 12 and pirated her cargo of 207 bags of copra.


We left Singapore on the May 9 and made a quiet and pleasant passage to North Borneo, having rendezvoued with HM Ships HOUGHTON and FISKERTON returning from their patrol in order to gain the benefit of their experiences. By the evening of Saturday 13th we had rounded the northern tip of Borneo and made the remainder of the passage darkened in order to avoid making our presence too readily apparent.

At 0600 the following morning we met a police launch out from Tawau and embarked Mr R H Hansen, the police commissioner, together with six victims of piracy to assist in identifying any suspects, and three local policemen. Within an hour of this we had sighted and hauled alongside our first 'kumpit' -which proved a fortunate meeting. The kumpit, the 'YOUNG STAR', had been involved in a running battle with a pirate the previous evening. Although she had escaped capture, one member of the crew had been killed by a home-made bomb, and six others had been injured by splinters or rifle fire - these we were able to bring on board for medical treatment. This incident, before breakfast on a calm, sunny Sunday morning, brought home to all of us the fact that our patrol was not to be just another cruise. From the 'YOUNG STAR' we now had some definite information and were able to plan our search accordingly.
Sorrowful bunch contemplating future

For the next thirty-six hours we continued the search whilst the trail became slowly colder During this time we stopped and searched or questioned numerous sailing and motor craft but gained little useful information, and the sight of our armed boarding-party 'standing-to' became quite commonplace. There were numerous false alarms, for we found the Celebes Sea to abound in floating trees, which, at a distance were difficult to distinguish from the small craft for which we were looking. This difficulty was increased at night, and on at least one occasion we illuminated a clump of trees which the boarding-party had been waiting to board.
Engineer - tethered

Shortly after 2100 on the second night on patrol we closed a radar contact which began to take evasive action when the range had closed to about one mile, to the extent that the ship had some difficulty in placing her in a position in which we could properly use the searchlight. When this contact was illuminated she was seen to be a fast motor-kumpit resembling that discribed by the crew of the 'YOUNG STAR'. She was stopped and the crew brought on board for questioning whilst the boat was searched - a search that revealed two automatic weapons, a rifle and ammunition hidden beneath a pile of copra. The discovery of these arms, together with the results of questioning, gave sufficient grounds for arrest. A prize crew was embarked, and the real crew were kept on board the ship under guard except for the engineer whom we kept with us in the kumpit. By 2230 we in the kumpit were underway again and heading for Tawau, some 120 miles distant, escorted by the ship. I shall remember that night for a long time, for the smell of rancid copra takes some getting used to and permeates everything - clothes, food and even cigarettes: in the heat of the day it becomes worse still. The native engineer that we took with us was given little freedom by his police guard and spent most of the time tethered like a dog by a halter round his neck; had one not seen their victims in the 'YOUNG STAR' two days earlier it would have been easy to have felt sorry for him.
Attacked by pirates.Motor kumpit 'Young Star'
with casualties.

Shortly after sunrise the following morning the ship left us to go on into Tawau and we followed at our best speed of about nine knots. Our arrival in Tawau in the afternoon caused great interest ashore and the interest heightened into excitement when the haltered engineer was led to the local gaol.

A report of the incident was released to the press by the Admiralty and during the next few weeks we were entertained by numerous press-cuttings which told our story in various ways - and not always very accurately. The most accurate report that reached us originated in the ship as a letter home and came back as a full back page article in a local Ulster newspaper complete with one of the Buffer's photographs of Able Seaman Hodge at his best (with pirates).

We have recently heard that our captives have each been sentenced to twelve years imprisonment.

Stupid Diplomat:Mind Your Own Business

Hantu Laut

Some people just have no sense of shame and has no balls to put their name on an official statement they made to the media.

A Filipino diplomat who wanted to stay anonymous because he has no balls said the economy of Malaysia particularly Sabah would collapse if the Malaysian government continue to deport illegal immigrant.The diplomat said the number of Filipinos in Sabah alone could reach 400,000.

Every Sabahan knew that figure, which was also agreed by the Malaysian government, is wrong and manufactured by the Federal government.The actual figure of mostly illegal Filipino immigrants is close to 1 million and another 300,000 Indonesians, making almost 1.3 million of them scattered all over the state.The ratio is almost 1:1, that's one illegal for every Sabahan.

The government refused to admit the correct figure because it would show how irresponsible they have been toward providing security to the state.

Sabahans have been besieged by the presence of these aliens for decades and the situation is getting worse day by day by letting in new arrivals.Their different cultural background and social behaviour breeds contempt among ethnic Sabahans.

The Philippines government and the unnamed diplomat should be ashamed of themselves for the abject poverty in their country that drove their citizens to seek better life in other countries illegally.Every one of its government, past and present, are only interested to rob the country and run it to the ground.

President Arroyo ! I think it's time you wake up and deal with the problem with probity rather than letting your stupid diplomat to make equally stupid statement.

Below is the article:

Deportations may lead to collapse of Malaysia economy
By Veronica Uy
First Posted 08:35:00 07/21/2008

MANILA, Philippines -- The economy of Malaysia, particularly of Sabah, could collapse if its government continues with the crackdown and deportation of so-called illegal migrant workers, including hundreds of thousands of Filipinos, a Filipino diplomat said.

The diplomat, who requested anonymity as he does not have any authority to speak on the issue, affirmed earlier reports that Filipinos in Sabah are allowed to vote in Sabah elections, and that they are then deported in regular anti-illegal migrants campaigns.

"This follows a regular cycle. After every election, the politicians seek to show their teeth and after a concessional deportation of a few thousands, they would again look the other way because they also realize the contribution that our people have on their economy. Without them, their economy would collapse," he said.

The diplomat said the number of Filipinos in Sabah alone could reach as many as 400,000.

While there are no official estimates, Foreign Affairs Undersecretary for Migrant Workers Affairs Esteban Conejos puts the number at around 200,000, while Malaysia puts the number at around 300,000.

Told that the Malaysian government has expressed "seriousness" in ridding the island of "illegal migrants," the unnamed Filipino diplomat said, "Their seriousness is limited by their logistics. Imagine deporting that many people. They would lose their shirt."

Both sides agree that the Philippines' un-acted claim over Sabah complicates the deportation further because while the country seeks for an orderly deportation of Filipinos from Sabah, it cannot formally set up a consulate office there as it would effectively be recognizing Malaysia's claim over Sabah. A consulate office in Sabah would facilitate the documentation of the deportees, who for the most part were born and raised in Sabah and know no other home but Sabah.

Malaysia contends that it has jurisdiction over Sabah because the people of Sabah have so chosen, and it occupies the oil-rich island. International law experts agree that occupation is nine-tenths of any similar claim.

The Philippines' claim is based on historical records, which indicate that the sultanate of Sulu owns Sabah. This is supported by the annual lease payment made by the Sabah government to the sultan and his heirs.

After the March elections in Malaysia, its government has stepped up deportations, sending back around 250 “illegal migrants” each week to Zamboanga City, where the Philippine government has set up a one-stop processing center composed of officials from the Department of Labor and Employment, Department of Social Welfare and Development, and the Department of Foreign Affairs .Read more...Pirate Ship pictures

They came by boats, some as pirates.Remember the Sipadan kidnapping?

You have accused the Malaysian government of using your citizens to vote illegally in our elections.Show us the evidence so we Sabahans can kick the asses in Putrajaya.

Mr Diplomat, please indentify yourself, so our government can send a protest letter to your Embassy.

Which economy would collapse? Ours or Yours ? Ours had collapsed a few times but recovered quickly.Do you see millions of Malaysian as economic refugees in other country? Does our economy depend on overseas remittances like yours?

Yours, collapsed under the Marcos regime and have not recovered ever since and the problem is you and most Filipinos are still living in cloud cuckoo land.

That's why your country is in such a mess. There are just too many morons like you.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

The Cabals Of Malaysia

Hantu Laut

This is the pot that called the kettle black before.Now they are showing their true colour.Bashed its own MP for asking questions.

PKR's YB Nik Nazmi's aide is alleged to have punched PKR's YB Loh Gwo-Burne for asking him questions over the construction of a surau which apparently had no approval from the local council.

PKR which accused UMNO of human right abuses and marginalisation of Indians over demolition of Indian temples before is now doing much better than UMNO to perpetuate 'ketuanan Melayu'.Just bash up anybody including your own party comrade and lawmakers if they dare to ask questions on Malay rights.At least in UMNO the Malays don't beat up their non-Malays elected representatives in the coalition.

Among the 5 states under the oppositions, PKR's Khalid has shown total lack of good governance and is more interested in witch hunting than governing a state.Already embroiled in several controversies, the Menteri Besar of Selangor seems not to have any control over his men.

What can one expect from a party that has a leader who is all for himself,promote himself and his family

Have you ever heard Anwar Ibrahim talk much about his party and his people?It's always him, his family, how he can steal a government and how the BN government conspire to fix him.

Anwar's PKR is still crawling on all fours. They need to learn how to walk properly and certainly need to learn the art of governing before they can look at the bigger picture.

If you can' ride a pony properly how do you expect to ride a stallion?

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Buying A Pig In The Poke

Hantu Laut

Let forget about Anwar for a little while and indulge in some of life unpleasant surprises.Sometimes, things don't work out the way you want them to.Sometimes,it your own fault,sometimes it's other people's carelessness and stupidity.Sometimes, you want to get angry and bash up that someone who screw up the normality of your every day existence.

Last night I was getting ready to go to a charity dinner and show.My wife and I always attend the annual charity dinner and show, without fail, every year for the past eight years, for which she was one of the founding members of this very noble organisation that look after people with terminal diseases, particularly cancer.The organisation has grown substantially since its inception and is fully financed by public donations from generous Sabahans.That's not where my problem is.

My problem, which occurred three days ago, without me even knowing it until last night when I wanted to use my newly bought pair of shoes.Taking the pair of shoes out from the shoebox, I couldn't believe my eyes, it's like my vision has gone haywire.I don't know whether to laugh or get angry with that little Malay boy whom I remember served me when I bought the shoes from Parkson at Wawasan Plaza.I feel like running back to the shop and give the chap a good punch on the nose but than time was not on my side because my dinner is about half an hour away and I live about 30 km from town. When I showed the shoes to my wife she had a good laugh and said " You deserve it,maybe your should punch yourself on the nose, not the boy's, because people like you never checked what you bought before you took them home"

I bought the one on the right. I am going back today and hope that little nitwit is working today so I can give him a piece of my mind.

I wonder what would you do if you are from out of town or overseas tourists, got home and find to their horror the grim picture above.Probably have to throw them away.

The gist of the story is never buy a pig in the poke.


Went back to Parkson, got back the other side and now I have a proper pair of shoes.

The little Malay boy was very apologetic when he saw me.He was wondering why I took 5 days to come back.Since he has apologised I refrained from telling him off.After all we are humans and humans are not infallable, we all can make mistakes.End of story.

Reunited !