Monday, August 11, 2008

Too Good To Be True

Hantu Laut

WYSIWYG - What You See Is What You Get in computer jargon. In nanotechnology there is WYSINWYG - What You See Is Not What You Get. In the Beijing Olympic there is WYSINL -What You See Is Not Real.

Is it Western bias ? I bet the next Olympic opening ceremony in London wouldn't be as grand.The English is rich but think like a pauper.

Who cares? I was well entertained and most impressed.

By Chris Chase
Some Opening Ceremony fireworks were faked

If you watched the Opening Ceremony on Friday night, chances are you said something like, "no way that's possible" at least once. It turns out you were right.

London's Telegraph newspaper reports that some of the fireworks which appeared over Beijing during the television broadcast of the Olympic Opening Ceremony were actually computer generated. But -- hold on -- it's not necessarily as bad as you think.

The faked fireworks were actually set-off at the stadium, but because of potential dangers in filming the display live from a helicopter, viewers at home were shown a pre-recorded, computer-generated shot. It sounds dishonest, but I'm not sure it's such a terrible thing.

The Opening Ceremony is, at its core, just one big performance. And isn't it accepted that some things might not be legit at a performance? The final torch bearer wasn't actually running around the top of the stadium, does the fact that everyone could figure that out make it any less? It might have been unnecessarily deceptive, but the firework-faking isn't that big of a deal. But, if I found out that the lighted-drum thing wasn't on the up and up, then we'll have problems, China.

Source:Yahoo News

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Beijing 2008 OLYMPIC:Pomp,Pageantry And Splendour

Hantu Laut

It was an awesome display of pyrotechnics and pageantry.A show of epic proportion.The best Olympic opening ceremony I have seen so far.It's a coming out party for China, showcasing its 5000 years of history,economic and technological advancement with pomp and circumstance.

The countdown started with 2008 drummers, pounded thundering rhythms on the drums accompanied by flying acrobats on wire, stunts usually seen in Hong Kong made Shaolin movies.

It was probably the most expensive extravanga ever hosted in Olympic history.There were almost 30,000 fireworks ignited within the stadium and its surrounding area for the duration of the opening.A psychedelia of colours illuminated the Bird's Nest stadium and the hazy skies of Beijing.

World leaders who attended the ceremony were US President George W. Bush and Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, French President Nicolas Sarkozy, Japanese Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda and South Korean President Lee Myung-Bak and many others.With the exception of the Thai Prime Minister, leaders from other Asean countries were conspicuously absent and some,including Malaysia, didn't send prominent figure to represent the country at this very important world event.

If the Prime Minister or his Deputy were too busy they could have requested the Agong to represent the country.Being a sportsman himself,I am sure His Royal Highness would be more than pleased to go as head of state,unless he is also busy with his official functions.

The ceremony went on for almost four hours without a dull moment.The choreography was excellent and executed with utmost precision and splendour.

I believe China will overtake the U.S. in medal tally this time around.In the 2004 Olympic at Athens she lost to the U.S. short of 3 gold medals.

Medal Tally

United States353929
Only rich country can host the Olympic.The US$40 billion spent to host the Olympic will not go to waste.

Has China joined the rich countries, maybe not yet, but it has shown the world what it can do to its economy in a short span of time. It's a nation that has taken an arduous journey from its days of closed-door communism to an economic behemoth worthy of envy and respect. It's certainly a force to be reckoned with in the future.

China boleh !

Note:My apology to Malaysia and the Agong, I understand later from news report, he was there, maybe the commentator and cameraman think Malaysia doesn't deserve a mention.

Friday, August 8, 2008

It's Consenting Adults Now ?

Hantu Laut

From being forced (rape) to engage in sodomy,it has now become consensual sex, which means sex between consenting adults.One is charged and the other one is not, so our learned minister says Saiful can't be charged because he is the complainant, but the law says sodomy is a serious criminal offence, irrespective of whosoever engaged in it.

Assuming I had a fight with my friend and I was the aggressor and bashed him up but was the first one to lodge a police report, so I am the complainant, I shouldn't be charged.

What kind of justice system we have in this country.Charge the victim not the perpetrator. Below is part of my blog post on 25th July.

"No matter how much I wanted to believe that Anwar might be guilty of the allegation, it is even harder to believe that Anwar can force himself on a young man of Saiful age six times before he felt utterly disgusted and ran to lodge a report first with the DPM and than to the police.If it was against your will, wouldn't you run away and lodge a police report the first time it happened or was it consensual and something had gone terribly wrong?"

I would still give Anwar the benefit of the doubt.Now we can rule out rape of Saiful.He has unashamedly admitted to consensual sex with Anwar.It would be interesting to know why he changed his mind after the sixth time.

I believe many of you would still remember the arrest of John DeLorean back in 1982 on charges of drug traffiking.The court throw out the case when the judge found out he was set up by the FBI, an entrapment, which is illegal in the U.S.That speaks volume of law enforcement agency and their capacity in resorting to dirty tactics.

De Lorean is the founder of the DeLorean Motor Compnay which ran into financial trouble and was accused of drug traffiking to raise money to save the company.The company went bankrupt in 1982 and closed down for good.

Let's hope justice prevails in this country.

P.I disappeared,doctor disappeared,a blogger charged for sedition, another blogger arrested and an ex DPM charged for sodomy.

It looks like the government have shot itself in the foot.

Opening Ceremony:Beijing Olympic

Hantu Laut


I made this video playlist at

More than 90,000 spectators will stream through the gates of the National Stadium in Beijing  to-night for the opening ceremonies in this gigantic birdnest.