Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Is Raja Petra Sitting On Top Of The World ?

Hantu Laut

Is Raja Petra Kamaruddin or popularly known as RPK a thorn in Najib's flesh, a spanner in his works and an adversary beyond reach?

He is, maybe, not in that order.He is taunting the Malaysian government to "catch me if you can"

RPK, always quoting Sun Tzu as his mentor and source of inspiration.Even James Clavell has made simple Sun Tze's tactical warfare in his book "The Art Of War'.It's was the best layman's interpretation in simplest English of Sun Szu's war strategy.

Is RPK, by Sun Tzu's definition, a warrior or a coward who ran away from a war he started?

When I was young I have always been told, if unsure, to always walk away from a fight, to fight another day.You don't need Sun Tzu to tell you that, it's simple common sense, never take on a more formidable opponent.

David and Goliath may exists in the Bible, a small man with mythical power of the sling that can down a giant.Today, the slings, the bows and arrows are no match for the guns.Might is right.Right is not always right.

The pen mightier than the sword is still true as steel.Just as formidable it can cut you down to pieces.It can kill your career.It can demolish governments.It can change the world for better or for worse.

Half of BN's problems today could be credited to RPK's ability and creativity to mix a hodgepodge of truths, lies and fictions.Because, the government credibility is so low, even the lies have become the truths.

To the uninitiated, young and restless they are nothing but the truths.For those unhappy with the way this country is being run they are nothing but the truths.For the Malay masses who see their names being dragged around and used for the benefits of a few they are nothing but the truth.For the Indians and Chinese who felt marginalised they are nothing but the truth.

Truth is where it hurts the BN's government the most.Most people of average intelligence can separate the lies from the truths. The ignorant and unlearned persons may be less discerning and are harmless than the ones who know better.

The more the government want to clamp down on freedom to speak, freedom of the press and freedom of association the more critical would be the backlash.

We are seeing a radical change in the politics of this country but unfortunately we are not seeing any serious reform within the government to accept the changes. They are still completely immersed in authoritarian and totalitarian behaviour.

I am a supporter of the BN concept of power sharing and accept that UMNO is the lead partner in the coalition.I do not support UMNO per se, I support the concept.I think it is the most ingenious idea of former prime minister, the late Tun Razak Hussein.

I do not support arrogance and wielding power born out of intense sense of insecurity. If those in power think that's how they can silence the restive, the restless and intimidate the people into submission than they ought to think again. Seriously, have they got the right formula to endear the people to them or in everything they do they are actually driving the people away from them?

The recent refusal to renew the publishing permit of PKR's mouthpiece is not good news, not not for PKR or Pakatan but not good for the government.It is good news for PKR and Anwar Ibrahim because the people would see it in a negative light.Surely, "ditindas" would be the word on everybody's mouth.The government has absolutely no reason not to renew the permit.Has anyone not think of damage control? Are there no more people in authority using the thinking cap?

The false reporting of Felda as being bankrupt by Suara Keadilan was no reason not to renew the permit.Felda is suing the publication and the government should allow the process to be settled in court and not use its arbitrary power to muffled the party's organ.Let the court and the people decide who is the liar.

What with Raja Petra?

Leave him alone.Let him be.All the publicity of wanting to catch him is just making him more popular. The government is giving him too much good publicity and itself bad ones.If there were a by-election today and he stood as an independent he may even win.That's how much ado over nothing the government has given him and people are giving credence to his writing because those in power are too lazy to counter his allegations.All they want to do is to arrest him.

Just look who are the bloggers? How many are sympathetic and are prepared to defend the government.How many members of UMNO who are bloggers and are prepared to defend their leaders.All they do all day long are chasing their leaders for contracts.It's all about money and more money.Does UMNO think they deserve to win with this kind of political culture?

I would say almost 80 percent of political commentators who visit political blogs and news portals are pro-opposition.

Since the fallout in March 2008 the BN government has done nothing to increase the use of the Internet to boost their declining influence.What a single man like Raja Petra can do, UMNO with mountain of resources can't.

If you were Pakatan Rakyat wouldn't you want to engage him, be his friend, love him and pay him,whatever? Why are UMNO complaining when Pakatan leaders are seen with him or finance his stay in Britain? Is there anything illegal? Why not some UMNO leaders go to see him and try to woo him to their side.Every man has a price. I am not saying you should buy him but you can woo him in other ways.Maybe, drop the charges against him and let him return to Malaysia on certain conditions.

We want to check who finance him? Big words.You can't even catch him what more finding out where his money came from. Even, if you know who, what can you do?Arrest the man for parting with his money?

"Cops Working Hard To Bring Raja Petra Back" screamed the inside page of NST today's edition.

CID Chief Bakri Zinin says it is not easy to bring a fugitive back but they are working very hard.He also said that something is wrong in our country may not be so in another country.Very profound, he should have known much earlier and knowing so now he should stop wasting time and money to pursue RPK.

What's the point of wanting to interview Zaid Ibrahim?It is not that Zaid would easily throw up everything he knows? He is a seasoned lawyer and a politician who would meticulously choose what to say.

It would be better if the police can get down to doing real police work like working on many of the unsolved murder and missing children cases.

Anwar Ibrahim may no longer be the cause for change.

Beware of people's power.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Now Hisham Admits They Can't Get RPK

Hantu Laut

Over a month ago I wrote in "The Untouchable Putra" that RPK will not be extradited from Britain and today I again reiterated in "Can They Get Raja Petra" that it would be unlikely that the British government would agree to extradite him.

After much delay in making the announcement Hisamuddin has finally admitted here what I knew all along would happen to the case.The British wouldn't play ball with the Malaysian government.

In Britain such act is not considered serious, a non-indictable offence. In fact it is not an offence to criticise or admonish politicians and public figures if they are backed by facts, if not than you are liable and can be sued for libel by the injured party.

Is RPK sitting on top of the world?

Here's something to entertain you. A song of the same title.This blues has been sung by many singers and groups with equal gusto. Below is Eric Clapton reunion with one of his old bands, Cream.

Sorry folks! That was the Yardbirds(Clapton has a short stint with them before).Below is Cream and Clapton.

Too bad, Khairy Jamaluddin.You said it too late.

Can They Get Raja Petra ?

Hantu Laut

Is getting Raja Petra as simple as a walk in the park as the police seems to think?

Bukit Aman CID Chief Bakri Zinin said the police would seek co-operation of Interpol to arrest Raja Petra according to legal procedures.

It is unlikely that the UK police would arrest him based on legal documents presented from Malaysia.

Extradition is a lengthy process and can go on for years and are usually the preserve of criminals including white collar crooks.For non-criminal cases the court process would be more tedious.

Remember? Lorraine Osman, who fought the longest extradition battle in British history.He spent seven years incarcerated in Britain before being extradited to Hong Kong for his role in the biggest banking scandal in the world at that time, loss of $1 billion by BMF, a subsidiary of Bank Bumiputra to the Carrian group in Hong Kong.

Lorraine Osman was a criminal.Hong Kong was then a British colony and even then extradition was a messy and lengthy affair.

Is Raja Petra a criminal?

In Malaysia, he may be, in the eyes of his detractors and those who wanted to silence him.In Britain, under British law, he may not necessarily be considered a criminal.

Western democracies see political persecution as crime against humanity and would give protection to those whom they perceived lives to be in danger or facing political persecution in the home country.

Raja Petra knows his stuff.He knows he can get asylum in Britain or anywhere in the EC.He has two ISA records to prove eligibility.

All he needs to do is to scream for one and he has Sun Tze on his side.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Anwar And The Powers That Be Infantile Colic

Hantu Laut

His credibility is falling.Respect for him is falling.His American and Jewish friends have thrown the gauntlet at him for his anti-Jewish remarks.He is best friend to one of the biggest proponents of the Iraq War that killed hundreds of thousand of innocent Iraqis. The Jewish-controlled press is now going all out to skin him alive.

B'nai B'rith International (Global Voice Of The Jewish Community) asked the US government to severe ties with Anwar Ibrahim.Full text of the letter is published in its magazine. Part of its article is shown below.
In a letter sent to the State Department, the Senate’s Committee on Foreign Relations, and the House of Representatives’ Committee on Foreign Affairs, B’nai B’rith International decried anti-Semitic statements made by Malaysian opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim and implored U.S. officials to cut ties with the leader.

“[Ibrahim’s] frequent criticisms of the government of Prime Minister Najib Razak are infused with anti-Jewish and anti-Israel slanders, such as his April 30 assertion that Israeli spies are ‘directly involved in the running of the government,’” the letter reads. “On another occasion he alleged the presence of ‘Israeli intelligence personnel in the Police IT unit.’”

Ibrahim has also accused Jews of controlling a public relations firm hired by the Malaysian prime minister and claimed that he has evidence of Israeli influence on the Malaysian government.

“In light of the role that Ibrahim has played in the resurgence of anti-Semitic polemics in Malaysian politics,” the letter continues, “we ask that U.S. officials suspend their ties with Anwar Ibrahim. A purveyor of anti-Jewish hatred such as Ibrahim should not enjoy the measure of legitimacy that a positive relationship with the United States would confer upon him.”

To read the full letter, click here.

This darling of the West, a putative liberal Muslim they called him, would rather be the object of scorn at home than that of the West.The West is more precious to him than his own people.

The New Ledger, renounced support for Anwar and admonished CNN's skewed portrayal of Anwar as an angelic Muslim leader and victim of Malaysian government's conspiracy to halt his political career.CNN is well known for its lopsidedness.

CNN, bad journalism, and Anwar’s apology tour.

by Joshua Treviño

Following up on my piece a few days back on Malaysia’s Anwar Ibrahim, CNN International’s Connect the World program featured Anwar this past Friday. The interview, apparently taped as part of his U.S. apology tour for whipping up anti-Semitism back home, nicely encapsulates everything that’s wrong with Western media coverage of Anwar — and indeed, of problems in journalism at large. This much softball usually involves 18 women, underhand pitching, and the NCAA.

The clip in question is embedded here. Keep in mind, as you watch this, that the entire reason Anwar Ibrahim is making this media appearance is that he’s spent all of 2010 attacking Jews. Count the number of times CNN mentions this


That’s right: zero. The interview in its entirety mentioned the major news about Anwar Ibrahim exactly zero times. Read more.

Chameleonic Mr Anwar Ibrahim has gone to Washington to apologise to the Jewish society of America.

Who is going to vote Anwar Ibrahim as prime minister of Malaysia?

The Americans, the Jews or Malaysians? Are there foreign funds bankrolling Anwar's political campaign? Otherwise, why the need to apologise? Why should he cares what the Jews think of him.

Are not Malaysians the ones who will determine his political future?

That's Anwar Ibrahim.Consumed by his own intelligence.

Let us take a look at what is wrong on the other side of the political playing field, the incorrigible powers that be, where the kitchen is always hot and the leaders unsure and jittery.

Obviously, our DPM has taken criticism from fellow Malays not as a source of constructive new ideas but as a source of annoyance here.

Senator Ezam Mohd Nor accused the Star and Malaysiakini as being anti-national for publishing grievances of unpaid foreign workers building the new Istana.Can there be anything more shallow than this?

How could publishing news of public interests be considered as anti-national or Ezam much preferred sweeping it under the carpets.

Look like freedom of the press, freedom of speech and freedom of exchanges of ideas are going back into the Pandora's box to be locked permanently.

A locked cannon is more dangerous than a loose cannon!