Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Stop Investing In Coal, You Idiots !

Hantu Laut

"Coal is the single greatest threat to civilization and all life on our planet." – James Hansen, NASA's top climate scientist

We are getting stronger tail end of the typhoons when they lay their destructive paths across the Philippines bringing bigger and more intense waves hitting our shores, eroding shorelines, damaging seashore settlements and bringing with it heavier rainfall causing floods and landslips.

Many shorelines on Sabah's western seaboard have changed in form due to heavier waves and stronger sea current pounding the shores.Coral reefs are dying, habit and habitat of marine creatures are a changing due to rising sea temperature.

Where there used to be land are now part of the sea.

The most noticeable adverse reaction of global warming and man's foolhardy actions of fouling up divine creations is the disappearance of most of my family land at Meruntum Bay, just about 12 km from Kota Kinabalu city.

Almost 50 percent of what used to be our land with beautiful stretch of beach and casuarina trees lining the beach have now disappeared under water impacted by global warming and indiscriminate land reclamation of Kota Kinabalu sea front over the years, done with EIA approval.

I suspect the huge reclamation at Sutera Harbour might have altered the sea current causing erosion that seriously damaged proximate shorelines over the years.

Sabah, is no more "Land Below The Wind" as described by Agnes Keith in her book of the same name.The weather pattern has completely changed.When it is supposed to be dry it's wet, when it's supposed to be wet it's dry.

We are getting more freakish weather bringing stronger winds whipping up huge waves pounding our shores, heavier rainfalls causing landslips and flash floods and hotter days during the dry months bringing drought and widespread bush fires are happening more often than not.

The past two weeks Kota Kinabalu and surrounding areas have been pounded daily by heavy rainfalls causing flash flood and landslips.

Climate change, I guess have impacted the changes.Even more disturbing strange things are happening below the sea surface, destroying beautiful coral reefs and changing the habits and habitats of marine creatures.

Just two weeks ago widespread coral bleaching occurred in marine parks throughout Malaysia.Pulau Redang,Pulau Tioman and Pulau Tayar in Peninsula Malaysia was temporarily off-limit to divers and snorkelers.Widespread bleaching was also notice at Sepanggar Bay at Kota Kinabalu in Sabah.

Being a blue water angler for the past 30 years I can't help but noticed changing sea conditions in the areas I am familiar with.We are getting more unpredictable storms coming out of nowhere anytime of the day or night, whipping up waves from zero to almost 3 meters in a matter of hours.I have been caught out by such freakish weather on number of occasions, one with almost tragic consequence.

My fishing trips with friends would take us one to two nights to about 30 to 50 miles offshore. Reason being, both pelagic and sedentary fish are more active at night which give us better and bigger catch.The past three to four years something unusual is happening below the sea surface.There is a complete reversal of the fish eating pattern changing them to be more active during the day and more difficult to find at night.Could global warming be the cause of this strange phenomenon?

Even more disturbing is the dwindling catch and disappearance of certain specie of fish due to over fishing. The waters of Sabah's coast are over fished by fish bombing, fish poisoning, indiscriminate trawling and to lesser extent subsistence fishing and the increasingly popular recreational fishing.

Men are having mortal combat with the environment, killing it slowly but surely, ignoring that we are on an island in the universe surrounded by ocean of emptiness and neighbours without life-supporting environment should we one day need to leave this planet, we really have no where to go.

Sciences have not yet found a formula to take us to the far edges of the universe where life-supporting planets might exist. So, we should make the best and take care of the environment to save this planet from destruction.

Having said all that we again are going to face another environmental disaster that would add to the already highly-strained environment we live in if the Federal government continue to ignore the wishes of Sabahans of not wanting the proposed coal-fired power plant that would smear not only the environment but also the people's health.Worst still, the plant is in close proximity to one of the biggest and most delicate coral reef formation in the region in a highly fragile eco-system.

The Federal government has the option of diverting offshore gas for power generation that is kind to the environment but instead placed more importance to channeling the gas to Bintulu for export instead of giving Sabahans what rightly belong to them to use for clean power generation that is friendly to the people's health and clean to the environment.

For many years and until now the gas have been flared, in layman's term, burned.The moment Sabahans wanted it for power generation it raises eyebrows in the Federal capital suddenly making it commercially viable to pipe the gas all the way to Bintulu but not viable to pipe to KotaKinabalu for power generation to supply electricity to the whole state.

If West Malaysians have accepted coal powered stations in their midst without any questions it doesn't mean Sabahans are made from the same mould and should accept such wilful act of the government trying to shove down our throat something we found repulsive and dangerous to our health.We certainly still love,cherish and care about our environment and the clean air that we breath.

We don't want to be like Kuala Lumpur with perpetual blanket of smog hanging over the city and yet the city dweller are happy to drive their cars into the city contributing more pollutants to the already unhealthy air environment. This city has one of the most screwed up public transport system of a modern city in the world, a mass transit, if you can call it one, that do not connect.Three different systems that do not meet on a common interchange.To change system one has to cross roads,streets ,longkang and what not. The city dwellers have been shafted by nothing less than their own government.Inilah "Malaysia Boleh"

Adding chaos to the already dysfunctional system are the worst taxi drivers of the world who cheat passengers at their whims and fancies and the government seems helpless to do anything. Are they really helpless, or they are just apathetic? Who is the minister in charge, should not he be ashamed that for donkey years they have not been able to discipline the crooked taxi drivers?

The diversion above is to show that these are people who pretended to be clever and have proven to be not.They have screwed up aplenty.

These are the same people who admitted being misled by one minister making the whole cabinet looking like a bunch of fools and now allow the pseudo-technocrats in Tenaga to shove crap down Sabahan throats that there is clean coal. Like everything else, there is only clean coal if there is discipline.Knowing Malaysian maintenance culture, who can't even keep their public toilets clean, can you expect them to keep coal clean? Just visit any of our major airports and see how clean and nice smelling the toilets are.The ministers don't know because they all go through VIP rooms.Even if they do know, they probably do not care, after all they are not the one using it.

The story would have been different if there have not been safer and cleaner alternative.We have and we are being deprived of it for reason of greed and couldn't care less attitude of the government.

You can call us stupid, uncultured, anti-development and anti-progress but that's the way we are.

All we asked for is to give us back what rightfully is ours in the first place.

A coal power plant is demolished in Weishan County, China. China plans to invest 265 billion dollars in renewable energy by 2020 to wean itself off polluting coal.

Investments in conventional coal-fired power plants without carbon capture and storage (CCS) have to stop immediately in order to limit global warming below 2°C. Key investment areas for power and heat production should be renewable energies, storage systems, and grid development.(Photo: Reuters)

The EIA that approved the Sutera Harbour reclamation works was responsible for destroying part of my valuable family land which require million of ringgit to restore to its former self had now made me sceptical of any EIA report issued by the government.

I don't believe there is absolutely clean coal technology, it may reduce some CO2 emission into the atmosphere but it can create other problems. The sludge and effluence of dewatering low grade coal has to go somewhere? Where?

Holding ponds? For how long? Read the disaster in the US here.

A home in eastern Tennessee is partially buried in contaminated waste from a coal-fired power plant. View a slideshow of the damage caused by the billion-gallon spill on Dec. 22, 2008. Courtesy: United Mountain Defense

Where else! eventually the sea the victim.

Monday, August 2, 2010

A proposed coal plant in Malaysia is provoking an international outcry.

Why the Fight for the Gulf is Also in Borneo

A proposed coal plant in Malaysia is provoking an international outcry.
Document Actions

Borneo community, photo by Helen Brunt
Photo by Helen Brunt.

In Borneo, south of the power plant's proposed site, coastal communities depend on good fishing waters for their livelihood.

I’ve had a hard time wrenching my eyes away from the Gulf since the Deepwater Horizon began spewing poison just over 100 days ago. Google Maps tells me that Grand Isle, Louisiana is 2,316 miles away from my office here in Oakland, CA and yet it feels like that oil is washing right up on my doorstep.

What makes the devastation in the Gulf feel so personal?

For me, it’s the stories of families that have lost everything, shrimpers and fisherman whose livelihoods may never recover. It’s the photos of oil-drenched pelicans, the same birds I remember seeing down in Florida as a kid. It’s watching our political system unable to muster the proper response to the crisis: a full out clean energy mobilization that could finally break our addiction to fossil fuels.

I’ve wanted to know what makes the Gulf disaster tear up our hearts because there are other environmental fights out there that need to feel just as personal.

For the last two months, I’ve been emailing and Skype-ing with Cynthia Ong, one of the leaders of Green SURF, a coalition of organizations in the Malaysian state of Sabah on the island of Borneo. Cynthia and her allies are working to stop a coal fired power plant that could have a devastating effect on the environment and community of the island.

The people of Borneo need the support of the international community to stop the plant. With most of the paperwork already approved and construction ready to begin this August, the Prime Minister of Malaysia, Najib Razak, is one of the few people left with enough power to still pull the plug.

If Najib feels enough international pressure, there’s a good chance he will scrap the plant. But without a global response, the project will undoubtedly move forward.

This coal plant needs to start feeling just as close as Grand Isle and the Gulf coast.

Borneo is over 8,000 miles away from Oakland, yet this coal plant needs to start feeling just as close as Grand Isle and the Gulf coast.

Because if we can’t stop a coal plant in a famous place like Borneo, how will we ever stop the hundreds more being planned for less iconic places across the planet? And how will we begin to take on the even more difficult problem of the climate crisis—which is already hammering vulnerable communities but still feels distant and invisible for many of us?

The Internet has provided us with a powerful tool in this struggle. Not so long ago, we’d be reaching for an encyclopedia to look up where exactly Borneo is. Now it’s just a click away.

Images of the pristine beaches that will be ravaged by the coal plant or video of the coastal communities that may be forced off their land can be beamed directly to our laptops. Studies about how Borneo could generate its electricity needs from clean and renewable sources are freely available.

Perhaps most importantly, though, politicians like Prime Minister Najib can hear our voices—even if they’re 8,000 miles away. Green SURF is encouraging people to write on Najib’s Facebook page or send him an online postcard expressing opposition to the plant.

The global response to the coal plant generated by Cynthia and many others (she’ll be the first to credit the incredible work of many activists and community groups on the ground) is already beginning to have an effect.

Earlier this month, The Star, a leading English-language paper in Malaysia, ran a story about the global pressure building on Najib. Just last week, Roz Savage, international activist and distance rower, was in Borneo to shine a spotlight on the issue with some creative actions that got the attention of the press. And throughout the summer, Green SURF and their allies have worked to submit hundreds upon hundreds of public comments criticizing the Detailed Environmental Impact Assessment (DEIA) of the coal plant, a key hurdle it must clear in order to be built.

They seem to have been heard: On July 29, Free Malaysia Today reported that the DEIA was “laced with fraud, incompetence or plain negligence.”

Now, it’s crucial to continue to build opposition to the plant. At this point, spreading the story, photos, and videos of what’s happening in Borneo is the most important step that citizens around the world can take. Petitions, like the one up now at Change.org, are also circulating. Joining the SOS Borneo Facebook group can help you stay up to date with the latest developments.

Personally, I look forward to the day when we can look up and see solutions instead of disasters, whether they’re just around the corner or halfway around the world (showing those solutions is one of the goals of 350.org’s 10/10/10 Global Work Party this October).

For now, though, it’s important to look directly at the challenges we face, take a deep breath, and try once again to make a difference.

Jamie HennJamie Henn wrote this article for YES! Magazine, a national, nonprofit media organization that fuses powerful ideas with practical actions. Jamie is a co-coordinator of 350.org. In 2007, he co-organized Step It Up, a campaign that pulled together over 2,000 climate rallies across the United States to push for strong climate action at the federal level.

Source:Yes Magazine

Friday, July 30, 2010

Millionire At 20,Billionaire At 28?. Is He Really That Hot?

Hantu Laut

Millionaire when he was barely 20. Set up an investment fund called Wyndon Group now worth in excess of US$1 billion.No tweet? Fine.No website? Strange.Right place,right time, right people.....ouch! my foot!

Yes! right people with most disgustingly wasteful habit.

An international investment company with portfolio of US$1 billion may not be big worldwide but big enough for Malaysia.It has no website which means it is not interested in expanding or canvassing its business from the general public.From portfolio investment switched to private equity.

Smart!.Private equity is much more difficult to check as against listed portfolio investment which is much more transparent.

There is absolutely nothing on the Wyndon Group on the Internet except the interview with the Star newspaper.

Low states that his Wyndon Group is registered and headquartered in the British Virgin Island (BVI).On checking with the British Virgin Islands Financial Services Commission (BVIFSC), a regulatory body responsible for regulating all financial services business operating in and from within the BVI, no such company can be found under all categories of financial services.Wyndon does not exist on their registry. Maybe, Low should be more specific and give more details of his company's registration and under which British Virgin Island's authority it was registered.

While many other tax havens have bad reputation of being used by unsavoury characters to cheat and launder money, the BVI has managed to keep a clean slate and weeded out the crooks.It would issue advisory warning if any company falsely claimed to be under their jurisdiction like the few examples below.

VIP BANK, INC. - Advisory Warning No. 3 of 2010
121 Views :: Advisory Warnings

The Commission wishes to inform the public that VIP BANK, INC., is not incorporated or registered in the British Virgin Islands or licensed to carry on financial services business in or from within the Territory.

Golden Gate Education Ltd., Golden Gate Ltd., FinancerzWorld - Advisory Warning No. 24 of 2009
5496 Views :: Advisory Warnings
The FSC wishes to inform the public that Golden Gate Education Ltd., also operating as Golden Gate Ltd. and FinancerzWorld, is not licensed to carry on financial services business in or from within the Territory. Members of the public are therefore advised to exercise extreme caution in conducting any transactions with Golden Gate Education Ltd., also operating as Golden Gate Ltd. and FinancerzWorld.

BVI is a tax haven and one do not need substantive local presence to conduct business from there as long as you are legally registered.If you are a company providing financial services than you have to be registered and authorised by BVIFSC to conduct your business in or from within BVI.

There are two Virgin Islands, one under the British and the other under US jurisdiction.Low definitely confirmed his company was registered and domicile in BVI.

It makes one wonder if the Star reporter that interviewed him asked him for a copy of his company's prospectus just for curiosity sake or bothered to check whether such company actually exists before going to print.Can't say much about the standard of journalism in this country. Just print anything without doing background check. Sorry! I forgot there is a difference between a reporter and a journalist, or is there? Well, journalists sound more glorified than reporters although they do exactly the same job, reporting.

Low is also good at dodging questions.Since the Star reporter is hardly a "Hard Talk" stuff the answer below is what he gets to his question.

Q: What were the best stocks you invested in?

A: The funny thing is, when I was in university, I wrote a couple of articles for the Wharton journal. Some recommendations turned out well, some were terrible. Wharton educates you to look at a diverse portfolio. At the end of the day, it was about returns and diversification.

Any one who understand English would easily conclude that is not exactly the answer to the question.Do I need to go to Wharton to know about returns and diversification?

What about his stock recommendations, the good and the terrible ones? I don't know about the good ones but I know this one was a disaster.Those who bought big on his recommendation would have lost their pants.Maybe, Low can point us to the good ones where he and his customers made tons of money.

Would you give your money to a person who mixes with people who blow their money like there is no tomorrow? Would you ?

A picture paints a thousand words.The picture tells a different story.

"For me, we all work very hard. Of course, we have a disadvantage where at our age, people may perceive it differently. At the end of the day, I run my investors’ money prudently. I generate returns for them. I am not an excessive person but I do have my breaks for relaxation with friends."

Q: All this publicity, has it helped or hindered you?

A: A lot of people have talked to me about it and if it will affect my business because some of my investors are from Islamic countries. Firstly, an important key point is trust. If you don’t trust me, you won’t trust me to invest in me. Second, it is a gross exaggeration of facts. Third, with the amount media attention, although it has been very challenging on me, it is through this rising above from challenges that we learn to better ourselves, so I decided that it was an opportune time to come out and state the facts.

Good try my friend.Very profound indeed.

All those money you and your friends burned on the wild champagne parties were provided by Muslims from Islamic countries.That's why they need you as the front man, the fall guy.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

More Wild Parties, Down The Champagne With The Pussies

Hantu Laut

ore than 800 million people go to bed hungry every day, 300 million are children.

These children live in the worst imaginable conditions - in overcrowded shacks with dirt floors and no running water or electricity. They play in alleyways covered with sewage and trash. Their parents are often too poor or too ill to keep them fed.

There is no money for food and rarely a chance for these children to see a doctor when they are sick. Something as simple as an ear infection can cause deafness; a cold can lead to pneumonia... and even death.

A child dies every three seconds from AIDS and extreme poverty, often before their fifth birthday.

Entire villages and communities are being wiped out by diseases that are living in dirty water.

Children are dying in huge numbers.These numbers are so big that they cannot begin to comprehend them - they are just statistics !

While million of children have no food to eat and no roof over their heads in poor stricken countries in Africa and Asia million of dollars are wasted on splashing expensive champagne in one night of orgy of fun and sex.

Money that came out of mother earth's womb deep beneath the earth's surface.Money that is so easy to get it has lost its intrinsic value.Money that gave the crooked and the corrupted absolute power.

A story from one poor African

I know poverty because poverty was there before I was born and it has become part of life like the blood through my veins. Poverty is not going empty for a single day and getting something to eat the next day. Poverty is going empty with no hope for the future. Poverty is getting nobody to feel your pain and poverty is when your dreams go in vain because nobody is there to help you. Poverty is watching your mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters die in pain and in sorrow just because they couldn't get something to eat. Poverty is hearing your grandmothers and grandfathers cry out to death to come take them because they are tired of this world. Poverty is watching your own children and grandchildren die in your arms but there is nothing you can do. Poverty is watching your children and grandchildren share tears in their deepest sleep. Poverty is suffering from HIV/AIDS and dying a shameful death but nobody seems to care". " Poverty is when you hide your face and wish nobody could see you just because you feel less than a human being. Poverty is when you dream of bread and fish you never see in the day light. Poverty is when people accuse you and prosecute you for no fault of yours but who is there to say some for you? Poverty is when the hopes of your fathers and grandfathers just vanish within a blink of an eye. I know poverty and I know poverty just like I know my father's name. Poverty never sleeps. Poverty works all day and night. Poverty never takes a holiday" (One Poor African)

God must be blind!

What I wrote

Mr Big Spender's Duel in "Who Is Richer", Spending Other People's Money

Now, from the horses's mouth here.