Saturday, November 6, 2010

The Murder He Wrote

Hantu Laut

The murder he wrote in a "Statutory Declaration" based on hearsay could not be the basis for a court proceeding.

Anyone with ill intent could have signed a farcical statutory declaration.

Statutory declaration is not 'gospel truth' as the opposition and pro-opposition media made it out to be.

I don't see the point of writing about the issue anymore other than sensationalising what was already a dead horse.

Anyway, enjoy "The Murder He Wrote"
Written by Our Correspondent
ImageThe episode of a sensational killing of a Mongolian translator appears to be about finished

The closing of a case earlier this week by Malaysia's attorney general over allegedly false statements by a private investigator that tied Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak to the 2006 murder of Mongolian translator Altantuya Shaariibuu literally lets unknown persons close to the prime minister get away with murder.

The closure of the case appears to write the final chapter in one of Malaysia's most sensational murder cases, one involving a gruesome death, intrigue in high places, more than 100 million euros in alleged bribes and a trial that appeared to be rigged to keep prosecutors as far as possible away from Najib, then the deputy prime minister, and his wife, Rosmah Mansor.

The private investigator, P Balasubramaniam, was hired in 2006 by Abdul Razak Baginda, one of Najib's best friends and a defense analyst from the Malaysian Strategic Research Centre think-tank, to attempt to keep Altantuya away from Baginda because he had jilted her. She was demanding revenge and US$500,000 for her role as a translator in the sale of French submarines to Malaysia. A French prosecutorial team continues to probe the sale of the subs to Malaysia and whether kickbacks were paid to top French and Malaysian politicians.

In July of 2008, as the trial droned on, Balasubramaniam issued a statutory declaration alleging that Najib, then the deputy prime minister, was involved in the murder, only to retract the entire contents of the declaration a day later and issue a second saying he had made the first under duress (Note:
Both declarations can be found here).

Balasubramaniam's lawyer, Americk Sidhu, denounced the closing of the case, saying that if the supposedly false statements were investigated thoroughly by police, they would have led to the conclusion that people close to Najib were involved in the murder.

De facto Law Minister Nazri Aziz, in a written statement to parliament, said the case was closed because Balasubramaniam had given conflicting statutory declarations, and that anyway, they didn't affect the trial of two of Najib's personal bodyguards and Abdul Razak Baginda, which ended in April of 2009 after a 159-day trial in which the bodyguards were sentenced to death. They are appealing the verdict, with suspicions running high that they will somehow be given their freedom in exchange for their silence on whoever ordered them to kill the woman.

"Although there are contradictions between the two statutory declarations, the contradictions do not affect the outcome of the trial of Altantuya," Nazri said. "Moreover, the individual (Balasubramaniam) is still believed to be abroad." Nazri added that the decision to close the case was made after "careful consideration" of the results of the police probe and witness statements.

Although the two bodyguards were convicted of the crime, Baginda was acquitted under controversial circumstances without having to put on a defense. He then hurriedly left the country for England, where he has remained ever since. One of the two bodyguards said in a cautioned statement that they had been hired to commit the killing and were to be paid RM100,000 to do it. But the statement was never introduced into the marathon trial and never was anybody asked who had done the hiring or made the payment offer.

The 27-year-old Altantuya, the translator in some phases of the billion-dollar purchase of French Scorpene submarines that netted Baginda's company €114 million in consulting fees, was shot in the head and her body was blown up with explosives in a patch of jungle near the suburban city of Shah Alam. Before she died, she told Balasubramaniam she had been promised US$500,000 for assisting in the submarine transaction.

In the bodyguard's cautioned statement, it emerged that Altantuya, almost with her last words, told her two assailants that she was pregnant and begged them not to kill her. That has led to speculation that her body was blown up with C4 explosives to hide any DNA evidence of who the father might be.

Balasubramaniam, who remains somewhere in Chennai, has continued to insist loudly that Razak Baginda, who is married, had told him that the translator had been Najib's sexual companion before the then-deputy prime minister passed her on to Baginda because it wouldn't look good for a prospective prime minister to have a girlfriend.

Read more..

Friday, November 5, 2010

Analyse:Yong Done In By DAP ?

Hantu Laut

It would have been a fight between BN and SAPP without any doubt.PKR was in obscurity before DAP took to the campaign trail.

Obviously,DAP has strong influence over Chinese voters which they managed to convince to swing to PKR's Ansari who would not have done better than Yong without the Chinese votes split between him and Yong.

The Prime Minister may want to take note that in majority Chinese areas in Sabah swing votes to Pakatan particularly towards DAP is very possible.This victory and that of Galas are not indications that the ground swell is massively moving in BN direction. Calling a snap election may be prematured and risky.The BN needs to do more to recapture the people's imagination.

Ansari's bumiputra votes is dismal.Without the swing Chinese votes he would not have done that well.

BN, is advantaged by the three-cornered fight and right choice of candidate.A straight fight would have the BN walking the tightrope.Yong and Ansari shared what the lone independent candidate got in 2008 against the late Edmund Chong.

UMNO and its Director of Operation Musa Aman was the prime mover without which PBS would not have the capacity and will to ensure victory.The same man who delivered almost all the seats in the 2008 General Elections and whose political demises have been predicted countless times by those opposed to him and those who didn't get what they asked for, has against all predictions, delivered victory to the BN.

The big win for Linda is a combination of sympathy votes mainly from female voters, unfettered support for the BN by the bumiputra Muslim community and good campaign strategy.

Yong took a big gamble and lost.He needlessly used too many political bankrupts and losers to help him campaign in the bumiputra areas.These are political mercenaries discarded by other political parties that came for short term collect money.

With his tattered image Yong would find it hard going from now on.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

BN Leads.Yong May Lose Deposit

Hantu Laut

BN leading with massive votes.Ansari trailing. Yong may lose deposit.

More to come.

Batu Sapi Turnout Low:Trouble for BN?

Hantu Laut

Batu Sapi turnout low.At 4 p.m there were less than 60% turnout.The low turnout is not good for BN.

If the bumiputra turnout is low than BN would likely be in trouble. Internal sabotage likely.

More to come.