If Malaysians think the BN is evil than they better watch out for this wolf in sheep's clothing which is slowly undressing itself to reveal the true colour of its coat.
Are these the people who promised good governance or a bare-knuckled administration?
Malaysians should start worrying about whether they are fit to be the alternative government as you can see they don't talk the talk and walk the walk.Bunch of twisters and liars.
Is the 1 Malaysia poster or billboard obscene, racist or seditious in nature to justify its forceful removal? Did it in anyway contravened any of the by-laws of the council or was it a case of "absolute power corrupts absolutely"?
The Selangor Pakatan government is falling into the same quagmire that they accused the BN of, arbitrary abuse of power and worse they ignored the fact that 1 Malaysia is a national programme not a political party political agenda.It's supposed to encompass national unity.
To ban it just because the government of the day is the BN at Federal level and opposition in the state is unconstitutional.The BN government should drag the Selangor government to court before they put up more of such nonsense into practice.
Ronnie Liu, infantilised the issue demanding absolute righteousness in the Selangor government action of which he is the master mind, an initiated communist who believe in using strong arm tactic.Of course it is a political message, a message to unite the people which obviously is against the political agenda of DAP and Pakatan.
What happened to the Menteri Besar of Selangor has he merely become a rubber stamp to the DAP controlled Executive Council.