Friday, December 24, 2010

Is Selangor A Communist State?

Hantu Laut

If Malaysians think the BN is evil than they better watch out for this wolf in sheep's clothing which is slowly undressing itself to reveal the true colour of its coat.

Are these the people who promised good governance or a bare-knuckled administration?

Malaysians should start worrying about whether they are fit to be the alternative government as you can see they don't talk the talk and walk the walk.Bunch of twisters and liars.

I was taken aback when I read this article.

Is the 1 Malaysia poster or billboard obscene, racist or seditious in nature to justify its forceful removal? Did it in anyway contravened any of the by-laws of the council or was it a case of "absolute power corrupts absolutely"?

The Selangor Pakatan government is falling into the same quagmire that they accused the BN of, arbitrary abuse of power and worse they ignored the fact that 1 Malaysia is a national programme not a political party political agenda.It's supposed to encompass national unity.

To ban it just because the government of the day is the BN at Federal level and opposition in the state is unconstitutional.The BN government should drag the Selangor government to court before they put up more of such nonsense into practice.

Ronnie Liu, infantilised the issue demanding absolute righteousness in the Selangor government action of which he is the master mind, an initiated communist who believe in using strong arm tactic.Of course it is a political message, a message to unite the people which obviously is against the political agenda of DAP and Pakatan.

What happened to the Menteri Besar of Selangor has he merely become a rubber stamp to the DAP controlled Executive Council.

Is Sime Scrapping Bottom Of The Barrel?

Hantu Laut

I am not sure whether we should laud the action taken by Sime Darby against its executives and some of its former executives for its unprecedented whopping losses incurred the last year.

Is Sime looking for scapegoats? If it is than it may have looked in the wrong place.

What is the likelihood of recovering the money as the claim put forth is a pittance compared to the total loss and absurdly on the basis of accusation of mismanagement and incompetence and not misappropriation or corruption.

There is a clear distinction between the two.Mismanagement and incompetence are not criminal acts, misappropriation and corruption are.Sure, you can sue them for negligence which will be so tedious to prove.Was this action taken due to political pressure to appease the opposition?

The company also alleged that the five accused acted as a "decision-making unit" in the energy and utilities division and were responsible for the division's actions and omissions.

The question is what happened to Sime's Board of Directors, had they become redundant so much so that huge investments of capital nature are made by its executives and who select and approve the appointment of this bunch of incompetents?

Have the board not been negligent of its fiduciary duties to the shareholders. They are the trustees and the link between the shareholders and the executives.A company failure should be attributed more to the CEO and members of the board rather than its employees, putting asides wrongdoings of which the board should also take full responsibility.

A responsible board would have regular meetings to keep checks and balances.If such meetings are conducted regularly and board members are alert and responsible most problems could have been detected much earlier before they get out of hand.Obviously, the board is very much asleep leaving everything to the executives.

Why is it that every time a case like this came up the plaintiff or in the case of big corruption case the prosecutor always walk on weak ground?

Sime sued the five for breach of duties and asked for restitution of MR177 million.Why, only that amount when the total loss was MR2.1 million?Who is responsible for the bigger balance of losses?

The question again do the five have that kind of money considering how much Sime pay them every year?

Are there more cases in the pipeline or this will suffice to appease the public that the government is taking action.

We all know most GLCs are run by incompetents and they survived only when they have monopoly of the business, the moment the monopoly is removed and they have to compete on level playing know what follows.

Read the full story here.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

If God Forbids Let Him Punish Them

Hantu Laut

This guy must be either too brave or too stupid to underestimate the environment he lives in.If your are not straight and live in a hypocritical world it would be safer to stay in the closet like most gays do.

Where I came from, homophobia or the pretext of homophobia citing religious values as the excuse for hostility is less pervasive or does not exist at all. Those who are aghast or repulsive at the thought of same sex cohabitation just frown, ignored and merrily stayed away from the anomaly.What they do with their bodies is their business.

I have gay friends, my wife has gay friends and my children have gay friends and not for one moment we felt our worlds are being threatened by our association with them particularly those that we grew up with from childhood.Whatever their sexual orientation is it's their business, they are still our friends and have not made us less secure in our own sexuality.If God forbids homosexuality than let God punish them.

It's true, all three Abrahamic religions were against homosexuality.The story of Sodom and Gomorrah revealed that Christianity was even more explicit in its prohibition against homosexuality but has come a long way to fast forward itself, denouncing it, without hostility or threat of bodily harm.

Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is an abomination.(Leviticus 18:22 KJV)
If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.(Leviticus 20:13 KJV)

In the U.S many states still outlawed sodomy and is seen as a criminal act but the law has become purely academic. No one has been dragged to the court of law for being a homosexual. Surely, two consenting adults would not report their sexual acts to the law.As long as no aggrieved party made a report no law has been broken.The act can only be enforced in the case of sodomite rape.

I believe it is the same in Malaysia, the law against sodomy can only be used against a person if there was an aggrieved party that lodged a police report, as in the case of Anwar Ibrahim.

Are there no homosexuality in Islam? Muslims in this country need to travel to places like Afghanistan and the Middle East and if they open their eyes wide enough they be appalled and how good Malaysia is.In these places young boys literally become sexual slaves to their masters who are above the law.Some of these countries have the severest form of hudud law yet most of the forbidden acts and criminality escaped the attention of the law.

I, may be not comfortable with homosexuality, but I do, not in nihilism, believe in freedom of choice and if we do believe in God than we must believe he does not create all of us the same.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Wikileaks Has The Pandora's Box On Bank Of America

Hantu Laut

If you have dealt with BOA (Bank Of America) you get an inkling of what they are capable of doing.

They are so big even the U.S. government wouldn't dare to touch them or if they did, an imminent disaster, another financial meltdown which the U.S can't afford right now.

Read what I wrote here a few days ago and read this published today.

Another big embarrassment for the Obama's administration should Wikileaks decides to release the documents.