Wednesday, January 19, 2011

What The Internet Killed



Of all the inventions that Internet entrepreneurs have dreamt up, the anonymous online persona is the one that proponents of civil discourse will want to give back. Insensitive Internet users, from the folks who spew vitriol in comment boxes below news stories to the bloggers who post a bad celebrity photo and make fun of it, have forsaken what The Telegraph’s Matthew Moore called “the art of polite disagreement.” Yes kids, there was once such a thing.

More here.

Monday, January 17, 2011

My Monday Pick:Exposed: MACC adviser bribed a Ministry Sec-Gen!

Every Monday I will pick a story from other blogs or news media to while away your Monday blues........Hantu Laut.

Here's the first one.Happy reading.

Tan Sri Ramon Navaratnam made a press remark expressing his satisfaction to explanation by Attorney General Tan Sri Gani Patail to 30 members of the board and panel members of MACC. There are five board of advisors, panel and committee running MACC. Read back posting here.

Gani gave a detailed explanation of his Haj pilgrimage in Mecca with his family which philantropist Tan Sri Robert Phang claimed Gani was seen together with Shahidan Shafie, who was said to be close to former Malaysia Airlines chairman Tan Sri Tajuddin Ramli.

The actually happening will be posted in the future. It will be embarassing to many but let's wait out.

Ramon was lambasted by Robert Phang for his remarks. He was accused of breaching the confidentiality of the meeting.

Is this man, who recently was seen as friendly and had donated money to DAP and had been showered with accolades as philantropist and community leader, really a purveyor of good against evil of power abuse and corruption?

Read on. It is interesting inside story with a great cliff hanger. I promise.


For few months, Robert Phang had been on a streak of vocal diatribes against MACC, Attorney General Chambers, and Police institutions using the cases involving MAS, Tajuddin Ramli, former CID Chief Dato Ramli Yusof, lawyer Rosli Dahalan, and allegations by former KL CID Dato Mat Zain Ibrahim as issues.

It is undeniably the issues fought hard for the last few years by Malaysia Today's Raja Petra Kamaruddin and new Dato and blogger, Din Merican. [Congratulations is in order.]

The basis Robert Phang used to whacked at Ramon did not really bat an eyelid. It is a reaction and merely to sustain his attack mode against the AG.

He called Gani a rogue. One wonder who taught this Chinaman the word rogue? Read more.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Who Is Pajudin Nordin? The Final Curtain For Sabah PKR?

Hantu Laut

Who is Pajudin Nordin?

Never heard of him before Anwar picked him as Sabah PKR's new chief out of the blue.What is the rationale of choosing an unknown and a green horn?

One would imagine, the nearest person that fits the job would be Ansari Abdullah or Christina Liew who particularly has been steadfastly faithful to the party.

Obviously, Anwar, his sidekick Azmin Ali and his wife do not trust Ansari Abdullah or Christina to lead the party, the like of Jefferey Kitingan, who was led up the garden path by Anwar, the same fate had befallen Ansari and Christina. Even worse, Ansari was made the sacrificial lamb at the Batu Sapi by-election and would definitely not be chosen as a candidate in the 13th General Elections.The Tuaran state seat will be given to Pajudin to contest and the parlimentary seat to a Kadazan he has yet to identify.

PKR, absolutely, has no support in Sabah, the only support Pakatan can expect to get in Sabah would be from DAP.Unfortunately, they wouldn't get enough seats to win to make an impact at the state and national level. Past gerrymandering had given UMNO the edge over other parties.

The balancing power in Sabah would be the Kadazan votes. The men to watch would be Bernard Dompok and Joseph Kurup, who could pull the rug from under Najib's feet if there were slightest sign that Pakatan is closing in.

Sabah PKR is heading for self-destruction. The arrogance and sloppiness of the top leadership would come back to hound them.Anwar still has no grasp of Sabah politics , he is making one mistake after another, he thinks all Sabahans are fools and should be treated in such a way.

The departure of Ansari Abdullah, Thamrin and, maybe, even Christina is imminent.With no credible position in the party it would be foolish for them to stay on.Pajudin has announced they will not be given any position in the new lineup.

How long has Pajudin been in PKR as compared to people like Christina and Ansari no one seems to know.His name has never rung a bell.

Putting an Ustaz to lead a multiracial party in Sabah, you got to be joking. It may work in Kelantan, Sabah, other than Sarawak, is probably the most secular state in the Federation.

Pajudin will not last long either. The rebels will continue to demand an acceptable replacement and Pajudin is far from being acceptable to PKR statewide membership.

Frank Sinatra's song "My Way" would be the most befitting theme song for Sabah PKR. It's Anwar's way.

"And now, the end is here
And so I face the final curtain"

My friend I say it clear, the end is near for PKR and Pakatan.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

When Roubini Talks You Better Listen

Hantu Laut

When Roubini talks you better listen.This the same man who presciently predicted the US sub-prime crisis three years before it happened.

Many of us know that Malaysia's GDP is on the decline and we are becoming less competitive over the years plagued by inherent poor fiscal policies, a non-evolving labour force and the over-zealous NEP that put wealth into the hands of selected and politically well connected individuals.

If the Malays want the country to progress than they need to help the Prime Minister by supporting his policies and lessen the rent seeking anomaly that have put a brake on the economic growth of the nation or face the perils of this nation falling on the wayside.

Nouriel Robini is a star economist and highly respected.

We have already been overtaken in our economic activities by Singapore, our southerly neighbour, a tiny dot with only 5 million people and no natural resources.

Shouldn't we be ashamed of ourselves that we can lose out to countries like Singapore and Hong Kong whose only resources are its human capital which we seems to be very lacking in performance henceforth the lackluster economic performance. Other than the bad fiscal policies in plain language we are lazier than our contemporaries in the region.

In term of population with Singapore that's 5 million against 26 million. Obviously, there is something very wrong with us and if the government do not arrest this most embarrassing situation soon we would surely be moving into stagnated growth and eventual economic disaster.

Read Roubini's take on Malaysia and on the future of the Euro.