Thursday, January 27, 2011

Former Drug Blogger's A Bad Dose Of Herpes ?

Hantu Laut

For all intents and purposes 'Lonely Planet' is not a rating agency. They are merely suggestions and recommendations by seasoned travellers who either love or hate what they eat, drink or places they go and stay.It is a travel guide to would be travellers and most of what they recommended in their guide books and websites are of personal preferences. What the writer thinks is good may not be good enough for you. However, they do observed certain level of decency.

I have used 'Lonely Planet' quite a bit and not everything lived up to its promise. It would be foolish to take it as an authority for standard or quality.It is everything but the kitchen sink.It is you who would eventually decide whether the recommendation sits well with you or stinks to high heaven.In the case of Poh Huai Bin he has found his poison.

It has also been my policy to avoid empty restaurants particularly during lunch hours.If a restaurant can't fill up during peak period it is certainly not worth its salt. The last time I visited Jothy's must be about 8 years ago.I reserved my comments.

It's a case of one man's meat and another man's poison.

There are millions of such articles that can be found on the Internet that say bad things or good things about restaurants,hotels,airlines, countries, etc, all in varied form.

Can one be sued for writing frank opinion of what one think is bad quality.If you are stating facts and without malice I supposed it your choice to warn the public or not of such bad places.

In my opinion the case can only succeed if malice can be proven.

This former drug blogger had a brush with the law on drug-related offence.He was caught in possession of 2.85 grammes of cannabis and was fined RM2,500 and jailed 2 months.This young and intelligent guy has turned a new leaf and now blogged about anything and everything under the sun.

I was able to access the website early this morning but it seemed the site has been taken down either by the blogger himself or Google.

His blog is called ''.
Poh Huai Bin is being sued by Jothy's Fish Head Curry House for defamation.

Here, is a story on his drug escapades.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

More Trouble In Sabah PKR

Hantu Laut

As predicted here it could well be the shortest term for this unknown new Sabah PKR chief.

Anwar, instead of mollifying PKR members here has stirred an even bigger hornet's nest.As many as 18 out of 25 divisions is united in a move to kick out newly appointed state chief Pajudin Nordin who is regarded as proxy of Ansari Abdullah which makes little sense.

Ansari, himself, could have been appointed to the position, unless, Anwar considers him very unpopular with the grassroots and a burden to the party.

Anwar's continual blunders showed his ineptitude and lack of understanding of Sabah politics.

It won't be long before the party completely disintegrate.

This blog is not always right but seldom wrong in its political predictions.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Sabah cannot enforce anti-apostasy laws

Hantu Laut

The story here is by a writer whom I know personally and is on the other side of the political fence.

It is good that he divulged the existence of such laws that goes against the grains of what JHEAINS tried to impose unbeknown to many Sabahans.

I am not familiar with the law, the state government or JHEAINS should come out to clarify the matter before they are taken to court for arbitrary abuse of power.

The question is why the sudden interest in the case when it has always been a non-issue in Sabah.Is JHEAINS taking orders from KL when they should have not and should have stayed independent.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Singapore’s Lee Kuan Yew Urges Muslims to ‘Be Less Strict’


Singapore’s founding father Lee Kuan Yew has urged local Muslims to “be less strict on Islamic observances” to aid integration and the city-state’s nation-building process.

Singapore has a predominantly Chinese population, with minority races including Muslim Malays and Indians, and Lee has always stressed the importance of racial harmony.

“I would say today, we can integrate all religions and races except Islam,” he said in “Lee Kuan Yew: Hard Truths to Keep Singapore Going,” a new book containing his typically frank views on the city-state and its future.

“I think we were progressing very nicely until the surge of Islam came and if you asked me for my observations, the other communities have easier integration — friends, intermarriages and so on…” he stated.

“I think the Muslims socially do not cause any trouble, but they are distinct and separate,” Lee added, calling on the community to “be less strict on Islamic observances.”

During the book’s launch on Friday, the self-described “pragmatist” warned Singaporeans against complacency, saying the largely ethnic Chinese republic was still a nation in the making.

Describing Singapore in the book as an “80-storey building on marshy land,” Lee said it must contend with hostility from larger Muslim neighbors.

“We’ve got friendly neighbors? Grow up… There is this drive to put us down because we are interlopers,” he said, citing alleged Malaysian and Indonesian efforts to undermine Singapore’s crucial port business.

Singapore was ejected from the Malaysian federation in 1965 in large part due to Kuala Lumpur’s preferential policies for ethnic Malays, and has since built up Southeast Asia’s most modern military to deter foreign aggression.

Turning to local politics, Lee said the ruling People’s Action Party (PAP), which has been in power since 1959 when Singapore gained political autonomy from colonial ruler Britain, will someday lose its grip on power.

“There will come a time when eventually the public will say, look, let’s try the other side, either because the PAP has declined in quality or the opposition has put up a team which is equal to the PAP… That day will come.”

“In the next 10 years to 20 years, I don’t think it’ll happen. Beyond that, I cannot tell.”

Lee said that despite a survey showing the contrary, he believed Singaporeans were not yet ready for a non-ethnic-Chinese prime minister.

“A poll says 90 percent of Chinese Singaporeans say they will elect a non-Chinese as PM. Yes, this is the ideal. You believe these polls? Utter rubbish. They say what is politically correct,” he stated.

He also defended the policy of promoting marriage between highly-educated Singaporeans, a policy seen by critics as a form of social engineering, and dismissed the notion of love at first sight.

“People get educated, the bright ones rise, they marry equally well-educated spouses. The result is their children are likely to be smarter than the children of those who are gardeners,” he said.

“It’s a fact of life. You get a good mare, you don’t want a dud stallion to breed with your good mare. You get a poor foal.”

People who are “attracted by physical characteristics” may regret it, he said.

Lee also revealed that he had donated to charity all his earnings of 13 million Singapore dollars ($10 million) since stepping down as prime minister in 1990 after 31 years in power.

Singapore’s cabinet ministers are the highest paid in the world as part of a strategy to prevent corruption and attract talent from the private sector.

Lee, who holds the special title minister mentor, now serves as an adviser to his son Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, who came to power in 2004.

Amid all the hard-edged talk, Lee showed his tender side when asked about his late wife Kwa Geok Choo, who died aged 89 in October last year.

“It means more solitude. No one to talk to when the day’s work is done,” Lee said in the book, the result of exclusive interviews with journalists from the country’s leading daily, the Straits Times.
Source: Agence France-Presse

Poem For Harry Lee

This is the story of Harry Lee Kuan Yew,

Promised us he’ll govern Singapore anew,

Claimed to be better than Marshall the Jew,

So to him and the PAP our votes flew,

Then seemingly he came in as PM the new,

But soon us S’poreans he started to screw,

One by one all our rights away he blew,

Our brave ones disagreed with his view,

So under the ISA in prison them he threw,

One such poor soul was Dr. Lim Hock Siew,

With a hatchet everyone he threatens to slew,

And in extreme fear of him Singaporeans grew,

Highest salaries he and his ministers withdrew,

Boasting that they are the only brightest few,

Today life in Singapore is no honey and dew,

It has become so bad even a gum you can’t chew,

So its time time to vote out Lee and his crew,

Since all their evils we now already knew.


