Friday, February 11, 2011

Yes! Kill Valentine Day

Hantu Laut

Though it has its root in Christianity and been around for yonks I don't think Valentine Day has any more religious significant as much as Father's Day, Mother's Day, Secretaries Day and litany of other foolish days of celebration manufactured by the hospitality industry.

I have never celebrated Valentine Day and have no wish to as I find it rather bemusing that one have to pick this particular day to express one's love to the other person.We can express our love and affection to the person whom we love anytime of the year.Valentine Day, like any other, is purely commercialised, the day the hospitality people want to take money out of your pocket.

For those who are ignorant and still symbolises it with Christianity be rest assured it has been removed from the Roman calender of saints in 1969 by Pope Paul VI, though religious observance is still permitted it has lost its Christian analogy.

There was no romantic element present in the early medieval biographies of these Christian martyrs and if you don't already know there were three different St Valentine ambiguously linked to Valentine Day and none of them has a lover.

Apart from the name nothing is known about Saint Valentine except one of them was buried on the
Via Flaminia on February 14.Due to uncertainty of its origin the Roman Catholic Church decided to have it removed from religious observance.

If ignorance is bliss than I don't blame PAS Youth of becoming self appointed morality police and Jakim for wanting to kill Valentine Day.

Muslim couple are prohibited from expressing love and affection as long as they remained unmarried.Even if you are married you can't express them in public places, our love, basically, is relegated to the bedroom, or, if you are unmarried, in some lair away from the probing eyes of the 'morality police'.

Yes, go ahead kill Valentine Day, we would have less unwanted babies ?

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

UMNO Member Crowned Sultan Of Sulu !

Hantu Laut

A joker! a con man! a lunatic! delusion of grandeur! or all rolled into one...... a mad man?

Ex ISA detainee and active UMNO member Datu Mohd Akjan was crowned the Sultan of Sulu in a ceremony held at Kota Kinabalu witnessed by about 60 equally mad Tausug people some claimed to have come from the royal palace of the Sultan of Sulu. This is third such claim by competing parties.

If he truly has a sultanate why not hold the ceremony in Jolo, the capital of Sulu? Is there still such a kingdom? The Malaysian government should depot him back to his heavenly kingdom.

Akjan is an active UMNO member who was once arrested under the ISA for masterminding the distribution of fake IC to illegal immigrants mostly of his kin.He rose to prominence during former Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi tenure and was awarded a Federal project worth MR250 million to build GOF (General Operation Forces) headquarters in Sabah. The project fell by the wayside and has been abandoned since then.

With a typical bumiputra's rent seeking mentality he immediately sold the project to a Chinaman's company, collected some commission, bought 2 Ferraris, offered one to Siti Nurhaliza to entice her to marry him but was shunned by her and blew the rest of the millions, courtesy of Pak Lah, in less than 2 years.

Sabah's Head of State is already a Tausug.Is Akjan trying to send a message to the Malaysian government?

What is UMNO going to do about this? Will Sabah UMNO pay allegiance to the
Agong or to this imposter?

Have a good laugh mate!.Sabah UMNO has many of this kind of joker mostly from the same region.Make one of them a chief minister and see how the flood gate from the Sulu Sea will be made wide open.

The 13th General Elections is not going to be plain sailing if Najib continue to drag his feet on reforms.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Lee Kuan Yew's Chinese Excellence And Malay Paradox

Hantu Laut

Reported in the Straits Times, Feb 7th:

BY THE time Singaporean kids start Primary school, one in four are myopic. One in two Primary 6 pupils are myopic and towards the end of their teenage years, four in five 18-year-old males are myopic - and the trend is believed to be similar for females.

These alarming statistics has earned Singapore the unofficial title of one of the most myopic nations in the world. Ophthalmologists in Singapore cite genetic and environmental factors as the reasons for such high rates of myopia - or short-sightedness - in Singapore.

Also, Singaporeans' lifestyle which usually involves near-work activities such as watching television and using the computer for prolonged periods of time, contributes to soaring rates of myopia here.

Amy Chua had better described the Chinese gruelling parenting for excellence in her book "The Battle Hymn Of The Tiger Mother" which not only exist in the Chinese American families but among most Chinese Diaspora worldwide and I say Singapore should take distinction in this obsessive compulsive parenting.

My ten-year stay in Singapore where my children were educated have witnessed how parents particularly mothers pressured their children to reach academic excellence with almost zero tolerance.It's all work and no play for many Singapore's children.

A sore pimple in the Malay Archipelago, this 704 sq. kilometer (1/3 reclaimed land) nation outshone its bigger neighbours in academic and economic excellence.

The man who almost single-handedly transformed this tiny island nation into an economic powerhouse that have put bigger and more resourceful nations to shame had also created an ophthalmic nightmare and a society of rat-racers.

Political correctitude is not in his vocabulary.If success breeds arrogance than Lee Kuan Yew has it all and his cut is often the deepest with little attempt at diplomacy even when dealing with his bigger neighbours.

Lee is not an enigma, is not a person who generally expressed himself in metaphorical or allegorical language, he often spades in ethnicity and the genealogical trees that makes him looked like a consummated racist.He spares no time for turkeys.He has paid tribute to the minority Sri Lankan Tamil in Singapore and agonised the Malays at home and across the Malay Archipelago.

His diatribes had angered and caused much discomfort to his neighbours.

The Malays, particularly across the causeway have taken great exception to some of his salvos.

Here, a worthy read on Lee Kuan Yew and the Singapore Malays.

Also read:
Dr M:Kuan Yew just a 'mayor'

Monday, February 7, 2011

Ten DAP Leaders Jumped To BN In Sabah

TAWAU -- Sabah Pakatan Rakyat endured another round of shock today when ten Tawau DAP leaders including publicity chief James Leong Yun Fui (picture) have quit and joined Gerakan, a Barisan Nasional (BN) component party.

This came barely twenty four hours after Pakatan coalition partner, PKR's Sabah chief, Pajudin Nordin threw in the towel before joining UMNO.

The resignation of the DAP leaders was announced by Gerakan vice-president Liew Yun Fah at a Chinese New Year open house here today. The group handed their Gerakan membership application forms to Sabah BN chairman and Chief Minister Musa Aman who passed them over to Liew.

Leong said they had lost confidence in the party leadership who were only good at talking and incapable of delivering their promises.

He said only BN was capable of bringing development to the people via the 1Malaysia concept introduced by Prime Minister Najib Razak.

Musa said the resignation of DAP leaders proved that the opposition had failed to solve the people's problems and rendered them irrelevant to Sabah.

He was confident that more DAP leaders and members would leave the party to join BN component parties.

Meanwhile, Liew said the resignation was a positive sign that BN could recapture Sri Tanjung state seat from DAP.

He said the Chinese community had realised that only BN could bring them development and champion the people.

The series of resignation would have dealt Anwar Ibrahim with a major setback, and may signal a crisis within the coalition rife with infighting and now face a crisis of confidence. The loss in the Tenang by-election have prompted the national pakatan leadership into some deep soul searching but a solution to stem the haemorrhage is nowhere in sight.

Pakatan leader, Wan Azizah has been tasked to reverse the tide but currently may have to contend with the excuse that a little blood-letting from within its fold may indeed be good.

Malaysian Mirror