Thursday, March 13, 2014

I Tell You Why We Can't Find Flight MH370

Hantu Laut

Are the radar placed at strategic points in the country switched on round the clock and constantly being watched by people assigned to watch them, or occasionally goes unwatched when there are less traffic in the sky.

The root of the problems are people who manned the radar in this country.Are they competent and discipline? Have lackadaisical attitude been the cause of conflicting reports and this humiliating debacle?

When this national humiliation is all over, an exhaustive investigation no less a Royal Commission should be conducted to establish whether there had been misconducts in the conflicting reports given by DCA and the military that have embarrassed the country's leaders.

Planes don't simply disappear from radar screen and can continue flying without active radar detection, unless they are flying below radar range. No commercial planes have stealth capability to fool radar from picking it up and the people at DCA and the military should have known better.

Simply put, the plane must have gone down when it disappeared from radar screen and must have gone down in the vicinity of that last contact.The coordinate off the radar should have been taken and given to search and rescue team.

Incompetence and couldn't care less attitude is rampant in this country that had retrogress the country to a worrying state.

We have been overtaken by countries that used to be behind us, and I don't really have to mention who they are to draw even bigger embarrassment to our leaders.

A government who only interest is to muffle the people from speaking out and exhibits such nauseating ineptitude and contradictions.

Fundamentally, people who do not know their jobs.

From our national education to managing out national economy, we have accepted and rewarded mediocracy.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Flight MH370: Malaysia's Conundrum Of Inconsistencies

Hantu Laut

Suddenly, Malaysia is full of clever people, yet they make one blunder after another, the latest being the military revelation that they tracked the plane over our airspace  to the Malacca Strait as far as Pulau Perak before it disappeared from radar at 2.40 a.m, and for reason only known to themselves, they only disclosed this information four days later, after four days of wild and frantic search for the plane in the wilderness of the South China Sea.

I am now beginning to doubt whether this information is reliable after getting so many misleading information from people who are called experts in their field.

If Flight MH 370 actually flew in that direction with its transponder switched off or broken, which means the plane is unidentified and flying incognito in Malaysian airspace, why did not the military scramble its fighter jet to investigate this flying object. The civil aviation radar tells a different story, claimed it last contact was at 1.30 a.m.

Now we have another expert in fuck I don't what, who also want to be in the limelight, dishing out balderdash nobody really want to know at this moment. Who is really interested to know that those poor souls can survive two months at sea when you can't even locate the bloody plane?

I know of the meaning of geopolitical, geostationary and geostrategic. Can someone tell me what does a geostrategist do?

Malaysia is now becoming the biggest joke to the world and in a "State of Inconsistencies"

1.DCA"s DG announced 5 people checked-in, but didn't board the plane and their luggage were off loaded, MAS was silent, much later the IGP says no such thing, all passengers boarded the aircraft, MAS in the affirmative. Why?

2.The case of wrong colour bar, Asian, Black or Caucasian.Different version by different people, Zaid Hamidi, Hishamuddin Onn and the DG of DCA. Why?

3.More serious and a logistic nightmare, two completely different stories by the military and civil aviation. One radar made in Bangladesh (pun intended) and the other one made in China (pun intended) which can't agree with each other and the military taking four days to reveal such vital information because of complete system failure. Why?

If you don't know, say you don't know, or just fuck the shut up!

Don't you think we are now a laughing stock to the world?

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Bomoh Gila Babi

Hantu Laut

Read here our wonderful minister with his outrageous encouragement for a bomoh to locate the missing Flight MH370.

 He says:

"As long as they do not contravene Islamic teachings"

This guy must be a joker.

All rituals by bomohs contravened Islamic teachings.

If the practice is in accordance with Islam, they would not be called bomoh, they would be called ustaz and imam and provide prayers for the people on board the ill-fated plane not singing some gibberish and nonsensical chants.

I am sure as a Muslim he should know Islam forbids any form of wizardry, black magic, bomoh, or any thing of supernatural nature are....................SYIRIK!

Read here what the bomoh gila babi soothsaying came up with. 

Those who do not understand Islam may think it is Islamic practice.

Let me assure you it is not. It is a form of animism that still run strong in the Malay and many other culture.

"Sesungguhnya Allah tidak akan mengampuni dosa syirik dan Dia mengampuni segala dosa yang selain dari (syirik) itu bagi siapa yamg dikehendakinya.Barangsiapa yang mempersekutukan Allah maka sungguh ia telah berbuat dosa yang besat"

I would like to hear what JAKIM has to say about the minister and the bomoh.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

The Anwar's Verdict: Scandalising Our Court

Hantu Laut

It is indeed sad that many Malaysians continue to scandalise our court, alleging interference from the executive to sway judgement in favour of the government.

Strangely, the Malaysian court had not taken any action to protect its dignity and independence on the many allegations of bias and prejudices in cases involving Anwar and members of the opposition.

Unfair criticism alleging bias in court decisions can construe contempt of court. 

Disregarding court order, or in any way interfering with the way the court does its job is contempt of court and most courts take such allegations seriously and have considerable power to deal with offenders.

Why is the Malaysian court silent of such debasement and humiliation?

As much as I agree that the judiciary should be opened to criticism and comments to improve its performance, it goes without saying that allegations of corruption and bias are serious matters that the court should not ignore.

Contempt of court may differ from one country to the other, but basically are the same, can be of civil or criminal nature.

Some Malaysians thinks they are better judges than the judges in our court of law.

There are numerous articles and comments in news portal and social media on the recent Anwar's verdict that can be construed as contempt.

I am not sure whether Malaysia has specific written law on contempt or up to judges to cite contempt.

Ibrahim Ali and a blogger were cited for contempt here.

Read the following article below on contempt of court.

In this chapter, we see the ways in which the courts protect their dignity and their independence. We see the ways in which this may cause difficulties for journalists, and how these difficulties can be avoided.

What is contempt?

As we saw in Chapters 64 to 66 on court reporting, in democracies the courts decide what is true and what is not, who is in the right and who is in the wrong.
When they have decided, they usually make a decision which will put matters right. They may order a person to stop doing something which is wrong; they may order a person to pay compensation to somebody he has wronged; they may punish a person who has broken the law by fining him or sending him to prison.
Court proceedings would be a waste of time if nobody needed to do what the court told them, or if the court had no power to enforce its orders.
Contempt of court is disregarding the court's orders, or in any way interfering with the way the court does its job. Most courts take this very seriously, and have great power to deal with offenders.
There are two types of contempt - civil contempt and criminal contempt. Of the two, criminal contempt is the one which is most likely to concern the working journalist, so let us consider that first.

Criminal contempt

As we have seen, the courts can only operate effectively if they are able to enforce their will. That is the main purpose of the law relating to civil contempt. However, in order to operate properly, the courts also need to be free from outside interference and to maintain their dignity. That, too, is protected by criminal contempt.
It is the business of the legislature to pass laws, but it is the business of the courts to administer them; when members of a government try to interfere in court proceedings or to influence court judgments, they are likely to be reminded sternly that they are interfering. If they persist, they may well find themselves in contempt of court, even if they are government ministers. Nobody is above the law.
Similarly, the courts will protect themselves from interference by people attempting to bribe or threaten anyone connected with a case. They will also protect themselves from interference by journalists, and we shall look in detail in a moment at exactly what journalists may and may not write during a court case.
Courts also guard their dignity. This is not because judges consider themselves to be special people, but because they see themselves as representatives of the law itself. It is the law which must be respected by all citizens, and in order to ensure that respect, the courts insist on maintaining dignity. Courts are usually large and imposing buildings with national emblems above the bench where the judges or magistrates sit; judges often wear robes and wigs and people bow to them in court. All of these things represent the great stature and dignity of courts, which in turn are meant to encourage people to respect and obey them.
Both these things - freedom from interference and maintenance of dignity - are protected by the law relating to criminal contempt. The following things are prohibited:
Outrages on judges in court
It is criminal contempt to assault or manhandle a judge, or to throw eggs or fruits at them.
Insolence to the court
It is criminal contempt to persist in being noisy in court, or to keep interrupting the proceedings, or to refuse to answer questions which have been properly put. Even something as simple as an onlooker – or journalist - reading a newspaper in court could be regarded by a judge as insolence.
Interference with witnesses or officers of the court
Officers of the court are the judge or magistrate, the clerk, lawyers, translators, jurors (if any) and anyone else involved in hearing the case. Interference generally means threats or bribes intended to influence the way in which the person does their job - either offering money in return for the desired verdict, or threatening violence if the unwanted verdict is returned.
Any publication which offends the dignity of the court
Judges are not above criticism, but there are limits to how extreme that criticism can be. For example, it would be criminal contempt if a newspaper, radio or television report suggested that judges were habitually drunk in court, or that they took bribes.
Any publication which prejudices the course of justice
A report of a court case which gives details of the defendant's previous criminal convictions, before the end of the trial, would be criminal contempt. This is because it may prejudice the judge, magistrate or jury against the defendant, if there are many previous convictions. This would reduce the chances of a fair trial. Previous convictions (often calledantecedents or priors) may not be revealed until after the verdict has been reached. They are then considered by the court to help it to decide on an appropriate punishment.

Read more.