Sunday, March 13, 2011

RPK:Finally,it's a matter of perception

Raja Petra Kamarudin

This was the problem we faced in the past. We could never get Anwar Ibrahim’s legal and political advisors to agree on a common strategy.

And Anwar had more than one advisor. And each advisor had his/her own idea of what the best strategy was. This was why we considered the Sodomy 1 legal/political defence badly handled.

Some of these advisors lamented about the frustration they faced in getting Anwar to agree to a strategy and to stick to the agreed strategy. Sometimes the legal team embarked on a political campaign rather than a legal campaign. And sometimes the political team appeared to be launching a legal campaign rather than a political campaign.

This was probably the best example of too many cooks spoiling the broth. And an added frustration was: after getting Anwar to agree to a certain strategy, someone else would go meet Anwar and he would agree to another course of action. It appeared like ‘the last one in’ had the final say and the earlier agreed course of action would be abandoned in favour of the latest idea.

Any general would tell you that you do not change course in midstream. Once the direction has been decided you stick to it and see it to the end. Once the forces have advanced and you change course, this would mean utter chaos with everyone not only going in opposite directions but also at times bumping into each other.

This is a sure way of losing the battle and finding your forces trapped in the open. As they say, there are no bad soldiers, only bad commanders. And a bad commander is one who sends his/her forces all over the place with no clear direction from the top.

I used to be one of those who faced this frustration. Just as I thought everything had been agreed and a concrete battle plan had been formulated, I receive word that someone has managed to convince Anwar to agree to a new strategy and what had been earlier agreed was now no longer on.

There was many an occasion when I just gave up. When I inquired into whom this new ‘mastermind’ was, I was appalled to hear that the change of direction was mooted by the very person who was the architect of an earlier most disastrous campaign.Read more.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Doctor In The House -Who's Suffering From 'Pseudologia Fanstatica' ?

Hantu Laut

I got my copy of Mahathir's memoirs "Doctor In The House" today.Rest assured it will be consumed in no time.

No leader in this country, not even the blue bloods, has such stockaded belief in the Malay cause as much as Mahathir.Critical of Malaysia's first Prime Minister Tunku Abdul Rahman's leadership and of the weaknesses of the Malay race, he had been admonished, reviled and sacked from UMNO and resuscitated by the political fortunes of succeeding leaders.

As they say the road to hell is paved with good intentions, Mahathir is the most misunderstood politician in the country but still a prepondrence among the Malay masses. Loved by many but hated by politicians, in and outside his party, casting aspersions on his leadership.

A non conformist he is still dishing out controversial political views making him the approbrium of his poltical nemeses.

At age 86, Mahathir is still the maverick politician and very popular still.His blog and exoteric writing has attracted over 33 million visitors.People like Anwar Ibrahim and Lim Kit Siang did not even dare put up traffic meter on their blogs.Anwar called him a blatant liar and suffering from selective amnesia here.

Who do I think the liar?

My bets!

It is Anwar. Suffering from 'pseudologia fanstatica' and is such a clever and consistent pathological liar he managed to fool majority of people in and outside the country of his innocent.

To prove his innocent he should now volunteer to provide his semen for DNA testing or put his money where his mouth is.

What about Musa Hitam and Ku Li, are they not going to write their memoirs ?

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Malaysia Dicing With Rare Earths

Hantu Laut

If it is safe why not build it in Australia which is a much larger land mass with only 23 million people, far bigger than Peninsula Malaysia.The plant could be sited in the remotest part of Australia away from populated areas.

Obviously, the Aussies are not telling the truth on the safety aspects of the plant.Otherwise, it would have been sited in their own country.Rare earths contain thorium, a slightly radioactive metal.

Are we so hungry for FDI that we are prepared to put the people's health at risk.

Read this most revealing article from New York Times on Malaysia dicing with the dirty work of processing rare earth.The long term effect could be catastrophic.

Obviously, Sabahans are far more environmentally conscious than West Malaysians.Money, rather than health seems to be the priority over there.

Rare earth is far more dangerous than the coal power plant which have been called off in Sabah.

Thanks to Prime Minister Najib's people first policy.