Showing posts with label Indian.Hindraf. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Indian.Hindraf. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Mother India:Rocky's Bru's Indian Brew

Hantu Laut

Hahahah! When some Malays called the Chinese and Indians as "pendatangs" politicians on the other side of the political fence quickly politicised the issue accusing UMNO leaders of racism.When PM Najib introduced the 1 Malaysia concept to bring Malaysians of all creeds and cultures together they ridiculed him to no end.When Anwar Ibrahim sex tape was shown all over the Internet that showed a spitting image of him screwing a "China Doll" every Pakatan leaders including his own wife declared it was not him.

Now, two Pendatang MPs from DAP have gone to India to seek help from leaders of BJP political party to help Malaysian Indians discriminated and marginalised by the Malaysian government.

Maybe, DAP should declare that the 2 MPs that went to "Mother India" asking for help from the Indian government are impostors, they are not DAP parliamentarians.

Read Rocky's Bru post on this most appalling, stupid and unpatriotic action of two Malaysian Indian MPs from the political grouping called Pakatan Rakyat. The story was widely published in India. Read story full text here, here and here.

Now, I understand why the Ceylonese Tamils don't want to be called Indians, preferring themselves as Jaffnese or Elam Tamils.

The moral of the story is................if you don't want to be called "pendatang", don't behave like one.

Thursday, February 21, 2008


Hantu Laut

"Even an army can't stop me" he said in true Alexander the Great style.

Yesterday he changed his tone to “I will contest this term and next term I won’t go for it. This may be my last term,” he said.

On the Hindraf supporters who blocked his car in Prai last Saturday, he said they “asked me to tell Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi to release the 180 people detained for taking part in an illegal assembly in Kuala Lumpur.”

“They did not talk anything about politics. This does not indicate that they hate me,” he said.

Great ! Than how the hell did Hindraf come into existence and the Indians were on the streets feeling agrieved, neglected and abandoned by the government.

Greed is the selfish desire for or pursuit of money, wealth, power, food, or other possessions, especially when this denies the same goods to others. It is generally considered a vice,...(Wikipedia).

Samy Vellu is the longest serving president of MIC (Malaysian Indian Congress), held the position since 1979. He is also the longest serving minister and the only Indian minister in the Malaysian Cabinet.

He was born in 1936 to rubber tappers parents at the Rengo Malay Estate near Kluang, Johor.At age 14 he left for Kuala Lumpur with his father and worked as a bus conductor with GTC transport company (now Syarikat Sr Jaya).His fortunes took a turn for the the better when he met a construction engineer who got him a job as an office boy in a well-known architectural firm. For a salary of RM9.00 a month he has also to clean the engineer's house, wash his car and water his garden.

While at the architect firm he studied English and attended night classes in draughtsmanship.In the early 1970s, Samy Vellu left for London and returned a qualified architect.

During his younger days, before becoming an architect, he and some friends formed a theatre group that staged dramas in rubber estates and small towns.The group's leading actors were Samy Vellu and V.Govindaraj.Ironically, both entered politics and stayed loyal to each other until they fell out dramatically and played out a real-life drama in 1984 that ended with Samy Vellu expelling Govindaraj from the MIC.Govindaraj, however, was readmitted in the party a few years later, and was appointed to the Central Executive Committee where he served until 2006, following his open support for Samy Vellu's opponent, Datuk S.Subramaniam.

Disloyalty, animosity,betrayal and gangsterism are indispensible commodities and trademark of MIC. Samy should know better why many poor and downtrodden young Indians are turning to crime and gangsterism.

Controversies surrounding Samy Vellu

Since holding his post as Works Minister of Malaysia, Samy Vellu is alleged to have been involved in several money scandals and work defects in several prominent construction projects in Malaysia by cover up the bumiputera contractor anc companies, which included the discovery of fungus growing in the air-conditioning system of the operating theatre in the Sultan Ismail Hospital in Johor Bahru as well as long closure cracks on MRR2, an overpass highway in Ampang[2].

Samy Vellu is often accused of sucking up shares of many of Malaysia's companies[3]. And the MAIKA Telecom Share Scandal continues to haunt him. Samy Vellu is alleged to have siphoned off 9 million (of the original 10 million) Telekom shares that were allocated to MAIKA. He had allegedly used three companies -- Clearway Sdn. Bhd., S.B. Management Services, and Advance Personal Computers Bhd. -- linked to Samy Vellu, his son S. Vell Paari, and brother-in-law to carry out his misdeed. When the scandal broke in mid-1992, the shares were valued at RM 120 million.[4][5][6] In 1994, the then Chairman of the MIC Public Claims Committee, V Subramaniam (aka "Barat" Maniam), charged that the accounts have been fabricated to make it appear that the profits from the sale of the Telekom shares were channelled to MIED. He declared, "Samy Vellu is a thief. He has stolen (Telekom) shares from the Indian community."[7].

Some believe that Samy Vellu had sold the Indian-Malaysian community off in order to save himself from the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Agency. They allege that he did not do enough or protested loud enough when the Indian-Malaysian situation worsened, or when the Malaysian government dissolved the South Indian Labour Fund.[8] Currently, he has committed his energy to building the Asian Institute of Medicine, Science and Technology (AIMST). However, AIMST, built with donations collected from the Indian-Malaysian community, too, is riddled in controversy, as its shares are owned by Samy Vellu's associates, Tan Sri K. Ambikaipakan and Datuk Dr. T. Marimuthu[9][10].

Samy Vellu is also often criticised for his leadership style. As one critic put it, "He (Samy Vellu) is very much in control of the party (MIC), and the party's run almost [as a] feudal organisation where almost all decisions are made by the President himself. A lot of Indians are critical of MIC's role in the coalition government ... the Indian middle class does not want to associate itself in the MIC and largely making the MIC a working class party."[11]

There have also been allegations that Samy Vellu uses thugs to intimidate his political opponents, and that he uses phantom voters to win elections both at the party and the parliamentary levels[12]. A petition by Samy Vellu's challenger, Dr Jeyakumar Devaraj, to the election court alleging electoral fraud during the 1998 General Election at Sungai Siput constituency, however, was dismissed by the presiding judge, Justice Wan Adnan, on technical grounds.(Wikipedia)

Samy, you don't seem to get the message that you have ran out of your usefulness, the Indian community have had enough of your neglect and contempt for them and what is even more pathetic, you have forgotten your humble beginning.

Samy, least you forget, nothing is for free. You have gone through the experience of having to pay back for the help and kindness of another person. What have you given back in return for the Indians votes that kept you in office all this while?

Go Samy go, before you fall in disgrace.

Also read:

Present Point Power
Tok Mommy

Rocky's Bru
Kata Tak Nak