Showing posts with label Rosmah Mansor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rosmah Mansor. Show all posts

Thursday, February 12, 2015

"Behind every great man there is a great woman"........she makes you, or destroy you!

Hantu Laut

"Behind every great man there is a great woman"........she makes you, or destroy you!

Acrimonious Split Rattles Malaysian Premier’s Family

The announcement last week by top Malaysian banker Nazir Razak of his intention to file defamation charges against bloggers believed connected to a close friend of his brother, Prime Minister Najib Razak, has laid bare what has been whispered about for months in Kuala Lumpur.
There is a growing, acrimonious rift in the Razak family, much of it over the deeply indebted government-backed investment fund 1Malaysia Development Bhd, and Najib’s siblings’ relationship with the prime minister’s wife, Rosmah Mansor, partly because of her ostentatious flaunting of enormous wealth.  Rosmah, in addition to concerns about her behavior, is believed to have convinced her husband to initiate the 1MDB fund, which is backed by the Ministry of Finance.
One of the questions circulating in Malaysia’s business community is whether the family feud might result in problems for CIMB, the fast-growing Malaysia-headquartered bank that Nazir heads and which has become one of Southeast Asia’s leading financial institutions. Observers say CIMB owes at least some of its rapid growth to its connections to the family and hence to UMNO. “Its political connections are probably no longer a slam dunk asset for Nazir,” a business source with connections to the government told Asia Sentinel. 
“The brothers openly criticize Rosmah at dinner functions and family events,” a well-wired source told Asia Sentinel.  “I have heard them myself. Nazir’s family has moved to Oxford, where he spends 60 to 70 percent of his time. His elder brother Nizam spends time with his family in Boston. The two elder brothers Johari and Nazim also cannot get along with Rosmah.”
It was Nazim, according to two sworn declarations, one by a business associate of Rosmah and the other by the late private detective Perumal Balasubramaniam, who played a role in forcing Bala, as he was known, out of the country in 2008 after he issued an initial statement that Najib himself had been the lover of Altantuya Shaariibuu, a Mongolian woman murdered in 2006 in one of Malaysia’s most notorious killings and who was peripherally involved in a massive bribery case involving the sale of French submarines to Malaysia.  After Bala made the statement, he was told to get out of Malaysia and was given a hefty bribe to do so. Allegedly it was Nazim, a Kuala Lumpur architect, who took Balasubramaniam to the Hilton Hotel in Kuala Lumpur to write a statement recanting his version of the relationship between Altantuya and Najib. 
The acrimony is so bad that some of the family have spent their Hari Raya holiday – the celebration at the end of the fasting month – in Phuket and Singapore to avoid going to the prime minister’s obligatory open house, the source said.
A truly great woman below:

One of the greatest woman of the 20th century, stood by her man, care for her poor people.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Snakes In The Grass

Hantu Laut 

Just came back from fishing the Burma Banks and missed all the excitement of Malaysian politics, which is sliding deeper and deeper into the gutter.

You want to change the government?


That's your democratic rights, but are they going to be any better than the "craps" that you want to get rid off?

All pointers show they are as corrupt and unscrupulous as the dirty "bunch" you want out.

Two years ago he was the opposition's antagonist.

This "carpet man" is the ultimate sycophantic social pariah whose kiss-ass days are over and who is now kissing the opposition's asses, who used to shit on him, but now found him truthful and useful.

Today he is the opposition's darling.

When Najib refused to be embroiled in his business problems he resorted to political blackmail and extortion against the very people he brown-nosed with for pecuniary gains.

What a liar. Now he admits he was involved in bribing the other scum.

When the money stops he goes to Anwar & Co. 

Finally, the other scum.

Always look where you are going, there is always the danger of you stepping on a "snake in the grass."

Read about "Pashtunwali"........... the ways of my forefathers.

Do you believe in this man?


Who is Deepak Jaikaisan?

Deepak says has sought Altantuya's forgiveness.

There is a bigger snake lurking in the corner waiting to be prime minister!

Rosmah Mansor, that's the price you have to pay for using unprincipled opportunist as your errand boy. 

Friday, August 26, 2011

Well Done Rosmah !

Hantu Laut

At least there is something good coming out from this lady than those who bashed, ridiculed, admonished and rained every possible expletives on her.Rosmah launches humantarian mission to Somalia here.

She was right to ignore her detractors and carry on doing what she wants to do, for herself, for her husband and for her country...... it's her business.

I was expecting MERCY Malaysia to have launched the mission much earlier but it seems they have just sent a needs assessment team to Somalia last night, here.

The United Nations offically declared famine in the country in the middle of July.Most Western aids organisations immediately kicked start their aids mission but the problems are just too huge for individual organisation to handle.Big donations should come from rich countries and corporations.

The British government and individuals have collected more than £50m - 80 times more than Somalia's former colonial masters, the Italians, who officials believe are not pulling their weight.

Oxfam, one of the first few aids organisation in Somalia has brought clean water and sanitation to the famine struck nation in early August.

There is a Chinese proverb that says "
If you want happiness for an hour – take a nap. If you want happiness for a day – go fishing. If you want happiness for a month – get married. If you want happiness for a year – inherit a fortune. If you want happiness for a lifetime – help others"

Rosmah's detractors will have a field day looking for the negatives to ridicule her.

Well done Rosmah!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Malaysian PM's Wife Draws Flak

Hantu Laut

The correct translation of "surat layang" is "poison pen letters" not flying letters.Most poison pen letters are character assassination to inflict maximum damage on the person.

Because of anonymity of the sender people who writes "poison pen letters" are considered "pengecut" (coward) because most of what they wrote are either untrue or half-truths.

I must admit Rosmah is too outlandish and too much in the forefront which makes her different from the wives of former prime ministers who stayed much out of the lime light.

Malaysians, particularly the Malays are not used to having their women taking centre stage.

Adorning oneself with luxurious and expensive bags and jewellery is foolhardy if you are wife of a prime minister or minister.Such display of ostentation would surely attract attention and tongue-wagging.

Modesty is a virtue, more so if you are wife of high-profile politicians.

Written by John Berthelsen

Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak’s wife blazes her own controversial trail

The surat layang – “flying letters” in Malay, or anonymous assaults -- have been flying in record numbers in recent weeks, attacking Rosmah Mansor, the wife of Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak. They are being picked up and spread in volume by the country’s blogosphere, much of it arrayed against the Barisan Nasional, or ruling national coalition.

It isn’t certain who is behind the attacks, but they are clearly tied to national elections expected either late this year or early in 2012. The opposition and the dominant United Malays National Organization are blaming each other and both saying they aren’t involved. But the 60-year-old Rosmah has become a lightning rod for criticism of the administration, most of it centering on her alleged profligacy and her reported dominance of her husband’s political and social agenda. The attacks compare her to both Shakespeare’s Lady MacBeth, who drove her husband to murder and tragedy, and to former Filipino First Lady Imelda Marcos, who gained fame for her extravagance including owning hundreds of pairs of shoes.

More ominously, as Asia Sentinel has reported, she has been the subject of rumors for several years that she somehow was involved in the murder of Mongolian translator Altantuya Shaariibuu, to the extent that a businessman close to her allegedly paid a witness RM750,000 to get out of the country after he said the dead woman had an affair with her husband. In addition, court testimony has indicated that she met with a former aide to Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim prior to the aide’s accusing Anwar of raping him.

Those in Anwar’s Pakatan Rakyat coalition say the attacks on Rosmah are coming from Muhyiddin Yassin, the 64-year-old deputy prime minister and protégé of former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad. Muhyiddin played a major role in driving former Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi from power and has long been regarded as being ambitious to succeed Najib should the prime minister stumble.

Added to that equation, the sources say, are Mahathir’s own ambitions to see his third son Mukhriz, currently the deputy minister of international trade, as deputy prime minister. Muhyiddin also fits Mahathir’s political philosophy more than Najib does. He is an advocate of Ketuanan Melayu – ethnic Malay dominance of the economic and political landscape, in opposition to Najib, who is committed to his so-called 1Malaysia campaign, an attempt to bring other races back into the ruling Barisan Nasional fold. Mahathir has become increasingly strident in his calls to preserve Malay dominance as well.

Sources in the United Malays National Organization blame the accusations on Pakatan Rakyat in an effort to blacken Najib’s reputation and hamstring the ruling national coalition in advance of elections expected later this year or early next. One aide to a top UMNO politician says neither Mukhriz or Muhyiddin would be likely to be attack Rosmah as Najib’s surrogate now. If serious infighting broke out within UMNO, the aide says, it would seriously cripple the party and the Barisan in advance of the polls.
If Mahathir and Muhyiddin were really be after Najib, the aide says, it would make no sense for them to be daring the destruction of their party and the loss of even more of the Barisan’s power, which was severely dented in March 2008 elections when for the first time in the country’s then-50 year history its two-thirds hold on parliament was broken by the opposition. Other sources say that Mahathir himself owes a debt of gratitude to Najib’s father, the late Tun Abdul Razak, for rehabilitating him after he had been kicked out of UMNO by Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malaysia’s first prime minister, and that he wouldn’t go against Najib for that reason.

However, observers point out, Muhyiddin hasn’t been publicly defending either Najib or Rosmah lately. One businessman in Kuala Lumpur told Asia Sentinel: “Mahathir and Anwar are both working towards the same objective even if they aren’t working together – get Najib out.”

Rosmah has been controversial since well before Najib became prime minister. The newest sensation appeared a few weeks ago with a report by a Kuala Lumpur-based opposition blog that she had received a US$24.8 million diamond ring from the New York-based Jacob & Co. jewelers and that the ring had passed through customs without duty being charged. Rosmah has said publicly that: "There is nothing I want to say (in relation to the purchase of ring) because I have no time to entertain such issue.” She later denied buying the ring.

She has also been photographed carrying what appears to be a Birkin handbag, designed and manufactured by Hermès of Paris and named for the actress and singer Jane Birkin. Prices of the bags range from US$9,000 to US$150,000 according to the type of material used. She has been photographed as well wearing what appears to be a 65.77 carat white and black Zebra safari bangle bracelet from also Jacob & Co. and made of white and black pave diamonds and 18-karat white gold. Read more.