Showing posts with label Sirul. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sirul. Show all posts

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Murder With Recourse:Why Western Media Blacked Out Sirul's Story ?

Hantu Laut

It's like a nuclear fallout to many Malaysians, the biggest scoop of the century with politicians from the opposite camp having a field day drawing their knives going for an overkill.

DAP Lim Kit Siang was having the biggest thrill of his life poking murderous pun at PM Najib here.

When it rains, it pours in Malaysia, but it's all quiet on the Western Front........ 


Why did the Western media blacked out Sirul's story?

I have trolled the Internet numerous times hoping to hook onto some reputable media in the West reporting the story first hand, there was none. Every search I made took me to pages of either Malaysian Insider, Malaysiakini, or some other Malaysian news portal or blogs.

Western media hungry for story like this seemed to have avoided the convicted killer like a leper. Not a single reputable Western media have published the story. The Australian media known for its rapacity for this kind of news have not had a single mention of the story.

Why are the Western media giving Sirul a wide berth and our Malaysian news portals and opposition leaders were having agonising orgasms of Sirul's story. A story from a man whose life hang by the thread, a convicted murderer who now openly admitted to the crime and a crime committed with recourse, but he has not named the person that order the execution.

In the West, I believe they are more conscientious that a convicted killer not be allowed to profit by selling his/her story.

Who did Sirul speaks to? 

There is no guessing who needed this kind of story the most for political mileage.

Saril's interview was with Malaysia's most popular pro-opposition news portal...Malaysian Insider and Malaysiakini, the most partisan and lopsided newsmakers with irrefutable loyalty to the opposition's cause. The disclosure have generated a raging thunderstorm among opposition leaders and their supporters.

How do you reconcile the irony of this convicted felon's conflicting statements............ that he obeyed order from higher up to kill Altantuya, but on the other hand said he had not admitted to the murder. 

He questioned the method he was convicted making it sounds as if circumstantial evidence used by the court was wrong. Many murderers from all over the world had, in the absence of direct evidence, been convicted on circumstantial evidence.

That was his story, but more mystifying is......... who let the horse bolted?

How did Sirul get his passport? How did he manage to pass through the immigration's blacklist? Was his name on the black list in the first place, or someone removed it to make it easy for him to escape? All these are questions left unanswered. 

How could a convicted murderer like him escape detection by the Immigration Dept when bankrupts and people who can't pay up their income taxes are barred from leaving the country, but a convicted murderer can leave the country without hindrance?

Shouldn't the Director of Immigration be hauled up to explain how the horse bolted the stable?

In most cases you do need a motive to kill someone. Most of the time you kill to cover your crime leaving no witnesses behind.

Sometimes, rapists killed their victims if they are known to the victims to cover the crime, as they say "dead man tells no tales"

Why are many Malaysians in ecstatic overdrive?

Is it showing that PM Najib has become very unpopular with the people?