Showing posts with label states. Show all posts
Showing posts with label states. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Hantu Laut

Come March 8th cast your vote wisely.Do not vote any appositions or BN candidates whom you think are not likely to serve the people and the nation. Don't vote on party line, vote individuals, irrespective of which party they are from and those who are likely to bring benefical changes to the people and the nation.

You can rock the boat but make sure it doesn't sink, the rescue boat may also be leaking. So cast your vote wisely.


Below is my reply to a very unhappy visitor, who chose to use foul language, to what I have written above. A hardcore supporter of the oppositions who could not tolerate differences of opinion and think it is supporter like him that going to bring victory to the oppositions.


We all are entitled to our own opinion and we can choose any leaders we like.

Let me explain my stand.

I am not ready to change the whole government.I just want a strong opposition to keep the government in check and the only way is to deny them the 2/3 majority.

Without 2/3 they can't change the constitution, they can't pass new legislations and they can't do many things that they can do in the past.

The present oppositions is not a cohesive group to be able to form a stable government.PAS,PKR and DAP all have different philosophies and none can be expected to get a clear majority to be a senior partner in a coalition.It will be a hung parliament which you, I and every Malaysians will not wish for, if you understand the repercussions.

There is nothing worse than a government that can't function because of internal strife and infighting.

I also don't believe corruptions will stop with a new government, it could get worse.We can only try to lessen corruption, it is not possible to wipe out this evil weed completely.

I also don't buy the oppositions claims and promises of better days for all Malaysians if they take over the running of this country.

You don't have to agree with me, you should vote who you are comfortable with, it's your right and your business, nobody can stop you from doing so.

I have the right to express my opinion, if you don't agree, fine, it's no skin off my nose.

Cybertrooper ! I am certainly not.I wish I am, at least I get paid.

I am like you, I have an opinion.

Now, you tell me why you think a new government is better?

Saturday, March 1, 2008


Hantu Laut

This coming election will see the demise of some political parties in Sabah.

One that faces mass desertion from some of its senior leaders is LDP (Liberal Democratic Party), formerly headed by former Chief Minister Tan Sri Chong Kah Kiat. Due to the Mazu controversy and a falling out with Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman, he resigned all his ministerial positions and as President of LDP and handed over the presidency to his deputy, Datuk Liew Vun Keong.

In 2004 LDP was given 1 parliamentary and 3 state seats in the ruling coalition. It lost the Sandakan parliamentary seat to an independent. Out of the three state seats, two were traditionally UMNO seats given to LDP during Tun Mahathir's rule. Objection from Sabah UMNO at that time was set aside by Mahathir. Chong was seen as his blue-eyed boy.Although his party only have 3 state seats at that time, he was made Chief Minister under the rotation system, to the consternation of other component parties in Sabah BN.Both seats, Tanjung Kapor and Merotai have predominantly Muslim voters.

Voting trends among BN coalition partners are based on comradeship. Every member of the coalition must deliver their support to any chosen candidate from any partner in the coalition irrespective of whether they like it or not. Occasionally there would be underhand tactics and sabotage if the candidate is not acceptable with other coalition partners, as was the case with LDP's loss of the Sandakan seat, which they blamed on SAPP headed by Datuk Yong Tet Lee. The seat was also coveted by SAPP on the basis of that it is a bigger party and has more members and supporters.

On Tuesday night nearly 200 Sandakan LDP members announced their resignation en bloc from the party due to dissatisfaction and objection to the fielding of an outsider to contest the Sandakan parliamentary seat. The candidate was the president himself, Datuk V.K.Liew. Sandakan LDP members have thrown their support behind Fong Vun Fui, LDP ex-State Deputy Youth Chief who resigned from the party and is standing as an independent against Datuk V.K.Liew. It appears that Liew is fighting an uphill battle and may lose the seat. Political pundits in Sandakan predicted he may even lose his deposit and rumours has it that the bookies are busy taking betting odds not in his favour.

The two state seats that are likely to end up the same way as Sandakan are Merotai and Tanjung Kapor. The dissatisfaction and objection was similar, putting an outsider to contest the seats.

The incumbent for Merotai Datuk Liew Vun Fah, although being a Chinese was a popular figure with the electorates in his constituency, was dropped as he was seen to be too close to Chief Minister Musa Aman. An outsider, Pang Yuk Ming was fielded in his place. LDP may have overlooked or didn't care that he obtained a majority of 4305 votes in 2004. The Muslims dominated constituency of Tanjong Kapur with eight-cornered fight would also see an uphill battle for LDP.

It is predicted that LDP may end up with zero seat or at the most only one, Karamunting in Sandakan, which was also given a slim chance.

Would it be do or die for LDP ?

Monday, February 25, 2008


Hantu Laut

The BN is currently leading with some uncontested seats.

Parliamentary seat candidates who won uncontested
1. Datuk Azalina Othman Said - P157 Pengerang, Johor (Umno)
2. Datuk Abdul Ghapur Salleh - P191 Kalabakan, Sabah (Umno)
3. Norah Abdul Rahman - P206 Tanjung Manis, Sarawak (PBB)
4. Aaron Ago Dagang - P210 Kanowit, Sarawak (PRS)
5. Joseph Entulu Belaun - P214 Selangau, Sarawak (PRS)
6. Alexander Nanta Linggi - P215 Kapit, Sarawak (PBB)

State seat candidates who won uncontested
Datuk Ramlee Marbahan - N54 Bugaya (Umno)

Datuk Abdul Rahman Palil – N43 Sementa (Umno)

PAS got 1 seat unoppossed in Kijang, Kelantan.

Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman challenged by 3 others in Sibuga, PKR, Bersekutu and 1 independent candidate.

Rafidah Aziz disqualified(yet to be confirmed).

Merotai, Sabah 7 cornered fight.

PM Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi straight fight with PAS candidate Subri Mat Arshad

Kelantan Menteri Besar Nik Aziz straight fight with BN/UMNO candidate Datuk Dr Nik Zain Omar in Chempaka, Kelantan.

PKR Wan Azizah against BN/UMNO Datuk Pirdaus Ismail in Permatang Pauh, Pinang.

DPM Datuk Seri Mohd Najib against PKR Khairul Anuar Ahmad Zainudin in Pekan, Pahang.

Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Mohd Yassin (BN-Umno) against Mohd Rozali Jamli Al-Hafiz (PAS) in Pagoh, Johor.

Education Minister Datuk Seri Hishamuddin Tun Hussein (BN-Umno) against Lee Sang (PKR) in Semrong, Johor.

Selangor Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Mohamad Khir Toyo (BN-Umno) against Mohd Fadzin Taslimin(PAS) in Sungei Panjang, Selangor.

Melaka Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Mohd Ali Mohd Rustam (BN-Umno) against Bakrin Sidek (Pas) in Buki Baru, Melaka.

Perlis Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Shahidan Kassim (BN-Umno) against Che Nordin Che Ahmad (Pas) in Tambun Tulang,Perlis.

Sarawak CM's son, Datuk Seri Sulaiman Abdul Rahman Abdul Taib (BN-PBB) in 3 cornered fight
against Hussain Abg Apok (PKR) and Abu Bakar Awang Dawos (Ind) in Kota Samarahan, Sarawak.

Minister Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim (BN-Umno) against Norman Ipin(Pas) in Jelebu, Negri Sembilan.

PM son-in-law Khairy Jamaluddin Abu Bakar (BN-Umno) against Badrul Hisham Shaharin (PKR) in Rembau, Negri Sembilan.

Minister Datuk Seri Samy Vellu in 3-cornered fight against PKR Michael Jeyakumar Devaraj and IND Nor Rizan Oon.


Tan Sri Joseph Kurup uncontested in Pensiangan, Sabah.

BN now has 7 MP and 2 State seats uncontested.

Datuk Seri Pairin Kitingan(BN/PBS) against his brother Datuk Dr Jeffery Kitingan(PKR) in Keningau, Sabah and against PKR Mozes M Iking in Tambunan state seat.

BN has obtained 2 more seats making a total of 9 parliamentary and 2 state seats captured uncontested.

Scary moment for Rafidah due to unsigned nomination form.She wasn't disqualified as reported earlier.

Most seats in Sabah heavily contested between BN and PKR. The opposition pact between PKR and DAP are not in place here. A number of seats are contested by both DAP and PKR against BN.

Tan Sri Joseph Kurup won the Pensiangan parliamentary seat uncontested after two other candidates were disqualified for submitting their papers late.A man supposedly PKR supporter tried to punch him but missed. PKR and 1 independent candidate were disqualified.

In Tenom BN supporters burnt BN flags to show their dissatisfaction over the choice of candidates.BN fielded incumbents for (Tenom Parliament) Tamie Unggi, (Kemabong) Datuk Rubin Balang and (Melalap) Datuk Radin Malleh.

Tanjong Kapur saw 8-cornered fight.BN,PKR,BERSEKUTU and 5 independents.

Visit this site for update on campaining in Sabah.