Showing posts with label LDP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label LDP. Show all posts

Thursday, September 8, 2011

LDP:We Were Only Absent, We Did Not Boycott

Pathetic ! We were only absent, we did not boycott!

Salleh Keruak wasn't born yesterday, you can't fault him for his hawk-eyed observation of missing LDP leaders at the CM's Raya open house, he has been in politics longer than V.K.Liew.

Liew and all top LDP leaders can visit Rahim Ismail away in Papar who is not even a cabinet minister (of course that's his choice) but people can see through him and his pathetic excuse.Obviously, he is not in charge of LDP and completely lack finesse and the cultivated veneer of refinement expected of a politician of his stature.

Maybe, he should also just send his minions to the Prime Minister's house and say he is just too busy to come himself.

Photo showing Lim Guan Eng talking to Prime Minister Najib during the PM's Raya open house.In spite of being jailed before by this very same government Guan Eng holds no grudge against Najib and the administration.LDP leaders should emulate this man and should stop being political toddlers which only reflect badly on their political immaturity.

We did not boycott – LDP

by Nancy Lai. Posted on September 7, 2011, Wednesday

Liew says Salleh’s claim not true and party leaders went unnoticed at open house

The Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department was in fact disheartened that State Assembly Speaker Datuk Salleh Said had made such unnecessary disparaging remarks against LDP.

Liew was of the opinion that Salleh had made an incorrect factual statement by saying LDP leaders were absent when its youth chief, divisional chairmen and members were there but they went unnoticed in the crowd of thousands.

According to Liew further, unlike in previous years, the state government’s open house this year was held on the second day of the Hari Raya Aidilfitri celebrations and not on the first day.

“It is the norm for me and LDP elected representatives to return to our constituencies after the first day of Raya to celebrate with our constituents and programs have been fixed in advance.

“As a matter of fact and as confirmed by Salleh himself, we already met at the Istana together with the TYT Tun Juhar Mahiruddin on the first day where Raya greetings were exchanged between me, my Supreme Council members and the Cabinet members of the Sabah state government.

“The allegation that we boycotted the Chief Minister and State Cabinet Minister’s open house on the second day is not true and a myth. Such allegation coming out from the mouth of the State Speaker is most incorrect and immature,” he said.

Liew said this when asked to comment on the statement of Salleh, who is also Sabah Umno Liaison Committee deputy chairman, on the absence of LDP senior leaders at the state government’s Hari Raya open house.

The State Assembly Speaker who hosted a similar celebration in conjunction with the Hari Raya Aidifitri on Monday, told reporters there that he was puzzled as to why none of the senior LDP leaders attended the recent Hari Raya open house hosted by the Chief Minister and the State Cabinet at the Likas Sports Complex.

Salleh said he found it strange that they managed to attend the open houses at the state palace and that of Umno vice-president Datuk Seri Mohd Shafie Apdal and Pantai Manis assemblyman Datuk Abdul Rahim Ismail which were much further away.

“Were they really too busy with other commitments or were they boycotting the event?

“If indeed it was a boycott, then it is sad because it did not show respect to the Chief Minister and State Cabinet. And there was no spirit of the Barisan Nasional family or 1Malaysia concept,” he said.

On the first day of Hari Raya, LDP president Datuk VK Liew attended the state palace open house but neither he nor other senior party leaders were seen at the state’s open house the next day, he said.

He said on the third day, Liew and other leaders were present at Mohd Shafie’s open house in Semporna and on the fourth day at Rahim’s function in Papar. Read more.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

LDP's absence too glaring: Salleh

As they say "Clothes do not make the man". Taking political hatred to the extreme.Even Lim Guan Eng had the courtesy to visit Najib's Raya open house.

LDP's absence too glaring: Salleh
Daily Express

Kota Kinabalu: The absence of top echelon leaders from the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) at the Chief Minister and State Cabinet Hari Raya Open House in Likas, last Wednesday, did not go unnoticed.

State Legislative Assembly Speaker Datuk Seri Salleh Tun Said Keruak hoped it was due to them being unavailable rather than a boycott, saying it was not right for Barisan Nasional (BN) component parties to boycott the Hari Raya open house held by Muslim members of the State Cabinet.

He said they should respect one another despite their political differences in line with the BN spirit and the concept of 1Malaysia.

He also said they ought to respect the leadership of the State Government, even though they may not see eye-to-eye on certain issues.

"Maybe they were too busy but if there were elements of boycott, I'd (rather) leave it to the LDP to comment," he told reporters during his Raya open house at the State Assembly building, Monday. Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman and members of the State Cabinet were among those present.

Salleh said many people (including leaders from BN coalition parties) came to the Raya open house hosted by Musa and Muslim members of the State Cabinet. However, he noted there was hardly any from the LDP.

Strangely, he said LDP leaders attended the Raya open house hosted by Head of State Tun Juhar Mahiruddin on the first day of Aidilfitri on Aug. 30.

"They were also willing to go to Semporna and Papar to attend the open houses by (Rural and Regional Development Minister Datuk Mohd) Shafie (Apdal) and (Pantai Manis Assemblyman Datuk) Abdul Rahim (Ismail)," he said.

Nevertheless, Salleh said it is unnecessary for the LDP to give any explanation on the matter. "Some people were only querying why they did not attend (the CM's Raya open house)," he said.

On the non-attendance of Shafie and Abdul Rahim at the Chief Minister and State Cabinet Hari Raya Open House, he said the duo probably had commitments elsewhere.

He also said that the Hari Raya open house is open to all and that there is no pressure on anyone to be there. "If you can't attend because you are busy, there is no problem, but if it is a boycott, it is unhealthy," he said.

When contacted, LDP President Datuk VK Liew, denied any planned boycott on its part.

"As matured politicians we never boycott any government event, so please don't make speculative statements," he said, and suggested Salleh check his facts before making such statement.

"As a matter of fact, LDP was represented at the open house by Youth Chief, Chin Shu Ying and a divisional leader, Datuk Lee Chuen Wen.

"Just because they are not in the picture, we are accused of not being there," he said, adding it so happened on that day most of LDP elected representatives, including him, had to return to their respective constituencies to attend programmes with their constituents.

On the question of him going all the way to Papar to attend the open house hosted by Rahim, Liew said:

"Is there any restriction for me to go anywhere? This is Hari Raya so I will visit many places É I don't think this should become an issue.Read more.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

'Playing dangerous mind game'

Kota Kinabalu: Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) is acting irresponsibly by playing a dangerous mind game with the Chinese community in toying with the race card, said State Tourism, Culture and Environment Minister Datuk Masidi Manjun.

Masidi, who is also Sabah Umno Assistant Secretary, said LDP Deputy President Datuk Chin Su Phin was attempting to create dissent not only between the Chinese and Umno but other communities and Umno.

"You are obviously playing the race card when you say aside from the Chinese, other communities also do not agree with the state leadership who we all know is also the leader of Umno in Sabah. This is unbecoming and is not the culture of BN".

Masidi said it was arrogant and presumptions to say that the Chinese and even other communities do not support the State leadership.

"Chin may tip toe on the identity of the person he is attacking but we know who he is referring to. And I have to emphasise 'he' because it is personal issue for him and certain individuals with personal agenda," he said.

He said due to the personal nature of this vendetta against the State leadership, the Chinese community should not be duped into believing that there is no majority support for the leadership. Masidi said Chin should not insult the intelligence of the Chinese in Sabah by trying to manipulate the community into thinking that a majority of them do not support the State leadership.

Masidi said Chin was also out of line when he said there were other capable people in Umno. "Umno does not meddle in LDP affairs and tell them who is or who is not capable of helming the party's leadership.

Likewise, LDP should leave Umno affairs to Umno, "I am sure the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak knows who should helm the leadership in Sabah. Chin's criticism of the Umno leadership in the State is tantamount to questioning the wisdom of the Prime Minister," he said.

Masidi said there were times when Umno wanted to hit back at LDP, especially the Chin brothers for their relentless attacks against the Chief Minister, but the Chief Minister himself had urged restraint in the interests of BN. "But this too much."

"I will not stand idly and let the Chin brothers and whoever's personal agenda they are serving destroy the harmony and consensus that we have worked so hard to build in the BN family and Sabah."

Masidi said the State leadership strived to take care of the needs and accommodate all communities in Sabah.

"We live in an ethnically diverse society and in the spirit of Barisan Nasional. Whatever decision made must be based on consensus and for the greater good of society, not just for a few individuals," he said.

He said the BN component parties should be strengthening their cooperation consolidating their efforts to gear up for the next election.

"We should not be throwing punches with the single purpose of undermining the leadership.

I am a BN member. I am also an Umno member. I will defend the BN spirit of unity and cooperation.

I will also defend the code of respecting and supporting my leader," he said. Masidi said BN component parties should move forward together, go down the ground and work on developing Sabah and improving the welfare of the people.Daily Express

Monday, March 28, 2011

DCM post not an automatic right of LDP: Umno

Kota Kinabalu: The Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) should stop throwing its weight around as well as implying that the Deputy Chief Minister post is automatically theirs.

"Why are you asking something from someone you have no confidence and cannot work with. You cannot piss all over the state leadership and then expect him to be kind to you," said Sandakan Umno Youth Chief Haji Awang Kadin Tang.

Apparently referring to senior LDP leaders namely, Chin Su Phin and Shin Su Ying, openly criticising Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman last year, he said:

"LDP's leadership never made a clear stand on the party's position on the matter and, instead, skirted around the issue."

Kadin said the only time LDP addressed the issue was when Datuk VK Liew (Party President) was cornered by reporters during the Batu Sapi by-election and was asked if he supported the Chief Minister's leadership.

"Of course by then he said 'yes', but only after months of being evasive.

However, it is unfortunate that the stand was not taken up by other leaders in LDP. They continued to attack the Chief Minister," he said in a statement, Saturday.

On Friday, LDP Youth Chief Chin Shu Ying lamented that LDP seemed to lose all its positions one by one ever since Datuk Seri Musa became the Chief Minister.

"We have lost not only our Deputy Chief Minister and Cabinet quota, we also lost the Deputy Speaker post, the Senator post and the numerous Chairman and Deputy Chairman posts. We are left with just a single Assistant Minister post in the State," Chin had said.

To this, Kadin said LDP wanted to be treated with respect and kindness but some of its party leaders demonstrated utter disdain for the state leadership.Read more

Thursday, March 13, 2008


Hantu Laut

There are winners and losers in every type of competition.The worst kinds are the sore losers and bad winners.

Those who loses in a fair competition but whines about it on a constant basis, blaming everyone around them for their loss except themselves, who can't simply be honorable, by accepting defeat and/or trying again and who can't take a loss in stride.

The UMNO lots should take a leaf from the books of Gerakan's Koh Tsu Koon and MCA's Ong Kah Ting instead of moaning and whining about their losses. Both Koh and Ong have been admirable and should be emulated by others.

Courage in the face of adversity is not common attributes in many men. Only those with high sense of self-respect and unquestionable integrity possess it. The weak and corrupt will find all kind of excuses to defend themselves and blame others for their failure.

Gerakan's Koh has shown admirable manly manner and correct social etiquette by attending the swearing in of the new chief minister from the opposition party.MCA's Ong has taken full responsibility for his party massive loss by not accepting any offer of ministerial post even though he won his seat.

Many in UMNO and other component parties have not shown exemplary behaviour.Even those who have lost are still lobbying for positions. The only exception is Sharizat, she took her defeat graciously.She deserved respect and should be given a respectable position.

In the Sabah BN lobbying for positions is intense among the components. LDP, whom many Sabahans have given zero seat, had won all their seats and are now making demands for a full minister and an assistant minister. Its President V.K.Liew said "In making our representations (at the BN Supreme Council ) we informed that though we are young we are qualified and our elected representatives most importantly are God-fearing, honest and dedicated"

As the American would say, what a lot of baloney ! Instead of beating your own drum, let others judge you. God-fearing, honest and dedicated do not come with divine guarantee.

Worse still, Liew in spite of the help of postal votes won on a wafer thin majority of 176 votes for the Sandakan parliamentary seat and the 2 state seats of Merotai and Tanjong Kapur were UMNO seats given on the platter, not exactly a position to be proud of to make open demands.

In April 1977 the then President of LDP Tan Sri Chong Kah Kiat resigned from all his ministerial posts due to irreconcilable differences with Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman on the Mazu controversy. He said the action taken by Musa Aman has angered the Chinese community.

Below is a posting by Jeff Ooi in his blog, Screenshot

Political bombshell explodes in Sabah... ( 4 )

"This is not a matter of quarrel (subsequent to the Prime Minister's remark that angered the Liberal Democratic Party)... this is a Barisan Nasional problem. The PM has offended the Chinese and the Sabahan... he has hurt my self-respect."

Three days after tendering his resignation as the deputy chief minister of Sabah citing 'political principles', Chong Kah Kiat surfaced yesterday to give Oriental Daily News an exclusive interview.

"Not only LDP (is unhappy), the rakyat in Sabah also (are unhappy)... he (the PM) had made such a remark about a Chinese leader, the impression of him in the eyes of the Sabahan, especially the Chinese in Sabah, will be negative," reports Oriental Daily in the Page 3 lead today.

Chong said the PM has offended the Chinese in Sabah. "I am not important, but I do have my self-respect."

On the day of his resignation, Chong prided himself as a BN man for 30 years without switching party, and had stood steadfast in helping BN find a stronghold in the state.

PM Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, however, remarked that Chong's exit is 'not really a loss'. "Let him rest," the PM reportedly said.

Meanwhile, several non-governmental organisations (NGOs) expressed sadness over Chong's sudden resignation, reports Daily Express.

The popular Sabah daily describes Chong as the only leader from the Berjaya government (1976-1985) who has managed to survive the tumultuous years of Sabah politics punctuated by multiple party-hopping.

The results of the just concluded general election tell a different story.The Chinese community could have given all their votes to DAP candidates by ignoring the PKR candidates if they really don't want to support the state government. Their actions proved otherwise.

In a worst case scenario Sabah BN was expected to lose 3 parliamentary and 7 state seats still giving it a comfortable majority.

It is obvious the Chinese and Indians in Peninsula are more angry with the BN government rather than those in Sabah.

Jeff Ooi is now DAP Member of Parliament for Jelutong.

Saturday, March 1, 2008


Hantu Laut

This coming election will see the demise of some political parties in Sabah.

One that faces mass desertion from some of its senior leaders is LDP (Liberal Democratic Party), formerly headed by former Chief Minister Tan Sri Chong Kah Kiat. Due to the Mazu controversy and a falling out with Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman, he resigned all his ministerial positions and as President of LDP and handed over the presidency to his deputy, Datuk Liew Vun Keong.

In 2004 LDP was given 1 parliamentary and 3 state seats in the ruling coalition. It lost the Sandakan parliamentary seat to an independent. Out of the three state seats, two were traditionally UMNO seats given to LDP during Tun Mahathir's rule. Objection from Sabah UMNO at that time was set aside by Mahathir. Chong was seen as his blue-eyed boy.Although his party only have 3 state seats at that time, he was made Chief Minister under the rotation system, to the consternation of other component parties in Sabah BN.Both seats, Tanjung Kapor and Merotai have predominantly Muslim voters.

Voting trends among BN coalition partners are based on comradeship. Every member of the coalition must deliver their support to any chosen candidate from any partner in the coalition irrespective of whether they like it or not. Occasionally there would be underhand tactics and sabotage if the candidate is not acceptable with other coalition partners, as was the case with LDP's loss of the Sandakan seat, which they blamed on SAPP headed by Datuk Yong Tet Lee. The seat was also coveted by SAPP on the basis of that it is a bigger party and has more members and supporters.

On Tuesday night nearly 200 Sandakan LDP members announced their resignation en bloc from the party due to dissatisfaction and objection to the fielding of an outsider to contest the Sandakan parliamentary seat. The candidate was the president himself, Datuk V.K.Liew. Sandakan LDP members have thrown their support behind Fong Vun Fui, LDP ex-State Deputy Youth Chief who resigned from the party and is standing as an independent against Datuk V.K.Liew. It appears that Liew is fighting an uphill battle and may lose the seat. Political pundits in Sandakan predicted he may even lose his deposit and rumours has it that the bookies are busy taking betting odds not in his favour.

The two state seats that are likely to end up the same way as Sandakan are Merotai and Tanjung Kapor. The dissatisfaction and objection was similar, putting an outsider to contest the seats.

The incumbent for Merotai Datuk Liew Vun Fah, although being a Chinese was a popular figure with the electorates in his constituency, was dropped as he was seen to be too close to Chief Minister Musa Aman. An outsider, Pang Yuk Ming was fielded in his place. LDP may have overlooked or didn't care that he obtained a majority of 4305 votes in 2004. The Muslims dominated constituency of Tanjong Kapur with eight-cornered fight would also see an uphill battle for LDP.

It is predicted that LDP may end up with zero seat or at the most only one, Karamunting in Sandakan, which was also given a slim chance.

Would it be do or die for LDP ?