Thursday, July 31, 2008

Will The Government Be The Toyol(Leprechaun) Again?

Hantu Laut

It was reported in Malaysia Insider that the government may appoint the Solicitor-General (SG) as DPP (Deputy Public Prosecutor) in the Anwar's sodomy case, if he is charged.

In my earlier article I have recommended another person to be the prosecutor instead of the AG (Attorney-General) due to serious allegations by Anwar of past misdeeds in his previous sodomy case.

I can see the PM is taking a step in the right direction and I do believe the SG Datuk Idris bin Harun is competent to do his job without fear or favour. Will public opinion change?

Although the government can ignore public opinion and do what any government should do under normal circumstances, but in this particularly dicey case, the government should walk with caution and should be seen as having no vested interest in the case.The services of an independent reputable foreign prosecutor should be seriously considered to complement the SG.This will remove all doubts from majority of the population that the government is still pulling  the strings. 

Below are background information of the Solicitor-General:

Duties and Function of 
Solicitor General

The Solicitor General assists the Attorney General and is by law empowered to perform any of the functions that can be performed by the Attorney General. This is provided under Section 40A of the Eleventh Schedule to the Federal Constitution.

Under subsection 376(2) of the Criminal Procedure Code, the Solicitor General shall have all powers of a Deputy Public Prosecutor and shall act as a Public Prosecutor in the absence or inability of the Attorney General to act.

The Solicitor General is also responsible for civil matters, interviews, intakes, transfers, postings and promotions of officers and any other duties directed by the Attorney General.


Duties and Function of
Solicitor General II

The post of Solicitor General II has been created and came into effect on 16 April 2007 through the Waran Perjawatan Bil. A46 Tahun 2007 dated 20 April 2007. Following the existence of the new post, currently there are two (2) Solicitor Generals in the Attorney General’s Chambers.

The Solicitor General II is responsible for matters related to drafting of legislations, law reform and revision matters, responsible in overseeing and supervising the State Legal Officers and all administration matters other than finance and budget, interviews, intakes, transfers, postings and promotions of officers and any other duties directed by the Attorney General.

Below is the Organisation Chart.

From the chart above it appears that the Solicitor-General is under the Attorney-General.

As I have said earlier the SG may be impartial and competent but public opinion will not change if he alone does the job.

Many Malaysians believe in the occult, toyol and cerita dongeng but the conspiracy to fix Anwar is no cerita dongeng. To them it is true and the toyol is the government.

It's time the Prime Minister and his government walk the ground and feel the pulse of discontent and do something about it.

It's public opinion that makes or kills a government and Anwar knew it and depended on it to discredit the government.

Who is the wolf in sheep's clothing ?

Read:The Osman Conspiracy?

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Justice Must Be Seen To Be Done

Hantu Laut

Anwar Ibrahim might not be my favourite politician but I hope the rule of law will prevail in this country if the police decides to charge him.

The government  with its credibility at stake must go out of its way to ensure a fair trail for Anwar Ibrahim.None of those currently accused by him of past wrongdoings should be allowed to be involved in the case, particularly the IGP and the AG, whom he has accused of fabricating evidence in his previous sodomy case.So far the Prime Minister has kept his promise by not allowing the two to be involved.

It is also imperative that the Court and judges should have no fear to call upon any prominent figures as witnesses if the need arises.No immunity should be given to any of those holding high offices, including the PM and DPM, from appearing in court should their presence be required as witnesses.

If the government is really serious about salvaging its shrunken popularity and its inglorious reputation than it should consider taking a bold step to do what has not been done before.

Since all branches of government including the judiciary are under trail in the court of public opinion and to appease the sceptics of the impartiality of the government in the case, serious consideration should be given to appoint independent public prosecutors (foreign or local) and a trial by jury or if that is not possible than  additional judges chosen from Britain or any of the Commonwealth countries to sit with our judges to hear the case.

I hope Pak Lah will have the conscience to do what is right.

"Justice must not only be done, it must be seen to be done"

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Redemption Of Anwar Ibrahim ?

Hantu Laut

Why is the government dragging its feet on the investigation regarding Anwar's sodomy case.The recent disclosure by our iconoclastic Raja Petra of a medical report, not that I believe the report is conclusive, that confirmed the absent of any sign of buggery of the complainant Saiful has added more fuel to an already burning fire.The government should either release the result of the investigation without further ado or close the case if there were insufficient evidence to charge Anwar. 

Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi must understand that public opinion is against his government and the longer the delay the more severe is the people perception of the government intention of trumped-up charges against Anwar. He will gain more ground with his sympathisers and supporters and is deemed innocent even if proven guilty.Even those sitting on the fringe are beginning to doubt the government sincerity in the case.

To make matters worse the emergence of an Uncle Pet, an uncle of Saiful, whose real identity is still not known and with an image that is not exactly an epitome of wisdom, although he might be completely innocent, is not adding any credibility to the story.

Why did the doctor at the private clinic released Saiful medical report to be made known to the public? He is an Anwar's sympathiser or a conscientious medical practitioner? How thorough was his examination of the patient? What kind of doctor is he that breached professional ethic? If he thinks his finding is correct and as a professional why not stands by his reports?

Below are some of the reactions of Anwar's supporters and sympathisers taken from various blogs:


1.Raja Petra, I SALUTE U !!!!

Pandan muka Saiful & family. Becareful, if I ever meet him I will shaff a durian up his ASS! Never know how LOW can a person go to prostitute himself in the name of $$$$$!!!

2.AG first fellow who should kena `taro`. He ordered the wrongful arrest. That also abuse of power.AG must be suspended immediately and placed under house arrest.

3.“Shove a durian” into his @SS”. Might I add a batang penyapu?

4.Now this Sinfool (Saiful) guy has really screwed himself! I can tell you his arsehole is getting bigger everyday!

5.I think the whole pack of government lackeys are clowns.It is like a circus show showing the government fooling Malaysians to believe the sodomy case of Anwar.Now,the cat is out of the bag and Malaysians can throw shit at the Home Minister who is a disgrace in trying to spread lies with facts to foreign dignitaries recently.What a nincompoop Minister he is and I hope he sinks his face in the mud to escape embarrassment from them later.

6.Saifool has now become a pain in BeeEnd's Arse.Sakit!!!

7.RPK ain't a doctor, but in this case, RPK aint the only one spinning out of control.First it was a meliwat thingy.Then they checked DSAI's private part.Followed by the allegation that it ain't a dick to anus thing, but a plastic insertion matter.Then the doctor disappeared, just like that Private Eye.C'mon, folks, what else the authority has to spin?

8First it was a meliwat case.Then DSAI got his dick checked.Followed by the "plastic insertion" thing.What's next?Broom stick??Aiyoh !! Please lah !! Enuf already lah !!!       

Those comments are not from Malaysia Today but taken from other top blogs in the country.

It looks like that Saiful only had simple flu at his rear end.

Below is Uncle Pet's reaction to Raja Petra's redemption of Anwar.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Proton And Harley-Davidson

Hantu Laut

I was right in my condemnation of the quality of Proton cars.The MB of Pahang and Kelantan had also come out and said their Perdanas incur high maintenance costs.

The high costs were not merely because of Proton poor quality there must be some element of hanky-panky. The individuals in charge of sending the cars for service and maintenance must be in cahoots with the dealers.

Federal and State departments should stop buying Proton cars to send a clear message to Proton to pull up their socks to improve the quality of their cars. It's government owned and funded by taxpayers. Those guys in Proton are resting on their laurels and are quite happy to produce crappy machines. 

If Proton wish to continue producing low quality cars and expect to sell well, I suggest they send their marketing boys to Harley-Davidson to learn all about marketing hype. How to sell crappy machines at premium prices.

Harley-Davidson image marketing was so good it managed to fool the world's big bike lovers to buy their crappy over-sized and under-powered machines at mind-boggling prices.It's a growing cult of machismo show-off on fat ugly machines.

Real bike enthusiasts don't buy Harley, they buy other high-end bikes, Japanese or European.

Harley recently bought over M.V.Augusta, one of the finest and highly regarded high-end bike manufacturers sold for a song by the myopic management at Proton a year ago.

Let's hope Harley don't introduce their crappy engineering to those superb machines.

The purchase of those Mercedes Benz cars by Trengganu is now a fait accompli and the Prime Minister should let it be and allow those cars to be used by the assemblymen.

Sometimes, favours don't come free, you have to buy them.

Maybe the Menteri Besar of Trengganu should enlighten the Prime Minister why he was so generous to the councillors even at time of economic downturn when government should be tightening its belt.

One thing for sure, he knows the Prime Minister can't remove him, he was appointed by the Sultan.