Monday, August 4, 2008

Is Anwar A Shrewd And Wasted Politician ?

Hantu Laut

The Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi is the punching bag of almost every other Malaysian if we go by online news portal, the blogging community and opinion polls.

A recent polls conducted by Merdeka Centre For Opinion Research shows a general decline of the PM's popularity and that of his ruling coalition.The pollster puts the margin of error at +-3.1% and indicated the polls targeted age group of 21 +. The world famous Gallup poll which has been in the business of public opinion polls for many decades also used +-3.0 % as margin of error.   

In Malaysia age, ethnicity and habitation have bearings on political affiliations.For instance, Anwar Ibrahim is popular among the Indians, Chinese and young urban Malays.The political landscapes in the rural areas are different.Here, the rural Malays are divided between PAS and UMNO with higher ratio in favour of UMNO prior to the March 8 General Elections , this may have deteriorated after the fuel price hike announced by the government.PAS ,besides its traditional stronghold of Kelantan, had made inroads into other northern states, particularly Kedah taking significant number of traditional UMNO voters in the March 2008 Elections.The rural Chinese are divided between DAP and MCA while the majority of urban Chinese are for DAP and PKR.

Going by opinion polls and the popularity of Anwar Ibrahim and his Pakatan Rakyat, the coalition government of Abdullah Ahmad Badawi is hanging in the balance and expected to fall by 15th September as predicted by Anwar Ibrahim. His modus operandi of promising cheaper oil and employing psychological warfare on the political front has been quite successful in wooing more support for him.

Anwar is very popular on line and have good penetration into those wired homes giving him strong followings among young voters.How popular is he on the ground? We will only find that out in the by-election.

Most Malaysians are generally spoilt by the many years of government subsidy, not only among the low and middle income group but including those in the higher income bracket, who wanted everything cheap and a short-cut to everything.They take it as of their rights rather than as privileges.

Anwar is not only a shrewd politician, he is also a good chess player and would make an excellent war general.He would be a model student of Sun Tzu.He is always 10 steps ahead of his enemies.Yesterday he said he expected massive rigging in the by-election to enable the BN to defeat him. In the event he loses the election, even in a fair contest, he would blame the government and the people would believe him.

The question is, did Anwar employs the same tactic before when he was No.2 man in the government.Did he helps rig the election before or is he the only saint in that dirty outfit called UMNO and the rest of them are devilish and corrupted to the core.

It would also be interesting to find out why is Anwar very popular with Western leaders.Is he the man that the West see they could use to further their world dominion and economic control of this part of the world?

Most Malaysians would believe the conspiracy against Anwar but if I say the West conspired to kill the economy of China and other developing countries they wouldn't believe me.

The high price of crude has little to do with supply and demand, it was more due to speculation and concerted effort to slow down the economies of China, India and other emerging economies.What happened in Darfur, Sudan is a blatant display of Western hypocrisy and attempts at undermining the oil resources exploited by China and to lesser extent Malaysia.Major part of the oilfields were given to Chinese companies which didn't go down well with the West.They have a habit of wanting to control all the oilfields of the world particularly developing countries.Petronas has a small presence in the oilfields of Sudan.

Without speculative futures market the real price of oil should be hovering around the US$70-80 bencemark.

The West would like the rest of the world to maintain the status quo and reap the benefits of making those countries as their sources of supply of  cheap raw materials. Those are the very people who want to see Anwar to be the Prime Minister of this country.

Not all public opinion polls are accurate and how reliable is the one conducted by Merdeka Centre is any body's guess.

Even the best of the bests can make wrong predictions.In 1948 Presidential Election between Thomas Dewey and Harry S.Truman, Gallup and all other pollsters wrongly predicted victory for Dewey.In the 1976 Presidential Election Gallup again wrongly predicted the outcome, it predicted Gerald Ford to win against Jimmy Carter. 

In the forthcoming Permatang Pauh by-election, almost all predictions are in favour of Anwar Ibrahim.Some in UMNO have taken a defeatist attitude, given up hope of ever winning the seat, a few have called for UMNO to boycott the by-election.

Have they ever given the thought that after the 8 March General Elections some of the Malay voters might have changed their minds about Anwar Ibrahim ?

If they want a fair chance of taking on Anwar, UMNO must not field Mohd Ezam.They have to find someone who carry certain amount of respect in that area.Ezam probably make a better campaigner than as a candidate.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Buggers,Crooks And Scoundrels

Hantu Laut

The quintessential existence of our lives is the quietism of human behaviour.From the sublime to the ridiculous, we either accept human weaknesses with an open heart or let ourselves be mired in anger and hatred.

It takes all kinds that make this eternal sphere a joyous place to live in or a mirthless place of disappointment and misanthropic existence.

I received a letter from one Mrs Gloria Caldwell who is suffering from terminal cancer of the breast and would like to give away her inheritance to any good soul that can response to her appeal.

Below is Mrs Caldwell's letter and my response.

I know that this letter may be a very big surprise to you, I came across your email contact from my personal search and I believe that you will be honest to fulfill my final wish before I will die.

 I am Mrs. Gloria Caldwell from LONDON, I am 58 years old, and I am suffering from a long time cancer of the breast. From all indication my condition is really deteriorating, and my doctors have courageously advised me that I may not live beyond next month, this is because the cancer stage has reached a critical stage. I was brought up in a motherless baby’s home, and was married to my late husband for twenty years without a child. My husband and I are true Christians, but quite unfortunately, he died in a fatal motor accident.

 Since his death I decided not to re-marry, I sold all my inherited belongings and deposited all the sum of $3.2 Million dollars with a Financial Security Company. Presently, this money is still in their custody, and the management just wrote me as the legitimate depositor to inform me of the maturity date of my deposit or rather issue a letter of authorization to somebody to receive it on my behalf since I can not come over as a result of my illness, or they get it confiscated. Presently, I'm with my laptop in a hospital where I have been undergoing treatment and my doctors have told me that I have only a few months to live.

 It is my last wish to see that this money is invested in any organization of your choice and proceeds distributed each year among the charity organization, the poor and the motherless baby’s orphanage homes and widows around. I must let you know that this was a very hard decision, but I had to take a bold step towards this issue because I have no further option. I hope you will help see my last wishes come true.

 As soon as I receive your reply I shall give you the contact of the Security Company. I will also issue you a letter of authority, which will prove that you are the new beneficiary of my funds. Please assure me that you will act accordingly as I stated herein. Hope to hear from you soonest.

Please if you are really touched with my story and wish to assist me in getting this project done write via this email here:

Yours in Christ,
Mrs. Gloria Caldwell

My reply below:

Dear Mrs Gloria Caldwell,

Thank you for your letter and would like to convey my heartfelt condolence to you of your forthcoming demise.This is to inform you that I accept your generous offer and would be happy if you could remit the money to the following account:

Name of account holder: God
Account No. 0000
Name of bank:Celestial Bank Of The Universe

I would like to apologise for the pain and suffering you have endured the past few years as punishment of your evil ways.Since you have repented by showing remorse and taken to charity I have decided to stop the pain and suffering by taking your life immediately after you remit the money to me.

Your immediate action would be much appreciated.--------------------

Best regards

I am sure many of you would have received such letters recently or in the past.

It is amazing how the dark continent seems to produce endless number of this type of morons who think the whole wide world is made up of idiots like them. 

Nigeria seems to top the list.It probably has the highest number of conman per capita in the whole world.

Friday, August 1, 2008

"Do You Really Want Me to Unzip My Trousers, Sir?"

Hantu Laut

The professions of religiosity are no guarantee of moral behaviour.

Some used religion to camouflage their licentious behaviour and portray themselves as morally upstanding in the eyes of society. They crow devotion to traditional morality while pursuing their perverted scheme more rapaciously than the ordinary libertines and infidels.They can keep their clandestine relationship in a shroud of secrecy without a hint of its existence even to their marital partners.

They are not the Romeos or Don Juan that conspicuously display their wares and ways without an ounce of guilt.They are the morally upstanding and distinguished gentlemen of society with a closet full of skeletons hidden deep in their cloistered and abominable lairs. 

They are the hypocrites !

They are the thieves,corruptibles, adulterers,pedophiles and sodomites. The scums of the earth who hide their perverted behaviour and pretended to be the jewels of society.

I have nothing against gay people who came out in the open, at least we know their social attributes and sexual inclination and should be respected for their boldness in coming out of the closet. The worst type is the one that have no semblance of moral integrity and fool the whole world of their hidden devious and dubious double life.They are the congenital liars, born with intelligently skewed brain making them skillful masters of deception.

They are the hypocrites !

The world is not short of them, from the phallocentric pruriences to the perverted fiends,they have walked the corridors of power.

They are the hypocrites !

In English or more appropriately in Christianity we called such person a hypocrite, derived from a Greek word "hypokrisis".

In psychology such person is considered having character faults.

In Islam the person would be called a "munafiq".

The Koran says "When the hypocrites come to thee, they say, 'We bear witness that thou art indeed the Apostle of God.' Yea,God knoweth that thou art indeed His Apostle, and God beareth witness that the hypocrites are indeed liars." - (Qur'an 63:1).

They are the hypocrites !

Some of the worst examples of hypocrisy walking the corridors of power are shown below:

1. SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) - A former speaker of Puerto Rico's house of representatives had been sentenced to 13 years in prison after pleading guilty to attempted rape and two counts of giving alcohol to minors.

Edison Misla Aldarondo was convicted Tuesday of intoxicating his stepdaughter and her 17-year-old friend and attempting to rape the friend. He was sentenced to 10 years for attempted rape and received a pair of three-year sentences for the lesser charges, to be served simultaneously.

2.WATERBURY -- A previously undisclosed corruption investigation took a dramatic and unexpected turn Thursday with the arrest of Mayor Philip A. Giordano on federal charges that he enticed a child into a sexual relationship. 

Giordano, 38, the three-term mayor and Republican nominee for U.S. Senate last year, was arrested by FBI agents in New Haven at 7:45 a.m. and ordered held without bail as a flight risk and public danger. 

Within hours of the arrest, FBI and Internal Revenue Service agents seized records at city hall and searched the homes of Giordano and Thomas Ariola, the chief financial officer of city schools and a former city budget director

3.The Honorable Donald "Buz" Lukens was indicted in 1989 on a misdemeanor charge that he had sex with a teenage girl.  At a meeting, secretly taped by a television station, Lukens was confronted by the girls mother, who accused the BadBoy of paying for sex with her 16-year-old daughter.  Lukens was charged with contributing to the unruliness and delinquency of a child. (The prosecutor had wanted to bring a charge about an alleged incident between Lukens and the girl when she was just 13, but jurors determined that there was insufficient evidence.)
Lukens also got in trouble because of alleged fondling of a house elevator operator.
Then . . . in 1996, Lukens was convicted of accepting $15,000 in bribe money from operators of an Ohio trade school chain.  The two counts of bribery and one count of conspiracy could have meant 12 years in prison and a $500,000 fine.

4.SANTA ANA, Calif. -- In his glory, Michael S. Carona appeared to personify the righteous virtue of Orange County, the famously conservative bastion that three times elected him sheriff.

So it was a steep fall from grace when Carona was charged with corruption and mail fraud last October. Read the story here. 

We are always under the impression that those we love or those that we took a liking to are incapable of such hideous act.We believe and trust them without any questions asked.We are prepared to defend their integrity and moral values,believeing them to be true, against anyone who thinks otherwise.

History has shown that nobody is infallable including those who pretended to be so. We are divine creation and to err is human.

Very few politicians can claim they are spotless.

Anwar, maybe, is just one of them.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Wan Azizah:Desperate Needs,Needed Desperate Measures

Hantu Laut

Wan Azizah, the wife of Anwar Ibrahim has tendered her resignation as MP.Her letter was sent to Speaker of Dewan Rakyat Pendikar Amin.

The move is probably to get Anwar elected as MP before his court trail is over, if he is charged.

So his announcement of going for Kulim Bandar Baharu is just - Woof! Woof!

A risky decision to make in this most unpredictable time, assuming he is charged and lost the sodomy case brought against him.