Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Sleepless Night

Hantu Laut

Could not go to bed early so while cruising in cyberspace I came across this rather disturbing news report of multiple police reports made against a blogger who was alleged to have insulted Islam and questioned the rights of the Malay rulers.

Making police report is becoming fashionable nowadays.

The full story here.

You can read the blogger's piece here.

A bit overboard I would say.

Didn't know Raja Petra, whom many UMNO leaders claimed is a pauper, can afford to pay bloggers to pursue his war against the government.

Why would he needs to do that. His Malaysia Today is still available to Malaysians to read.

Monday, August 9, 2010

'Let Sabah deal with the illegal immigrants'

Hantu Laut

Obviously, the Federal government showed no interest in resolving the problem for political reasons.

This man should be made a Sabah minister. He has more sense and balls than some of our ministers who kowtowed to the Federal government who had acted most irresponsibly toward Sabah on the illegal immigrants issue.

A resolution should be passed at the State Legislative Assembly to ask the Federal government to hand over the responsibility to the state to get rid of the illegals.

By Ivan Ho

LAHAD DATU: A senior Barisan Nasional member here has called on the federal government to stop dragging its feet on the illegal immigrant issue in Sabah.

"There is no more need for studies or laboratories. It is time for action. If the federal government can’t do it, then give us the authority, financial resources and all the logistical help and we will do the job," Silam BN secretary, Kassim Sulaiman, said yesterday.

He said the illegal immigrant issue is a federal matter and the federal government should understand the legitimate fear that Sabahans harbour about being outnumbered by foreigners.

"Today, this issue has changed the demographic, economic and political landscape of Sabah and if left unchecked, is detrimental to Sabah's interest."

Kassim, who is also a Lahad Datu district councillor, said it was regrettable that the federal government was not acting simply because the issue was not deemed important (as stated by Minister in the Prime Minister Department Idris Jala in Kota Kinabalu recently).

"The federal government can't say that the problem of illegal immigrants is of no national importance and thus cannot be included in the NKRA (National Key Result Areas).

"The federal leaders know that Sabah has contributed so much to the country economically and politically, and so they should give priority to our main concern – the presence of illegals in the state.

"The attitude shown by the federal government is disappointing because Sabah, as a component of the nation, should be accorded better treatment."

Constitutional arrangement

Kassim said the fall of Sabah from one of the richest states in Malaysia to one of the poorest was alarming.

He added that he was made to understand that nothing concrete has come out from the laboratory studies on the (illegal immigrant) issue though recommendations had been made to federal government.

"Sabah is important to BN and as the second largest Umno state, it could play a pivotal role (in the country's politics). Therefore, Sabah's concerns are important," he said.

The federal government has no option but to include the illegal immigrant issue in the NKA, he said.

"Alternatively, through constitutional arrangement, equip Sabah with the power and adequate resources to deal with the matter.”

Source:Free Malaysia Today

A True Sabahan, The One Who Should Resign Is ...?

Hantu Laut

I am against massive street protests but would be quite happy with small gathering done in a civilised manner.

I hope and I do believe Anifah will put through his promise if the crackdown on small peaceful gathering continues.That's what all ministers should do, which is a rarity in Malaysia.
Most would shamelessly hang on to their jobs.

Sense of shame is not a common factor among our politicians particularly those in power.

I am not a supporter of the oppositions but would like to know.

The question for Anifah is to ask his comrade-in-arm the Minister of Home Affairs whether Suara Keadilan and the Rocket had become national threats for publishing unfavourable story about Felda?
Was there a law that says Felda has immunity and against the law to criticise?

Has he ever heard of a twofold blow or to be exact, a double whammy, which, by the way is against the law, you can't charge a person twice for the same crime.

Cowing, intimidation and unlawful force are crimes in any dictionary.The minister concerned should learn by heart Article 5 of the Federal Constitution regarding fundamental liberties.
He appears to have little regard for the Constitution

Felda has taken a libel suit against the publication and several Pakatan leaders on the issue. Is there a need to refuse giving the permit to them?

Every time the government do something like this they lose thousands of votes.

Maybe, the one who should resign is the Minister of Home Affairs not Foreign Affairs.

Full story here.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Wikileaks - A Lesson For America

Hantu Laut

Just a short commentary.

Caught in its own web of lies and deceits, America or rather the United States of America find itself stripped stark naked exposing its double-standard and hypocrisy.

When Wikileaks leaked highly sensitive military documents about its war atrocities the US bemoaned such revelation would expose its troops to danger and threatened to take action against the whistle blowers which it has in a few cases.

The US administration would have lauded such secret military leakages if it was from third world countries citing human rights as the basis of it support but when it comes to theirs........all human rights flew out of the window.

That's America's double standard.

... could become as important a journalistic tool
as the Freedom of Information Act.

— Time Magazine
We should support freedom of information, we should support Wikileaks.

Don't just stand by the side, those of you who has information on government and corporate wrongdoings send it to Wikileaks.

WikiLeaks to Publish New Documents Despite US Threats

The online whistle-blower WikiLeaks said it will continue to publish more secret files from governments around the world despite U.S. demands to cancel plans to... full story