Sunday, September 12, 2010

Terry Jones Koran Burning Encouraged And Protected By The 1st Amendment

The wacko pastor

Hantu Laut

Why is the world giving this wacko fantasist and know-nothing loony bin destined pastor a time of the day, I really don't know.

The man is a wacko not just by his promised cheap stunt but his wacky looks .

A publicity crazy loony who emits the world's biggest and stingiest fart that put jitters in the White House and the Pentagon, and the rest of the world in awful anticipation of that biggest and stingiest fallout from his anus.......the fumigation of any chance of peace and reconciliation between Islam and the his burning desire to incinerate Islam's holiest book

This parochial nitwit is, as we should have suspected, the reason of him being so, came from a small church parish that he ran with less than fifty in his usual congregation.A frustrated irreverent reverend wanting to spread his sphere of religious influence but not know how best to do it.

In his narrow circle of influence and perverse ignorance he stumbled on what he called the evil book of Islam that must be destroyed to save the world and to promote him and his little parish at no mean cost.

A splendid idea with a most dangerous consequence.A conjecture of medieval behaviour.A peculiarity of not particularly well-educated Americans who took their "1st Amendment" to extremity, as in the burning of the stars and stripes abhors many but made helpless by the 1st Amendment.

The White House and the Pentagon would suffer the biggest injury from this most unwanted and unnecessary exacerbation from one mad man protected by the over-zealousness of the 1st Amendment.

Time for change of your superfluous 1st Amendment, Mr President!

Terry Jones cracked the biggest joke that fooled America and the rest of the world.

He has no intention of burning the Koran, all he wanted was cheap publicity and he got it.

(Posted in Phnom Penh)

Sabah Born Penny Wong Made Australian Minister Of Finance.

Hantu Laut

Sabah born Penny Wong was made Minister of Finance in the new weak coalition government headed by Labour's Julia Gillard.

Wong is the first openly gay member of the Australian cabinet and first Asian born federal minister when she was appointed Minister of Climate Change in the former PM Rudd's government.

Born at Kota Kinabalu,Sabah to a Chinese Hakka father and Australian mother she left Sabah at very young age when the parents separated.She has very little connection left in Sabah other than an aging father who still lives in Kota Kinabalu.

Penny Wong is a lesbian and was the first sitting member of the Australian Labour Party to "come out" while still in parliament.

(Posted in Phnom Penh)

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Christian Taliban Remembering 9/11- A Fraudster

Hantu Laut

Exactly 9 years later the Christian Taliban wanted to burn the Koran in retaliation of 9/11 and in response to a proposal of building a mosque near Ground Zero.

The man, Rev Terry Jones, an obscured pastor from a small Florida church was probably looking for cheap publicity.He is now world famous for the wrong reason, at the price of insulting Islam.

Although, good sense eventually prevailed, the damage is done, he has upset the whole Muslim world by his mere suggestion of desecrating Islam's holiest book.

Latest release on Terry Jones cheap publicity trip here.

Terry Jones is nothing but a fraudster.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Eat,Pray,Hate,Don't Let Me Spoil Your Raya

Hantu Laut

This is what Muslims leaders should do ........condemnations when Muslims do wrong to spite other religions.

Stand by your values.

Eat, Pray, Hate

The threat to burn Qurans in Florida is a perfect example of the way America’s own Christian Taliban are creating, promoting, and exploiting our national paranoia.

How is it that so many Christians who teach that God is Love spend so much of their time hating? You’d think it would be enough of a challenge—and a reward—to read the Gospel, contemplate its message, and live by its principles. But no. There have always been hard-core Bible bangers who try to make their reputations by denigrating, desecrating, even conflagrating others. The self-promoting preacher down in Florida who is getting global attention at the moment for his plan to stage “Burn a Koran Day” on September 11 is just the latest example. (Let’s not satisfy his boundless vanity by naming him in print.)

Timothy A. Clary / AFP-Getty Images

Photos: Mosques in America

Mosques in America: Faith and Anger

What Rev. Bonfire claims he’s trying to do is respond to the tactics of “Muslims,” as he sees them; and to hear him tell the story they’re all pretty much variations of the Taliban. When Mullah Omar and his friends in Al Qaeda ruled Afghanistan, after all, they were great smashers and burners of “infidel” symbols, from the ancient artworks in the Kabul museum to the towering statues of Buddha at Bamyan. When Al Qaeda’s operational masterminds targeted the World Trade Center in New York, they were after what they saw as symbols of Mammon. But that’s them, and this is about us. The problem with emulating your enemy's tactics is that you risk being infected with his way of thinking, and what we are seeing now from Gainesville to Ground Zero looks very much like the Christian Talibanization of America. A lot of the furor about the proposed holy-book burning has been focused on the risk that it will further inflame Muslim anger and inspire terrorists recruits abroad, especially in Afghanistan and Pakistan. President Barack Obama said on ABC this morning that the pastor's "stunt" is a "bonanza for Al Qaeda." In fact, what Rev. Bonfire represents is a kind of fundamentalist rot that threatens American confidence and American values much more than anything being cooked up in Kandahar or Waziristan.

Lawrence Wright, the Pulitzer Prize–winning author of The Looming Tower: Al-Qaeda and the Road to 9/11, makes the point repeatedly that Osama bin Laden and his acolytes have no plan to govern, no real ideology. They distill everything to a simple message of humiliation, fear, and hate. In Wright’s stunningly reasonable and revelatory HBO documentary, My Trip to Al-Qaeda, his concluding argument is that the actions of the United States over the past nine years—the needless wars, the use of torture, the ascendance of bigotry—are following the script that Osama bin Laden and his éminence grise, Ayman al-Zawahiri, have written for us. “The Americans will terrorize themselves,” said bin Laden. “Al-Qaeda can’t destroy America,” says Wright. “Only we can do that to ourselves.”

Charles Bennett / AP

September 11th's Better Angels

How We Stood United After September 11

Rev. Bonfire and his buddies, unfortunately, are right on cue. And what’s worse, they are building on a long heritage of hatred and abuse. It’s not like they had to invent the dark side of Judeo-Christian culture that they exploit. The precedents date back to the Inquisition and the Crusades, and they were brought up to date by the totalitarians of the mid-20th century. The scapegoating of Muslims in America today plays on fear, prejudice, ignorance, and pride with techniques honed to near perfection by the Nazis and the communists in the 1930s.

Don’t Be a Sucker, a remarkable little film produced by the U.S. War Department back in 1947 warned Americans about this stuff when memories of what made the Nazis the enemy were still fresh in the minds of the Greatest Generation. The demagogues in Germany were not a majority at first—not even close—but they “used prejudice as a tactical weapon to cripple the nation,” an émigré explains. “Remember when you hear this kind of talk, somebody’s going to get something out if it, and it’s not going to be you.”

Today, cable television, talk radio, and the Internet are full of “news” and “commentary” exploiting the dirty tricks of the propaganda trade. One story on the Christian Broadcasting Network that is making the rounds on and elsewhere would have us believe that Muslims are bent on conquering France. A man is interviewed who says he “secretly” filmed some of them praying in the streets of Paris and blocking the roads (even though the film shows the main street is open). The cameraman’s face is hidden because, the report says, he fears retribution. Read more.