Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Guan Eng Must Protect His Family Good Name.

Hantu Laut

Guan Eng said today he was furious with the “barbaric lies” made about his teenage son by “pro-Umno ferocious beasts” and singled out Khairy Jamaluddin and other party leaders for perpetuating the allegations through snide comments on blogs and social media sites......Malaysian Insider.

The boy's grandfather Lim Kit Siang called it "gutter politics of the lowest I have seen in over 40 years of politics"

Opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim said it showed that UMNO leaders know no limits when it comes to clinging to power attacking not just leaders but their families.

Pakatan's leader and their families are like prophets, infallible to a fault, they have not and would not sin.

The question is why was the boy moved to another school if there were no truth to the story purportedly fabricated by UMNO.There are only three reasons I can think of why a student moved to another school. First, would be logistic, moving to a school nearer to where he stays, or he has shown to be unfit student and his presence has become untenable for the school and fellow students and, lastly, he is too bright for the school and need to move to a better school.

I am against slander whichever side it comes from, more so, if the person is a juvenile but if you are a public figure than you should expect that your whole family would be under scrutiny.

I am surprised that Pakatan leaders think they and members of their families have immunity against public scrutiny and odium.Are such opprobrium reserved only for BN leaders and the public should close their eyes and refrained from the disapprobation of Pakatan's leaders?

Who is Anwar to even dare comment on the case when his philandering ways are available all over the Internet and yet the holies of holies inexhaustibly still defended him and accused UMNO leaders of fabricating his entire sexual escapades.

It appears that Pakatan leaders consider illicit sex among politicians and public figures not morally wrong as long as they come from Pakatan.It is only wrong if it concerned BN leaders.

Watch the video below and see who are the gutter politicians?

Calling a press conference based on SD of a person of questionable character.

Who doctored this?

Now you know why he wants hudud in this country!

Don't do unto others what you don't want others do unto you.

Lim Guan Eng should take legal action against the perpetrators of his family good name.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Sue Taib If You Dare

Hantu Laut

If you can't walk properly, don't try to run, you may stumble, fall and break your neck.Read this sixes and sevens story.

I do not know Taib personally, you can sue him all the way to hell as far as I am concerned, if you have a case.

As West Malaysian would you have a case if Sabah and Sarawak Immigration refused you entry unless you fall into the categories of people under Section 65 of the Immigration Act 1959/63.

Read the relevant section below.

General powers of State authority

65. (1) In exercising his powers under Parts I to VI as a special law for an East Malaysian State the Director shall comply with any directions given to him by the State authority, being directions—

(a) requiring him not to issue a Permit or Pass, or a specified description of Permit or Pass, to any specified person or class or persons, or to do so only for a specified period or on specified terms and conditions;

(b) restricting the making of endorsements on a Permit, Pass or Certificate; or

(c) requiring him to cancel any Permit, Pass or Certificate issued to a specified person, or to deem a specified person to be an undesirable immigrant, or to declare that a specified person’s presence in the East Malaysian State is unlawful, or to order a specified person’s removal from the State.

(2) WheretheDirectortakesanyactioninobedienceorpurported obedience to any directions given under subsection (1), and there is an appeal to the Minister against that action, the Minister shall not allow the appeal without the concurrence of the State authority.

(3) An order under section 55 shall not have effect as a special law for an East Malaysian State, except so far as its provisions are by the same or a subsequent order applied to those purposes with the concurrence of the State Authority.

Restriction on citizen’s right of entry into an East Malaysian State

66. (1) Subject to subsection (2) and to sections 67 and 68, a citizen shall not be entitled to enter an East Malaysian State without having obtained a Permit or Pass in that behalf unless—

(a) he belongs to the East Malaysian State;

(b) he is a member of the Federal Government, or of the Executive Council or Legislative Assembly of the East Malaysian State (or of any Council having similar functions in the State);

(c) he is a judge of the Federal Court or of the High Court in Sabah and Sarawak, or is a person designated or nominated to act as such, or he is a member of any Commission or Council established by the Federal Constitution or by the Constitution of the East Malaysian State; orImmigration 59

(d) he is a member of any of the public services of the Federation, or of the public service of the East Malaysian State, or of a joint public service serving the East Malaysian State, or is seconded to any such service.

(2) Where a citizen is entitled to enter the East Malaysian State under subsection (1), the citizen’s children under the age of eighteen years and (if he is a man) his wife, if entering the East Malaysian State with, or to be with, the citizen, shall not be required by subsection (1) to obtain a Permit or Pass in that behalf.

(3) Where a citizen is not entitled to enter an East Malaysian State under this section, Parts I to VI, in their operation as a special law for the East Malaysian State shall apply to him as if he were not a citizen:

Provided that a citizen arriving in Malaysia in the East Malaysian State or in the other of the East Malaysian States, and proceeding to a part of Malaysia which he is entitled to enter, shall be entitled to such Pass as is reasonably required to enable him to do so.

(4) The burden of proof that a person is entitled to enter the East Malaysian State under this section shall lie on him.

I rest my case.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Obama's Fast And Furious Plot.

Hantu Laut

Obviously, I was not alone in casting suspicion on the American allegations of Iranian government plot to assassinate Saudi US Ambassador and planned terrorist attacks on US soil.

How in hell can you trust someone from a drug cartel? Obviously, the FBI and CIA did and with complicity of the White House.

Read on:

The fast and furious plot to occupy Iran

No one ever lost money betting on the dull predictability of the US government. Just as Occupy Wall Street is firing imaginations all across the spectrum - piercing the noxious revolving door between government and casino capitalism - Washington brought us all down to earth, sensationally advertising an Iranian cum Mexican cartel terror plot straight out of The Fast and the Furious movie franchise. The potential victim: Adel al-Jubeir, the ambassador in the US of that lovely counter-revolutionary Mecca, Saudi Arabia.

FBI Director Robert Mueller insisted the Iran-masterminded terror plot “reads like the pages of a Hollywood script”. It does. And quite a sloppy script at that. Fast and Furious duo Paul Walker/Vin Diesel wouldn’t be caught dead near it.

The good guys in this Washington production are the FBI and the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA). In the words of Attorney General Eric Holder, they uncovered “a deadly plot directed by factions of the Iranian government to assassinate a foreign Ambassador on US soil with explosives”.

Holder added that the bombing of the Saudi embassy in Washington was also part of the plan. Subsequent spinning amplified that to planned bombings of the Israeli embassy in Washington, as well as the Saudi and Israeli embassies in Buenos Aires.

The Justice Department has peddled quite a murky story - Operation Red Coalition (no, you can’t make that stuff up) - centered on one Manssor Arbabsiar, a 56-year-old holding both Iranian and US passports and an Iran-based co-conspirator, Gholam Shakuri, an alleged member of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps's (IRGC) Quds Force.

Arbabsiar allegedly had a series of encounters in Mexico with a DEA mole posing as a Mexican drug cartel heavy weight. The Iranian-American seems to have been convinced that the mole was a member of the hardcore Zetas Mexican cartel, and reportedly bragged he was being “directed by high-ranking members of the Iranian government”, including a cousin who was “a member of the Iranian army but did not wear a uniform”.

On top of it, he told the DEA mole that his Iranian government buddies could come up with “tons of opium” for the Mexican cartel (an Afghan connection, perhaps). Then they discussed a “number of violent missions" complete with Arbabsiar bragging about bombing a packed Washington restaurant used by the Saudi ambassador.

Holder characterised the whole thing as a $1.5m “murder-for-hire” plan. Arbabsiar was arrested only a few days ago, on September 29, at JFK airport in New York. He allegedly confessed, according to the Justice Department. Shakuri for his part is still at large.

Holder was adamant: “The United States is committed to hold Iran accountable for its actions.” Yet he stopped short of stating the plot was approved by the highest levels of the Iranian government. So what next? War? Hold your horses; Washington should first think about asking the Chinese if they’re willing to foot the bill (the answer will be no.) Read more.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Iran: Another Of America's Big Bullshit !

Hantu Laut

Another America's big bullshit excuse to bomb or invade another country and again at the behest of the same "no balls" regime Saudi Arabia, who can't fight its own war. Story here.

What benefits would Iran get by assassinating the Saudi's Ambassador to the U.S? It's absolutely ridiculous allegation.

Remember Iraq and Saddam Hussein's WMD (Weapon of Mass Destruction), the big lie that the US and Britain used as the excuse to invade Iraq.

The U.S also need to find a diversion from its own domestic problems.It is again entering a recession and possibly another financial debacle.

The "Occupy Wall Street" protests have spread to over 70 US cities. The White House need to fabricate something quickly to scare the American people and divert attention from its mounting domestic problems.

The Western's media will have a field day deceiving the American people into believing the threat from Iran and justification for war.