Thursday, December 12, 2013

Thursday, December 5, 2013

"Berani Kerana Benar" Adakah Melayu Ini Penakut ?

Hantu Laut

I am no fan of the AG and I don't know him personally, but I sit on the premise that no one should do a "statutory declaration" unless one has solid evidence in one own's person. 

Slandering someone based on third party provision (hearsay) is dangerous to the complainant.

Police report lodged against the AG, not by the accuser but by 5 opposition MPs who will also get their balls squeeze when the whole episode of this nasty bad blood come to light. 

"Berani kerana benar" kata pepatah Melayu, adakah Melayu ini penakut ?.....

Why did Mat Zain himself not lodge the police report, does he think he'll get away if he does not do it himself ?....... as the English say "give him enough rope he will hang himself". Has he gone beyond sense and sensibility and put his reputation on the line in making the SD?

Making false declaration, or making one on hearsay slandering someone is a serious matter. 

I salute Mat Zain if he is doing it for the sake of the country and not a personal vandetta. 

I'll give the AG the benefit of the doubt, he has two of the better genes......don't play play.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Times They Are A Changin: Change Or Sink Like A Stone

Hantu Laut

Read Outsyed The Box "PM Confirms Malaysia Will Go Bankrupt Under Him !!"

As they say "The road to hell is paved with good intentions" 

Good intention is meaningless unless followed through.

I am not a trained economist, a bloody accountant, or a wiz-kid of some kind, but my business sense, which I hardly use nowadays had grown sharper over the years for not being overused.

I am not against the GST as I do believe it is high time such effective tax mechanism be introduced in this country to compensate for the leakages through cheating and tax manipulation. However, such exercise would be futile and of no use if the government continued with its extravagant and corrupt ways. 

Show me a wise government that foolishly spent RM7.2 billion in consulting fees, has 1.4 million civil servants, almost half doing next to nothing and spending over 80% of its recurring budget for operating expenditure leaving less than 20% for development expenditure. 

No where in the world you can find such caring government.....where there is 1 civil servant for every 20 people.

In the 2014 Budget of RM264.2 billion, a sum of RM217.7 goes to operating expenditure and RM46 billion for development expenditure, a meagre sum by comparison. Malaysians have been had, we give our money to people who had no money sense.

This government is spending beyond its means, good money chasing bad money, indiscriminate and unconscionable spending that's going to bankrupt the country.

Najib's 1MDB is full of big talking men in dark suits that's going to screw the country big time   They proudly say that many of their bonds are not backed by government guarantees, but these bunch of shitheads forget that 1MDB is wholly owned by the Malaysian government and if 1MDB goes down the Malaysian government goes down with it and Malaysia's credit rating goes down the sewer and no one would want to touch Malaysia with a ten-foot pole.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Selangor (The Richest) versus Sabah (The Poorest)

Hantu Laut

How do you reconcile this erroneous labelling of Selangor the richest state and Sabah as the poorest state in Malaysia?

I say it's erroneous because of the state budgets, which make no sense at all. The poorest state (Sabah) has a budget two and a half times bigger than the richest state (Selangor).

Selangor, mind you, joyously claimed the biggest budget ever at a measly sum of RM1.8 billion, while Sabah, the pauper state has a budget of RM 4.6 billion.

So, who you think is a caring government, the one who dares to spend more for the people, or the one who hoards the people's money ?

How come a state with the highest per capita income in the country has such poor budget.

Now, you know why Azmin Ali covets the MB post, they have a miser running the state.