Saturday, February 1, 2014

Kajang: A Time To Kill

Hantu Laut

If you think you want to be more popular than Anwar, think again, it could be your political demise.

From Chandra Muzaffar to Zaid Ibrahim, many had vanished into political oblivion for wanting to enhance their popularity in the party, a forbidden territory exclusively the domain of Anwar Ibrahim and his family.

Be subservient, or be killed politically.

Kajang, Naib, Mahathir and UMNO were lame excuses, not the reasons. Wiz-kid Rafizi is becoming a clown.His circus act here.

Khalid Ibrahim was the reason, stood in the way of the treasury door and had become a torn in the flesh............ it's time to end his political carrier, Anwar style, pitting the pit bulls against each other......Azmin Ali vs Khalid Ibrahim.

Most of you would know Nathenial Tan, once upon a time a fervid supporter of Anwar Ibrahim.

Read what he has to say about Anwar.......

For years I defended Anwar Ibrahim. For years I defended PKR. I defended and I defended, until the day came where it became impossible to defend the indefensible. People always like to speculate whether people change their positions due to money. In all honesty, I think that’s a healthy speculation.

For too long now, I think Anwar, PKR and Pakatan have become convinced that they can get away with murder, because they believe those of us who hunger for change simply have no other options.

They assume we truly, truly will vote for Pakatan (and Anwar) no matter what, as long as no alternative (like another party, or say, Khalid) exists.I had always thought there was a limit as to how far they would go. It would appear not.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Enter...... Rafizi The Moron, Mahathir The Bogeyman

Hantu Laut

"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt"

A saying either by Abraham Lincoln or Mark Twain, or one copied the other, I am not sure who is the originator.

Nevertheless, Pakatan's Minister of Propaganda Rafizi Ramli has admitted responsibility for the debacle and is taking the fall for Anwar Ibrahim, or what he thinks he could get away apology on a rotten red herring ........because he thinks Malaysians are stupid.

He said "In all honesty, as the strongest proponent of the scheme, I bear most responsibility for the decision"

Let me take an excerpt from PKR Geobbels apology, who has now become the biggest moron in the Pakatan's outfit.

It is an open secret that the move to remove Datuk Seri Najib Razak has begun. As a party strategist, I cannot rule out the possibility that Najib is removed and Umno falls to the ultras led by Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s faction.
The unscrupulous attack and schemes to take Selangor by hook or by crook will begin the moment a weak Najib is removed.
Even as we speak, Umno’s cards are all too obvious in the latest round of racial and religious controversies stirred up in Selangor in the last few months.
Should Najib fall, expect a full-blown manipulation of racial and religious issues to create mistrust and frustration with the Selangor government. Read more here.

Haha!, now you know why Anwar did what he did. It is because of the soon to be ousted Najib and his tormentor Tun Mahathir, who supposedly is on the war path to remove Najib from his premiership. 

He said "The job is not done and we are about to face another round of onslaught from Umno"

Beware! Mahathir and UMNO, his army of marauders is coming to re-invade Selangor.

Of course, if you are Pakatan supporters you would swallow his lies hook,line and sinker, but for those who still have their brains intact in the right place apology Mr Geobbels Rafizi, you are the biggest bullshitter and if I may say a moron in the making. 

A pathetic lie even a child can see through.


Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Trusting Untrusting Anwar !

Hantu Laut

Why are there people still trusting this man? 

He has played out many of his comrades. The list of slayed friends can stretch as long as the Nile. The last one was Ansari Abdullah who has served him and PKR faithfully for 14 years, traded in for 2 frogmen from BN, who crossed over to him before the 13th GE.

That's Anwar for you.A friend in need, not a friend in deed.

Khalid will eventually face the same brutal treatment.

He said he will not be replacing Khalid as MB, but standing for ADUN just for the fun of it.

Yes, you heard me correctly, just for the fun of it.

The question I would like to ask Anwar Ibrahim is why degrade yourself to that level if you have no intention of ousting Khalid as MB?

Anwar knew fully well his coalition partners would support him when the time come to remove Khalid as they have told him in no uncertain terms that they cannot accept Azmin as MB.

It is obvious that he would rather sacrifice the less influential Khalid than ruffles the feathers of Azmin Ali, who holds him by the balls.

It is foregone conclusion that Anwar will with no sweat at all win the seat comfortably.

BN should boycott the by-election. 

Unfortunately, there are not many smart asses in that outfit to see the futility of such endeavour. Let's hope PM Najib sees it otherwise and not use his kangkongology to decide what best for him and his government.

Will Anwar be MB? 

Now that public opinion is going against him, he would not be taking over the MB position, but would still stand as ADUN.

Khalid would still be asked to leave or face vote of no confidence.

Someone from PAS, that can be easily manipulated, would most likely be given the MB position.

People are beginning to see the true colour of the man who wanted so much to be prime minister of the country, but may end up as menteri besar.

One day, Anwar must be put out to pasture.

Monday, January 27, 2014


Hantu Laut

There are many mercenary writers like this guy who indulged in idiotic spin. He may sound smart to many below average IQ Malaysians, but sorry to say, I am not buying. 

He pathetically compared 'apples and oranges' with complete disregard of proper technical analysis.

It's not rocket science to conclude that Mr Ng is nothing but a humbug.

Let's get down to the nitty-gritty of his pat and contrived comparison. I wouldn't bore you with the prolixity of a lengthy debate but get to finishing line as quickly as possible.

First and foremost, Norway is a much bigger producer of crude oil on much smaller population.

At its peak Norway produced 3.2 million bbl/per day, but now production has petered to about 2.0 million bbl/per day on a population of 5 million people. It is also the world's 3rd largest exporter of natural gas.

Simple arithmetic will tell you the amount of massive surpluses in oil revenue going into government coffers, hence, the massive sovereign funds and multiplier effect of more oil surpluses and dividends from sovereign funds. Norway needs not tap into the funds as yet and until such time it has exhausted its oil wells.

Malaysia, on the other hand, currently produce around 670,000 bbl/per day and export only about 270,000 bbl/per day and import another 160,500 bbl/per day of crude to supplement its domestic consumption. Of its natural gas production of 61.73 billion cu m, only 33.1 cu.m were exported. Latest census shows that Malaysia's population is now almost 30 million and has bigger land mass.

It's again not rocket science to tell you that Malaysia is not exactly net exporter of oil and to think that there are plenty of leftovers is wishful thinking and sheer foolishness.

Major portion of the recurring national budget and the huge unproductive subsidies are financed by profits from oil revenues.

Again, it is people like Mr Ng who benefitted from these subsidies.

By the way, non-oil producing Singapore is one notch higher than Norway in per capita income.

So, Mr Humbug Ng, if you can't tell the difference between the skin of an apple and that of an orange, .......please, don't ever try to sell something you have absolutely no clue about.