Hahaha! another sex video of Anwar and all fingers point to UMNO as the culprit.
Some people in UMNO may be incredibly stupid to try do it over and over again. They must be recalcitrant morons, brain dead, no new ideas how to fix Anwar Ibrahim.
Anwar's blinded die hard supporters won't believe it is Anwar even though the person in the video is a spitting image of him, it is not him. That's how good Anwar is in the art of histrionics. He has captured the people's imagination of him the good man.
After Sodomy I, Sodomy II and the China doll episodes, wouldn't he be wiser and would have swept the room for bugs and tiny cameras before indulging in his favourite pastime, if it was truly the case. These UMNO morons must be as nutty as a fruitcake to think Malaysians will buy this type of story against Anwar. Anwar is smart, cunning and fastidious and this kind of carelessness is not likely to happen to him, he can't be stupid time and again.
So, where that leads us to?
I can only come to one conclusion, logical illogical, it may be, a made by Anwar ' supporters videos not too far-fetched.
Why would they makes such videos to implicate him?
It is not to implicate himself but to inculpate Najib and UMNO, which they have succeeded extremely well so far, at least, among young people.
As I have said in my earlier posting Anwar has built an impenetrable shield around him and no shit, no matter how sticky and dirty it is, can penetrate the shield that gave him protection against public contempt and odium. This clever man has immunised himself so thoroughly, so well, no amount of shit can smear him.
Sodomy II was also, probably, staged with the active participation of Saiful to implicate Najib and destroy his reputation. Why would Saiful run to Najib first and not the police if he was truly sodomised against his will by Anwar ? Was he sent there with a specific mission?
It is one natural instinct, out of unrestrained anger, to seek justice and the appropriate place that comes to mind would be the police. Saiful did not know Najib that well yet he sought him out. Why?
The controversial video showing his illicit sexual tryst with a China doll is also highly suspicious as there are flaws in the video.
If it was truly an entrapment and a hidden camera was used to capture his act, why was there no recording of full frontal image of him on the video, if the camera was truly hidden and he was unaware of its location. The video only showed side profiles of him, every time, he passed the camera, intentionally designed to obscure the true identity of the actor and create skepticism among the public.
His good friend Datuk Eskay Abdullah who played a pivotal role in exposing the video and one who seemingly turned against him may not be what it seemed. Out of the three Datuks, only one may be completely innocent or guilty, the one that have an axe to grind with him, easily duped and roped in to lay credence to the belief that the plot was engineered by UMNO.
Now, a second video has appeared showing him in compromising position with another man.
The stills again showed only side profiles of him but one can still make it out, unless you are Anwar's blinkered supporters, it unmistakenly looked like Anwar Ibrahim, but certainly not Anwar.
Someone in UMNO must be really good, smarter than Spielberg, to be able to produce such fantastic humanoid CGI of Anwar Ibrahim.
What better ways to kill Najib and UMNO than this.
Many young Malaysians are bought that Anwar is the good man and Najib is the devil that they must get rid off.
I rest my hypothetical case. If it is truly people in UMNO doing it than they must be truly stupid. More story here.
Personality cult have existed from time immemorial.It generally started with hero worshipping a person which later can transform to personality cult when the person attained political power.This deification can eventually lead to dictatorship or absolute tyranny.
History has given us cult of personality in the regimes of Stalin,Hitler,Mao,Sadam Hussein,Kim II Sung,Pol Pot and others.It's more common in a totalitarian system but have also been known to exist in some democracies.Eva Peron and her husband Juan Peron are examples of personality cult in a democracy.
These type of leaders were presented as god-like and seen as infallible by those with blind loyalty.The degree of blind loyalty can extend from giving simple moral support to committing atrocities,murders and genocide to keep such leaders in power.
Since gaining independence Malaysia has not had such leader and even the longest serving Prime Minister Mahathir Mohammad would not fall into that category.
The support for Anwar Ibrahim is dangerously turning into a personality cult.Some of his supporters wouldn't give second thought to resort to violence to deliver their message.
If Anwar's support on the ground is strong his support online is phenomenal.The huge support from political blogs and blog readers have made it unbearably painful for the government of Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and an impossible task to turn the table against Anwar .It wouldn't be far off the mark to say that close to 90% of blogs and blog commentators were supporting him to be the next prime minister and Pakatan as their choice of government.
Any unceremonious story, past or present, on Anwar or his party members published by the mainstream media, true or false, would irk his supporters to no end.Some would counter such incidents with their own version of government conspiracy.Such was the case when 3 PKR Exco members from Perak were arrested for corruption.A pro-Pakatan blog has his story of conspiracy here
In the Permatang Pauh by-election Anwar would have an unassailable lead over BN's candidate Arif Shah Omar Shah.With a week to go to the poll not much change is expected to tip the balance in favour of the BN.
The BN, particularly UMNO screwed up the Anwar's issue big time.They have made a monster they are unable to control, a man seen by many a victim of government conspiracy.Its campaign against Anwar has gone completely gaga creating a bigger and angrier backlash instead of the desired outcome of bringing the voters back to the fold.
Sodomy II, named by his supporters, should not have been brought against Anwar even if there was a speck of truth in Saiful's claim.With the government's credibility at its lowest any attempt to demonise Anwar further would only bring more support to his side
Anything negative said of Anwar is incoherent to his supporters and majority would have no qualms using expletives and profanities to admonish anyone who dares to do so.A walk through Malaysia Today and Susan Loone's blog showed what a cause celebre Anwar is in blogosphere.
Harping on his sodomy issue and showing video of Saiful's swearing on the Quran is only going to add salt to the BN's wound and send charity knocking on Anwar's door.The BN campaign should have concentrated more on the 'whys' the people should vote for the BN candidate and the bigger benefits of doing so and less of the intrusion of Saiful's arsehole, which many Malay elders in the kampongs would find embarrassingly inappropriate subject to talk about over a cup of coffee.
Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, his cabinet and the government as a whole have to face the fact that the entry of Anwar to Parliament is imminent and face the fact that he is going to be a thorn in the flesh and a pain in the arse.
Why is the government dragging its feet on the investigation regarding Anwar's sodomy case.The recent disclosure by our iconoclastic Raja Petra of a medical report, not that I believe the report is conclusive, that confirmed the absent of any sign of buggery of the complainant Saiful has added more fuel to an already burning fire.The government should either release the result of the investigation without further ado or close the case if there were insufficient evidence to charge Anwar.
Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi must understand that public opinion is against his government and the longer the delay the more severe is the people perception of the government intention of trumped-up charges against Anwar. He will gain more ground with his sympathisers and supporters and is deemed innocent even if proven guilty.Even those sitting on the fringe are beginning to doubt the government sincerity in the case.
To make matters worse the emergence of an Uncle Pet, an uncle of Saiful, whose real identity is still not known and with an image that is not exactly an epitome of wisdom, although he might be completely innocent, is not adding any credibility to the story.
Why did the doctor at the private clinic released Saiful medical report to be made known to the public? He is an Anwar's sympathiser or a conscientious medical practitioner? How thorough was his examination of the patient? What kind of doctor is he that breached professional ethic? If he thinks his finding is correct and as a professional why not stands by his reports?
Below are some of the reactions of Anwar's supporters and sympathisers taken from various blogs:
1.Raja Petra, I SALUTE U !!!!
Pandan muka Saiful & family. Becareful, if I ever meet him I will shaff a durian up his ASS! Never know how LOW can a person go to prostitute himself in the name of $$$$$!!!
2.AG first fellow who should kena `taro`. He ordered the wrongful arrest. That also abuse of power.AG must be suspended immediately and placed under house arrest.
3.“Shove a durian” into his @SS”. Might I add a batang penyapu?
4.Now this Sinfool (Saiful) guy has really screwed himself! I can tell you his arsehole is getting bigger everyday!
5.I think the whole pack of government lackeys are clowns.It is like a circus show showing the government fooling Malaysians to believe the sodomy case of Anwar.Now,the cat is out of the bag and Malaysians can throw shit at the Home Minister who is a disgrace in trying to spread lies with facts to foreign dignitaries recently.What a nincompoop Minister he is and I hope he sinks his face in the mud to escape embarrassment from them later.
6.Saifool has now become a pain in BeeEnd's Arse.Sakit!!!
7.RPK ain't a doctor, but in this case, RPK aint the only one spinning out of control.First it was a meliwat thingy.Then they checked DSAI's private part.Followed by the allegation that it ain't a dick to anus thing, but a plastic insertion matter.Then the doctor disappeared, just like that Private Eye.C'mon, folks, what else the authority has to spin?
8First it was a meliwat case.Then DSAI got his dick checked.Followed by the "plastic insertion" thing.What's next?Broom stick??Aiyoh !! Please lah !! Enuf already lah !!!
Those comments are not from Malaysia Today but taken from other top blogs in the country.
It looks like that Saiful only had simple flu at his rear end.
Below is Uncle Pet's reaction to Raja Petra's redemption of Anwar.