Friday, April 15, 2011

In The Land Of The Blind The One-Eyed Man Is King

Hantu Laut

I can't believe this kind of spinning can come from a purportedly intelligence man like Haris Ibrahim

He said the two-part interview aired during prime time on Wednesday and yesterday was heavily edited and distorted in favour of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak, to give him a “squeaky clean” image to the people in rural Sarawak, who have only access to mainstream media, ahead of the state vote.

Did Ibrahim read what Raja Petra wrote in his blog and what he said on TV, where were the great divide, the variance between the two, or he just watch the TV and spun a story that the tape was hyped by the UMNO controlled network.

If you want to spin a yarn just make sure you first learn to do it properly.

Give Najib A Chance

Hantu Laut

“No religious community should be subjected or forced to conform to the religious rules of another religion. Religious freedom is the very essence of justice and fair play, and forms the very foundation of any great democratic nation,” said the MCCBCHST (Malaysian Consultative Council of Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism and Taoism)

A message to the government amply given at the right time.

Najib, maybe, our only hope for religious freedom in this country.Going by his past actions he has the will to follow through what he promised.I believe the people should give him a stronger mandate to enable him to deal with the extremists within his fold.There are elements in his own party that pushes their own religious philosophies without any consideration for other religions.They either needed to be tamed or booted out.

If Malaysians think Pakatan Rakyat would be a better alternative for religious freedom than the are very wrong.There are two elements in that coalition of convenience that I don't trust, Anwar Ibrahim and PAS.

Anwar has the versatility of a chameleon that can change colours to suit his surrounding.PAS, has openly declared that they would want an Islamic state and hudud law implemented if they get Putrajaya.When it come to the crunch of keeping the premiership Anwar would side with PAS.The secular DAP would be left high and dry if PAS and PKR have clear majority to keep the government.

I hope the people of Sarawak would vote wisely and not vote with their feet.

Beware of "wolves in sheep clothing" and do not throw the "baby out with the bathwater"because of one man

Give Najib a chance to prove himself.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Pakatan's Saturday Night Fever

Hantu Laut

The beast rares its ugly head at every elections........phantom votes, tempered electoral rolls, votes buying, cheating, intimidation and last but not least an Election Commission subservient to the ruling party......accusations hurled at the government by Pakatan Rakyat at every elections.

I can't understand how Malaysians got suckered into believing that these accusations were all true.Pakatan feeds on lies and delusions.They eat lies for breakfast, lunch and dinner and than they shit lies all over the country.

If they were true how in hell the opposition managed to wrestled 5 states and denied the BN of two-thirds majority in the 12th General Elections.

Read this.

Will Pakatan get the 'Saturday Night Fever' this Saturday.

With the exception of DAP who may capture significant number of seats, the rest of the gang may need to be hospitalised.

Sarawakians are no hillbillies as Pakatan made them out to be.There won't be any tsunami either.Sarawakians can think for themselves. The East Malaysians know when is the right time to change the government.

Raja Petra Dropped The Bomb!

Hantu Laut

Most unexpected.Raja Petra has finally come out with the truth and the people behind his statutory declaration.A bombshell, a real shocker....the people behind the conspiracy to stop Najib from becoming prime minister. Anwar involvement can be expected but Tengku Razaleigh??

I know John Pang was a close aide to Tengku Razaleigh because he has corresponded with me when I wrote an article on Tengku Razaleigh when he was vying to stand as president of UMNO but did not get enough nominations.If I am not mistaken Razaleigh only managed one nomination from his own division of Kubang Pasu.

The world of politics is intriguing and full of surprises and as they say in politics you don't have permanent enemies and friends.A foe today can be your friend tomorrow.

Read Raja Petra's explosive expos'e here and here

Here, what I wrote about heresay statutory declaration.

This and the yet to be disclosed video tape could be the ultimate scupper....... the sinking of Anwar Ibrahim and the Pakatan's ark.

Just watch what Anwar and Pakatan's reaction would be like, their typical antics of denial and accusation would be spontaneous.................the headline would read "Raja Petra Bought By Najib" or "Raja Petra A Blatant Liar" or something to that extant......and the whole Pakatan's world would explode in spontaneous combustion in condemnation of the man they used to love.

Also read:

Anwar Ibrahim’s Double Game: The Muslim Brotherhood’s Chosen Man Stumps Among the Christians