Showing posts with label Civil Unrest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Civil Unrest. Show all posts

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Is Malaysia Heading For Trouble?

Hantu Laut

I don't care which side win or lose but we, the people, must keep the peace and harmony that have prevailed for decades in this beloved country of ours.

Pakatan Rakyat dirty campaigning and hate messages have gone dangerously close it inciting a putsch ........inciting the public to take the law into their own hand.  

Is PR readying for a "Malaysian Spring" that Anwar Ibrahim had contemplated a while ago because he knew he and his PR coalition partners are not going to win this "battle of the bulge".

Below is just one of many messages to Pakatan Rakyat supporters from a blogger bend on creating chaos in the country. 

UMNO / BN are making ready to cheat us at the polls.
I have received intelligence reports that if we can prevent this cheating. we will take Putrajaya with 126 parliamentary seats.
We can only do this by preventing the foreigners from voting.
I have previously appealed to you to remain at your polling stations after you have voted, to defend the same.
I make the same appeal now.
However, I am going to list below the constituencies that are particularly vulnerable and, based on information coming in, are where the foreigners are expected to be deployed.
We need you to defend these constituencies.

Read more here.

Spreading such lies and antipathies against the current regime is widespread in pro-oppositions blogs and social media.

Lies, such as massive number of foreigners being brought in by BN as phantom voters boggles one's mind of the incredulity of such stories and as stupidly as putting on pro-Pakatan blogs, social media and news portal pictures of Bangladashis fully attired in BN livery arriving at various airports in this country. 

Anwar himself openly propagates such lies here.

Is it history repeating itself? 

Some of you either too young to remember or wasn't born yet.The Baling incident of December 1974 and students demonstration led by Anwar Ibrahim supposedly of villagers starving to death in Baling, Kedah because of shortages of food. It was later found that no such incident have occurred. A man who acted on instinct rather than finding the truth first before leaping into the quagmire. Going to the streets have always been his modus operandi.

I could list all the lies this desperate man had concocted over the years but it would be just a futile journey as almost all pro-Pakatan supporters are bought of his innocence. They see Anwar as the "messiah" and can do no wrong. History behold! That's how tyrants are throned.

They have cooked enough lies, tall stories and exaggerations to justify them going on the streets should Pakatan failed to win the elections tomorrow.

Let's keep level-headed and hope no such civil violence will occur whichever side win or lose the elections.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Will There Be 1 Million Cows?

Hantu Laut

Today is D-Day.

It has nothing to do with the invasion of Normandy by Allied Forces on June 6 1944 to liberate mainland Europe from the Nazi and the evil empire of Hitler.

Today's D-Day is the invasion of our capital city by 1 million cows to liberate Malaysia from the evil regime of the Barisan National.

This is the final rehearsal preparing for a real Tahrir Square type revolution in the event Anwar Ibrahim and Pakatan Rakyat lose the 13th GE, which is very likely as all pointers show BN will win with a comfortable majority, not enough to get back its two-thirds, but enough to put the kibosh on Anwar and Pakatan Rakyat and frustrate PAS ambition of turning Malaysia into a Saudi Arabian type Islamic nation with hudud law for all and sundry.

The non-Muslims, except for the cowed ones, are beginning to see the real danger of Malaysia becoming a theocratic state.

As it will be his last stand, Anwar will not accept defeat graciously.

The BERSIH cows trained and prepared by Anwar and Ambiga will march the streets of the capital citing massive cheating by the BN and incite the people to revolt.

Will there be 1 million cows today?

If there is..... a real revolution is in the making!

Itu lah orang Melayu kata "dikasi betis mahu paha" dan orang Sabah kata "dikasi kaki mahu kepala". 

You see! That's what Najib has given this country........ buoyant freedom never seen before.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Is Anwar Ibrahim Above The Law?

Hantu Laut

Malaysians in general and the Western media in particular would make a hero out of Anwar Ibrahim even if he is defiant of the law.

Is Anwar above the law or does he thinks he is above the law? Is he to be treated differently from other ordinary Malaysians? What makes he thinks he has immunity from being issued with an order to present himself at the police station for questioning? Are they not just excuses to provoke the police to arrest him so we Malaysians can make a hero out of him.

He is no Nehru,Ghandi or Mendela. If he had been selfless and as noble as those three gentlemen I would have great respect and sympathy for him, but he is not.His thirst for power has passed the threshold of decency, it's pure greed and self-glorification.

Many Malaysians still can't see through this man and where he is taking this country to.His dramatic and dreadful display of playing the victim to rile up his supporters into a frenzy has been his trade mark since his ABIM days.He has no respect for the democratic process, he glorifies demonstrations,intimidation and coercion as the right process to demolish an elected government. 

The government may be corrupted,useless and led by a lame-duck prime minister but, what's the hell, the people had made their choice.

We have rightly or wrongly, put our fate in a government we chose and change if we had to, must be through the democratic process, unless Anwar Ibrahim sees it fit to start a rebellion against the government, which he is trying hard to do by arousing the sentiments of his supporters, to create civil disorder, which may and can lead to general chaos or even rioting.

Just go to any of the popular blogs in this country and see for yourself the kind of comments his supporters and blogs that support him make.He has become a cult figure to them. Any negative comment on Anwar would turn them into wild animals ready to jump on you and tear you to pieces.These are people who speaks about democracy and clean government but can only behaved in most uncivilised manner.It wouldn't be my wild imagination how scary it would be to put thousands of his diehard supporters on the streets.

Does Anwar cares whatever going to happen to this peaceful nation.I think he wouldn't give a damn as long as he can gain power, by hook or by crook.

Anwar's deleterious way will be his downfall again.