Showing posts with label Mat Sabu. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mat Sabu. Show all posts

Monday, September 12, 2011

Hisham! What Crime Has Mat Sabu Committed?

Hantu Laut

Hishammuddin Onn, keeper of the Grand Duchy said it is up to the AG (Attorney General) to charge or not to charge Mat Sabu here and also signifies that the ISA would not be used, not yet anyway, against Mat Sabu here. Which means he is keeping his option open in the event the AG couldn't find appropriate section of the law to charge poor Mat Sabu for expressing his unworldly opinion.

Hishammuddin said there were other laws available that could be applied towards Mat Sabu’s alleged remarks, but did not specifically identify the offence the opposition leader may have committed.

I wonder which law Mat Sabu has broken for the Minister to even dare broach the idea of charging him? Are we really running out of the right to free speech? It is his opinion and as ridiculous as it may sound I do not think he has broken any law.

Malaysia do not have any anti-denial law like those passed in Germany and a number of European countries making it a criminal offence to deny that the "Holocaust" ever happened. Many historians are critical and against the law which they claimed suppressed the universal right to free speech.Most holocaust deniers perceived the 'Holocaust' as a Jewish conspiracy to advance Jewish interest at the expense of other people.

Is Mat Sabu a denier, a historical revisionist or a shit-stirrer? I am not sure which section of the law is applicable for dealing with buffoonery? I would say something laughable rather than an offence.

You can criticise, condemn, ridicule or poke fun at Mat Sabu but to charge him with an offence for saying the attackers of Bukit Kepong were the real heroes (which I disagree in my earlier posting) is totally absurd.

I'll be surprised if the AG would have the conscience to charge him.I'll be even more sorry for UMNO if the Home Minister decide to use the ISA on him.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Bukit Kepong: Malaysia's Alamo

Hantu Laut

The issue of Bukit Kepong is getting hotter each passing day, both sides of the political divide are not giving up.I am not a fan of people who tries to rewrite history to suit their political agenda and ridiculous propaganda.

Mat Sabu claiming that the commies were the real heroes is just playing to the gallery...... the target audience ?............ the young uninitiated pea-brained Malaysians that you find all over the blogosphere with their bad English and nasty comments......and so easily indoctrinated.

Below are some excerpts from Wikipedia on what happened on that tragic day 23 February 1950 at Bukit Kepong:

The incident started just before dawn with the Communists launching a guerrilla assault on the police station leading to the deaths of almost all of the police officers stationed there. When they began the siege, the attackers strongly believed that they would be able to defeat the policemen and gain control of the police station within a short span of time. This is due to several factors in their favour: their arms and numerical superiority and the relative isolation of the station. The battle began at about 4:15 am.

According to eyewitness accounts, there were about 200 Communists attacking, led by Muhammad Indera, a Malay Communist. Despite the odds, the policemen led by Sgt. Jamil Mohd Shah, refused to surrender, although numerous calls by the communists for them to lay down arms were made. Several officers were killed as the shooting continued and two wives of the defending officers took up arms when they discovered that their husbands fell in battle.[2]

Desperate and alarmed at the defenders’ tenacity, the Communists captured one of the officers’ wives and threatened her at gunpoint to urge the policemen to surrender. The defenders replied that they would never surrender and continued fighting. Another wife of the officers and her daughter were also forced to do the same. Their refusal then resulted in their execution.[citation needed]

In the final hours of the fierce battle, the Communists set fire to the officers’ barracks and station. Two women and their children were burnt to death in the married quarters. At that point only 3 policemen plus a village guard were still alive. They rushed out from the burning station, unable to withstand the heat. They then assaulted the Communists position, killing at least 3 of them.

Only about five hours after the first shot was fired did the communists manage to break their defences and set the place ablaze. They then retreated into the jungle.

14 policemen, 4 village guards, 3 auxiliary policemen, wife of Abu Bakar Daud (one of the surviving policemen) and three of their children were killed in the incident. The total number of deaths is 25. Those who survived the bloody encounter are 4 policemen and 9 family members including their wives and children. Read the full story here.

Almost all killed in action that day defending the police outpost were Malay policemen and their families against 200 commies.There was no European or British casualty.

Mat Sabu really need to apologise to the Malays.

Also read:

Kin wants Mat Indera named freedom fighter

Friday, September 2, 2011

Mat Sabu's Sword Of Damocles

Hantu Laut

Too much have been said about Mat Sabu's version of the nation's communist chronicle. A mangling of the nation's historical events for political expediency that may turn sour.

Not many Malays would agree with Mat Sabu, be they in UMNO, in PAS or those without any political affiliation.

Communism has always been the enemy of the Western democratic system which we have inherited.There is no nice connotation that can be associated with communism which, more often than not, resorts to armed struggle to bring down elected governments.

Malaysiakini glorifying communism.

The Emergency years in the than British Malaya and later Malaysia was, nonetheless, an armed struggle by communists to takeover power openly backed by the Chinese Communist Party of China.

It is not about chasing out the British for the independence of a democratic nation but rather the installation of communist regimes throughout South East Asia. In furtherance of that cause Malaya and Singapore were chosen as the stepping stones due to the significant Chinese population.

Twisting of the history book and glorifying communism for the sake of political expediency by a top leader of PAS is indeed disturbing to the families of those who lost their lives in defending the nation's freedom and those with anti-communist sentiments.

Mat Sabu is playing the devil's advocate hoping to ride on the Chinese votes for PAS bigger political agenda.Some members of DAP espoused such idea that the communists in CPM (Communist Party Of Malaya) were the true freedom fighters and liberators for independence of Malaya. In the past the Chinese were infidels, today they are comrades of PAS leaders.

Mat Sabu over-hyped the communist insurgency.As far as the Malays are concerned he has hung the sword of Damocles over his head.