Sunday, March 7, 2010
Victim Of Defending Allah
"Cakap tak serupa bikin" is a Malay saying meaning 'not doing as one says'
The sacking of Zulkifli Nordin was expected.It's a good political strategy by PKR to preserve the status quo and the 'marriage of convenience' and save the image of PKR before Nordin decides to dump the party.
The rise of Pakatan Rakyat in the 12th General Elections was due to the general perception that Malaysians have lost their basic freedoms to a tyrannical and corrupt regime.They have lost the right to act,speak or think as one wants without hindrance.The connivance of the powers that be, robbing the nation of its resources and infringement of human rights, were inferred in the people's mind.Malaysians, were in a state of hopelessness until the rise of Pakatan Rakyat where it is assumed people can speak,think and act freely.Differences of opinion would be respected and tolerated.In a bigger sphere of things it should encompass all the basic human rights at no cost.
Is it what it seemed?
PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim said there is nothing personal in the sacking of Zulkifli Nordin, it's just a move to uphold the principles of Pakatan Rakyat (PR).
What are the principles of PR? Aren't the above-mentioned freedoms the principles and promises made to the people.Weren't they the ones you askance and fought, tooth and nail, in the last general elections.
If your own lawmaker do not have the freedom to express his religious beliefs and stood by his principles what chance would the people have when you become the powers that be?
Anwar went on to explained that the severe punishment was not due to political expediency but to uphold justice, Pakatan's style.
Short of saying Pakatan does not tolerate dissenting voices, it's total obedience or hell be with you, he seemed contented with his explanation.
It seemed Anwar missed the point between political expediency and political openness.The sacking of Zul is certainly in pursuit of political expediency.The party have scored more credits by sacking him rather than if Zul were to resign, which would be seen as dumping the party, an action taken by the three previous MPs that left the party.
Should a man be punished for his religious beliefs?
Sure, in politics one is expected to toe the line but than Zulkifli's lamentation is not about politics, it's not about party principles, it's about his religion which he felt strongly about.
Has Pakatan declared agnosticism as one of its principles? Since PAS associates itself with Islam it would be interesting to hear what PAS has to say about its stand on the parameters of Islam in the coalition.
Although I do not support the government's stand on the Allah issue, I do believe everyone should have the freedom to express his/her views on the matter and Zulkifli has every right to defend himself for his religious beliefs.
It's obvious that Anwar is under pressure from DAP and PAS to get rid of Zul before he gets rid of them.It is also obvious that Anwar and Pakatan have no stomach for differences of opinion.
Psychology is the scientific study of the human mental functions and behaviours and it is not hard to read what the future beholds with such leaders.Malaysia may be heading for worst time, a totalitarian regime
Penang and Selangor have shown their inclinations by their high-handedness.
Penang's Lim's absolute power to rescind any government contracts without giving any reason whatsoever and Khalid's retaliation of repossessing YBK's land in spite of the fact that a third party has sent him payment for the outstanding amount owing by YBK can be deemed as totalitarian tendencies.
Putting self-interest aside, no government would resort to such drastic measure if payments have been made, where delay or deferment, was with the indulgence of the state government,irrespective past or present, such indulgence is an agreement.
Zulkifli Nordin may be good riddance for now but it will have far-reaching consequence in the Malay hinterland.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Zulkifli Nordin Departure Inevitable
PKR leaders are, what my old school principal, would call "sour grapes".
What else can they say.
Instead of looking at their own flaws they flawlessly blamed others.
Not once, not twice,not thrice but all the times.
It's Najib and Rosmah again here.
The wizard and the witch.
Bewitching PKR's lawmakers with charms and money.
Aren't we tired of hearing the same cloying story every now and then.
They were good men when in PKR.The moment they left they are corrupt,dishonest, untrustworthy and good riddance.
The last of the Mohican? Nye!
Watch, Zulkifli Nordin, he'll be walking out of the party sooner than anticipated.
He got into trouble because of the Allah issue, therefore, he wasn't wrong when he walked out of the disciplinary board and demanded an all Muslim panel to try him.
How could you have two Christians, one Hindu and only one Muslim to hear his case when the issue is about Islam.
Zulkifli should get the message, it's untenable for him to stay.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Return Of Mr Bigot
File picture of Zulkifli Nordin (extreme right in songkok) at the Bar Council meeting.(Malaysian Insider) I wonder who's that guy in dark blue jacket,he looks more angry than Zulkifli.
The controversial Mr Bigot returned, unrepentant and defiant.
PKR MP Zulkifli Noordin has come out of hiding, still with heavy chips on his shoulder, insisted he was right in what he did at the Bar Council forum.
He said "For me Islam comes first. I am a Muslim first, a party member second. A Muslim first, a lawyer second. A Muslim first, an MP second.
"You attack Islam, I'll be there, even if I have to do it on my own.
Whatever it is, Islam comes first,"With air of arrogance and a quirky show of grandstanding he said that sensitive matters should be discussed behind closed doors with the relevant agencies.
"When you talk of sensitivities of others, do so behind closed doors and only invite those in authority. Don't invite any Tom, Dick or Harry. You can talk about Islam but you cannot talk for Islam.
"I don't call any mamak chendol or kacang putih seller to talk about Hinduism, do I? That would only look stupid. I would call the priest, the authority and then I can get a better picture on Hinduism.
"Just because some mosquito group of Muslims start talking about Islam, they represent Islam. I don't think that is fair.
"We have authorities, Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (Jakim), Yayasan Dakwah Islam Malaysia, IKIM, UIA ... we have a lot of authorities. Why invite those mosquitoes?
"We have to respect each other's rights.We Muslims have been tolerant enough all this while, for so many years we have been asked, forced to live under the law that is not Islam. We have been forced," (Malaysian Insider)He also accused the Bar Council of being 'anti-Islam' and would ask Parliament to sanction the Bar Council, whatever that mean.
Gosh! For so many years we have been forced to live under the law that is not Islam. Did somebody say this guy is a lawyer.I wonder which law school he came from. What have the Bar Council got to do with the nation adoption of secular law.To be precise it is people like him who is responsible for the legislation and abrogation of the laws.That's why he is called a lawmaker or member of parliament.
Even more absurd our bigoted MP failed to realise that it is the Muslims who are in control of this nation, not the non-Muslims or the Bar Council.If he is unhappy the right forum to thrash it out is in Parliament or thrash the PM why are we not under Islamic law.
A leopard will never change its spot and this leopard is using Islam in furtherance of his political career, a brand tag used by every PAS politicians.
Wrong party lah, YB?